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v Reading (A) Match Thread


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3 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

Who do you propose to replace him? We actually played well today. You yhink Cocu set the team up for Malome to be sent off after 5mins? For forysth to play a poor pass for the 2nd? For Holmes to play a  poor pass for the 3rd? 

Give the guy a break, he has had off field antics to deal with plus crucial injuries all season, all on the back on the shortest preseason he could hope for.

Fans calling for his head need to give their head a wobble

We didnt play well, we shipped 3 goals ffs! Many managers have off field antics to deal with that dont make the papers and there are no signs that results will improve. You are happy then for us to be in the relegation zone soon? Not good enough

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3 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Remarkably, we're still 8 points clear of the relegation zone. We're trying our hardest to get ourselves relegated but we can't even get that right.

Aye but we’re letting Boro and Huddersfield gain ground on us when really, they were not even at the races a few weeks ago. 

It’s getting bleak for me, sorry to be negative.

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Just now, BondJovi said:

So. We need a manager willing to play them. Which we have.

Steady on. It's taken until the 21st of December, with 20 minutes left in a game that's already over for him to give Sibley his league debut. Knight has started 4 league games this season. Lowe is regularly left out in favour of Malone despite performing better than him. Whittaker has started once in the league this season. Buchanan started the season involved with the team and now hasn't been seen in months. This is all for a team struggling for form and that has an injury crisis. It takes a brave manager to play the youngsters over experienced players when times are tough, but Cocu has rarely done that this season. Hopefully today's performance from Knight and Malone's antics change that. 

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2 minutes ago, Ram8 said:

So, our (Dutch maestro) manager takes Martin off and leaves Waghorn on ..

Have I got that right ? 

HOW can any professional football manager not see the difference in quality and usefulness to the team of these two players ? 

That proves once and for all his level of delusion and sheer ineptitude ! 

with 10 platers after losing a defender you need players who can work hard  and Martin has a lot of talents but he aint a worker never has been

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4 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

Yes, I can’t wait someone to buy out Mel.....

In fairness, he is the one who appointed Cocu, who seems to play football with an entirely different approach to the Lampard esque style he MM said he wanted to continue. Everything you read about him suggests he’s a very defensive minded manager, and always has been. So why was he chosen? Did we actually do any research? I’m sure Mels heart is in the right place, but his decisions making seems all over the show to me.

Maybe someone else in the boardroom will make a difference.

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Just now, LB_DCFC said:

We did play well

If by letting 3 goals in and scoring 0 then you have a different criteria to me. Better than previous most definitely. Well? Not at all. 

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4 minutes ago, SKRam said:

We are getting trounced by very ordinary sides. I’ve not been this down or worried about my team in a long time 

In that case we're getting trounced by better teams, Just got back from a week away, I should have stayed there a nice place is Witts End.

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Just now, Ghost of Clough said:

We hit the woodwork twice, two penalty shouts turned down, gave two penalties away... could have easily been 3-0 to us instead with minor improvements. 
Playing with 11 men with Clarke and Rooney in the side (for Forsyth and Holmes) would be a massive improvement.

+ Shinney

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You can’t account for having a man sent off so early on. Whether it was a red or not putting two hands on a striker in the box is asking for trouble. Malone definitely isn’t the answer but neither is Lowe. Forsyth is out of position and Davies can’t play the style we need. It isn’t good at the minute but we can’t keep changing the manager. The squad is poor enough as it is, the injuries have compounded that. Keoghs incident couldn’t of happened at a worse time, if it had happened in December you could limp through to the window but 3 months without him and unable to bring in a replacement has taken its toll. I’m just hoping we have 3 or 4 signings lined up ready to come straight in when the window opens. To say we had 10 men we had chances to score. Onto the next and roll on January the 1st. 

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Positives: Tom Lawrence making good progress towards the record of 15 yellows for one player in a Champ season, Malone cant play next game, Knight looked good today and so did Sibley for his brief spell.

And for all of you saying we must have the worst attack in the division I wont have you spreading lies about us. We are the second worst. Not to worry though Wigan will get their 3 goal present on boxing day to push us into last place .

Team i would play next game - Sibley, Knight, Lowe and then make the rest up with my local pub team.

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Just now, hintonsboots said:

If Fozzy is fit enough to play 90 mins why isn’t he playing at left back ?

Why would Fozzy be playing left back when Lowe is a much better footballer than him, and doesn't give away a free goal to the opposition every match?

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