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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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15 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

then apologies for my misunderstanding.  the remainder of my point still stands.  

Of course, if that's how you feel about it that's fine.

I just wanted to point that part out as I've seen a couple of people mention it now.

I think it was one of the Derby Telegraph articles that I read which said where it happened, and it does very much look like the Range Rover (Lawrence's car?) went into the lamp post that holds the Quarndon sign that points up Burley Lane.

Edited: It was this article which was from before they were named

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2 minutes ago, oldtimeram said:

It may be a bit unfortunate on  the well behaved, but the bad eggs have spoilt it  for the rest of them and collective trust  needs to be earned again 

Why have the bad eggs spoilt it for everyone. Surely we support the team that is put out on the pitch, we can judge them on the way they play not who could play because they’ve been utter bamfords

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1 minute ago, AbuDerbyDave said:

Why have the bad eggs spoilt it for everyone. Surely we support the team that is put out on the pitch, we can judge them on the way they play not who could play because they’ve been utter bamfords

I'm referring to club endorsed social functions/nights out not on the pitch

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8 minutes ago, Ewe Ram said:

I posted a few days ago that I feel disconnected with the club now. I feel even worse today and I don’t care if they never kick a ball again for any club. How Mel is going to PR his way out of this is beyond me. 

You and me both

Chasing the riches of the premier league isn't everything. Integrity and community are far more important I feel and think the club are starting to forget this


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15 minutes ago, bimmerman said:

Most of what I say is tongue in cheek,especially the Paterson stuff

(Internet wind up and all that?

But legitimatly wouldn't be upset if all 3 got released and the club went down but with some integrity left

Have seen the result of people close to me dieing in road traffic accidents not involving the stupidity of alcohol and the mess it leaves, what these guys have done is just unforgivable, it's just lucky that nobody else was innocently involved. I'm utterly disgusted by this

But how do feel about Rooney? Do you want him released, or is it ok if its at another club?

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Small point I know, but if I was a footballer and the club offered me a car to take me home when I'd stopped drinking, there's no way I'd call upon its use at throwing out time when bladdered!

Surely the landlord should have given them a lift, think of the money he's going to miss out on now?

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1 minute ago, CHCDerby said:

Do you have children??? If so, when one did something wrong, did you punish all of them? 

I'm saying a tighter reign needs to be put on them to make sure nothing like this happens again.......is that punishment? ...No it's just tighter control at public functions where they are representing the club

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ALL players who are involved in this clusterfxxx,drinking into the night , refusing club cars laid on to take them home , drink driving , aiding and abetting drink driving should be told by the club that they must share the cost of reimbursing EVERY season ticket bought for this season,

personaly I have laid out the thick end of 1300 quid on two season tickets knowing I would be lucky to manage half the games due to travel from Surrey, work and fixture moves for sky .

then these Bamfords who make millions poop on fans who fork out their hard earned money to watch Derby county by their crap behaviour and do their best to derail the season for the club

then once they have done that they should not pull on our shirt again 

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3 minutes ago, dantheram said:

But how do feel about Rooney? Do you want him released, or is it ok if its at another club?

To be quite frank, I do not want anyone who does not respect other people's rights to life associated with my club. 

I have never been a fan of Rooney and my initial response, other than disbelief at the signing, was the belief that it was a PR stunt.  That being said, it is open to interpretation as to whether he has matured or not. What we do know is the here and now and the actions of certain players this week are quite clear to me.

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Just now, dantheram said:

But how do feel about Rooney? Do you want him released, or is it ok if its at another club?

... Excited for the media pr 

... Disgraced by his personality and his past, and the way he seemingly treats his significant other(not that that's any of my business)

And if I'm totally honest I didn't realise he was done for drink driving until my wife kindly pointed it out to me about 10 minutes ago and I feel rather foolish now! Wasn't it something to do with cheating on his other half as well? Yeah..... Not great..... 

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3 minutes ago, MK-Ram said:

To be quite frank, I do not want anyone who does not respect other people's rights to life associated with my club. 

I have never been a fan of Rooney and my initial response, other than disbelief at the signing, was the belief that it was a PR stunt.  That being said, it is open to interpretation as to whether he has matured or not. What we do know is the here and now and the actions of certain players this week are quite clear to me.

I do still think it's a pr stunt and he won't actually kick a ball for Derby

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48 minutes ago, goldstar said:

I hope that with time people don't soften their stance towards them.

Not only have they broken the law, put lives in danger, showed disrespect to the manager and ended a players season, they've stuck two fingers up at the fans who pay ducking good money to support them. Now whatever the consequences are, we just have to suck it up and deal with it while they sit at home on absurd pay for being absolute muppets.


Not even if they learn from the experience, show genuine remorse and grow as human beings?  Or do we forever judge people on their worst mistakes?

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