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On 09/03/2020 at 20:58, alexxxxx said:

Whole of Italy now quarantined 

Guy on the radio this morning said he had just arrived at Gatwick from Northern Italy. No checks on landing and was allowed to leave airport and get train.

Are the containment plans just really ill thought out or just no point stopping it as we are all gonna get it.

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7 hours ago, Uptherams said:

We haven't reached the tipping point yet. I've seen the modeling numbers and the expected number of infections and deaths on day 1-150 and the government can only delay the spread by a few days. They are buying time while they can. They know at a certain day in the outbreak, they have to take all the same steps as Italy. But we aren't there yet so they have time to prepare. They need society to continue to function to allow more time to prepare. All we are essentially doing, by taking the steps a little sooner, is delaying the inevitable by 1-2 weeks. 

Italy, based on the modelling, will have 5,000 deaths total in 2 weeks time. However, hopefully they won't and that will show that the measures their government are taking, are working. 

Really interesting, thx for that. So when Bojo is telling us there is no need to stop public gathering/sporting events as it could have negative effects, he is not telling us the whole story ?

There is an article in the Times this morning about the outcome of the meeting between government and sports organisations. It says that a lot of EFL clubs are very worried about a ban on spectators attending fixtures as their income relies on gate receipts a lot more than the PL (no poo!). Some could actually go under as a result.

I am surprised nobody has mentioned suing China,  Donald over to you...


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I dont really understand our governments approach to this to be fair. I would have thought taking stronger measures now would have been better than waiting for it to spread more. Guess they're trying not to spook the markets any more than they are... 

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Sith Happens
30 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

I dont really understand our governments approach to this to be fair. I would have thought taking stronger measures now would have been better than waiting for it to spread more. Guess they're trying not to spook the markets any more than they are... 

Its a tough one, probably not just about not spooking the markets but about not spooking the public too.

I understand not wanting to go into lockdown or anything yet, i would have thought maybe they would at least be encouraging working from home, at least for the vulnerable, where possible. Not everyone can and there lies an issue, but I would have thought a decent amount of the workforce could which would not just protect those working from home but those others than can't as it reduces the number of people they may come into contact with.

There will also be a financial aspect to it as we try and avoid businesses going out of business. At least it looks like the superstores will be doing well out of it ?


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1 hour ago, alexxxxx said:

I dont really understand our governments approach to this to be fair. I would have thought taking stronger measures now would have been better than waiting for it to spread more. Guess they're trying not to spook the markets any more than they are... 

Shutting schools etc. takes workers out of the economy... many of whom are care workers, NHS, police etc.  It causes knock-on problems. They will hold off until it's absolutley vital.  I dare say they are hoping the timing aligns with the Easter school break which minimises the impact (except on all of our holiday plans).

17 days to that Easter break starting...

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2 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Shutting schools etc. takes workers out of the economy... many of whom are care workers, NHS, police etc.  It causes knock-on problems. They will hold off until it's absolutley vital.  I dare say they are hoping the timing aligns with the Easter school break which minimises the impact (except on all of our holiday plans).

17 days to that Easter break starting...

I work in a prison. We know the approach. I've been impressed with the plans already in place. 

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If you feel ill, unless you're seriously unwell, stay at home. Doesn't seem so complicated?

Work have told us the same, don't fight illness at work, go home for a few days and remember to be hygienic. What concerns me is the amount of fatalities in Italy to the number of cases. Is this down to a more aggressive strain of the virus or is it the case they don't have the same levels of hygiene as we do?

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1 minute ago, SouthStandDan said:

If you feel ill, unless you're seriously unwell, stay at home. Doesn't seem so complicated?

Work have told us the same, don't fight illness at work, go home for a few days and remember to be hygienic. What concerns me is the amount of fatalities in Italy to the number of cases. Is this down to a more aggressive strain of the virus or is it the case they don't have the same levels of hygiene as we do?

The % of their population that's 65 years old or more is the highest in the world outside of Japan. I assume that's a major influence.

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1 hour ago, SouthStandDan said:

is it the case they don't have the same levels of hygiene as we do?

Put it this way - my mum once idly commented on an italian bloke in the restaurant on holiday "oooh I wouldn't kick him out of bed"

My Dad, glanced over and without missing a beat said "you wouldn't have to, he'd just slide out"


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1 minute ago, Van Cone De Head said:

Had 18 pallets of Cushelle at 10 but that’s gone at 1 case per person,no milk but we’re ok on everything else.

Sales are 100% up.

Absolutely insane.

Just been to Aldi for our weekly shop (only because there is no Waitrose nearby you understand) and there was plenty of everything on the shelves. Same on Saturday when I had to nip in for something.




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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

Absolutely insane.

Just been to Aldi for our weekly shop (only because there is no Waitrose nearby you understand) and there was plenty of everything on the shelves. Same on Saturday when I had to nip in for something.

Yeah I was in town yesterday and there seemed to be plenty of everything. Just checked a couple of supermarket home delivery options and there is nothing available until next Monday evening.



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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

Absolutely insane.

Just been to Aldi for our weekly shop (only because there is no Waitrose nearby you understand) and there was plenty of everything on the shelves. Same on Saturday when I had to nip in for something.




We’ve got a wagon of milk now.

To be honest it’s really busy but we’ve got everything.

Big sales are in cleaning products,paper products,rice,pasta,oils,beans.


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The Mrs sent me panic buying last night. Wanted me to report back how empty the shelves were. 


I got some funny looks in Sainsbury's while I was pushing hundreds of packs of pasta to one side to set my little scenes up but it was worth it to wind the Mrs up a bit. I still haven't told her the truth. She's gone off foraging in the woods this afternoon bless her.

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On 10/03/2020 at 07:12, alexxxxx said:

I dont really understand our governments approach to this to be fair. I would have thought taking stronger measures now would have been better than waiting for it to spread more. Guess they're trying not to spook the markets any more than they are... 

I think this explains everything quite well with the advantages and risks 




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On 10/03/2020 at 09:11, SouthStandDan said:

....................What concerns me is the amount of fatalities in Italy to the number of cases. Is this down to a more aggressive strain of the virus or is it the case they don't have the same levels of hygiene as we do?

Italian families are on the whole very close-knit, so elderly grandparents tend to live together with the younger generations, (i.e. they tend to look after their elderly relatives at home and not put them in care-homes). Whether this has contributed to the massive spread, where younger generations have brought it home (with no symptoms) and inadvertently passed it on to the elderly who knows?

Regarding "levels of hygiene" in Italy, I suggest you observe any UK cinema, pub or restaurant toilets on how many don't wash their hands afterwards before you accuse other countries of not having the "same levels of hygiene" as the UK.

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