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Dead to Me, a black comedy on Netflix. About a women who kills a man in a hit and run and then through guilt, befriends the widow. Really funny, well acted and a plot that twists and turns. Currently watching the third and final series.

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22 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.


I really enjoyed it, not least the human aspect as there's actually less beasties in it as you'd think - it's not "zombie" TV.  I've played the game though and it was very true to that, even with one or two "side stories" which also get referenced in the game.  My wife, who hasn't played the game (or any computer games for that matter) liked it too.  Conversely a mate of mine didn't enjoy it at all and said he found it too slow and a bit weird - he's never played the game.  Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal's acting / chemistry was, I thought excellent. Gabriel Luna, as Tommy is also excellent and just like his character in the game - perfectly cast.   It's already been renewed for season 2 - and, having also played The Last of Us Part II I think season 2 could be even more emotional and pretty hard-hitting, especially if they follow that closely too. 

Personally I'd give it a go, not least I always like to make my own mind up about things. If you hate it - my bad.  If you don't, you're welcome. 

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Late to the show on this one but just making my way through Pistol, the Danny Boyle directed interpretation of Steve Jones memoir. I find the Sex Pistols story second only to the Joy Division one for being chewed to death till no flavour remains. But it's an interesting take and there are some good acting performances in there (namely the lad from Love Actually as Malcolm McLaren). Still think the Pistols get over referenced ridiculously in the grand history of it all - as someone said the other day, the least important point of the Sex Pistols playing the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976 is that the Sex Pistols played the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976

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2 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

Late to the show on this one but just making my way through Pistol, the Danny Boyle directed interpretation of Steve Jones memoir. I find the Sex Pistols story second only to the Joy Division one for being chewed to death till no flavour remains. But it's an interesting take and there are some good acting performances in there (namely the lad from Love Actually as Malcolm McLaren). Still think the Pistols get over referenced ridiculously in the grand history of it all - as someone said the other day, the least important point of the Sex Pistols playing the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976 is that the Sex Pistols played the Lesser Free Trade Hall in Manchester in 1976

Never mind the BaaLocks ?

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1 hour ago, therealhantsram said:

Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.


As a fanboy of the games I was disappointed. But that might be because I expected too much. 

A lot of the stuff that hit me in the game I found missed here. But it seems plenty loved it. 

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3 hours ago, therealhantsram said:

Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.


I felt it was pretty laboured at the beginning and the danger of infection/threat of the infected really didn't hit home. Just a bit boring. 

Returned to it and have found more action in the later episodes and largely enjoyed it - definitely some episodes focus on slower storylines with little action, so depends what you enjoy.

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3 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

Dead to Me, a black comedy on Netflix. About a women who kills a man in a hit and run and then through guilt, befriends the widow. Really funny, well acted and a plot that twists and turns. Currently watching the third and final series.

Mentioned this previously.  Surprisingly enjoyable dark comedy. 

I absolutely fancy the pants off her which helped too. 

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10 hours ago, therealhantsram said:

Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.



8 hours ago, Alpha said:

As a fanboy of the games I was disappointed. But that might be because I expected too much. 

A lot of the stuff that hit me in the game I found missed here. But it seems plenty loved it. 

I started this a few days back and having watched the first two episodes, I've not yet gone back to it. I should point out though, that I have never really been into zombie stuff (didn't even make it through the first episode of The Walking Dead), so it wasn't the smartest choice for me really.

In fairness, I'm not typically a fan of any horror movies or series and the only zombie stuff I've really enjoyed were the films, World War Z and Shaun of the Dead. It does have a seriously high IMDB rating though, so I think it's probably more to do with my taste than the series itself. Clearly a lot more people love it, than not.

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14 hours ago, therealhantsram said:

Anyone tell me if it's worth watching The Last of Us. Seen mixed reviews, and have never played the game.


I stopped after two episodes.

Standard boiler plate Zombie stuff with B Movie special effects and embarrassing plot flaws. 

I did hear episode 3 really picked up and I may go back if I run out of stuff. But enjoying Suburra too much (on season 2) and then want to check out Strike and the new Ted Lasso season as well as Tulsa, so doubt it will happen tbh. 

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A Town Called Malice, brand new on Sky Max.  London crime family decamp to the Costa del Sol to try to resurrect their receding criminal status.  Managed to watch episode one so far, looks promising and loving the sound track.

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Mayans MC - Disney/Star

Spin Off from Sons of Anarchy. Pretty much same kinda thing. Running guns and drugs, Biker Gangs. Gangsters. Ruthless Cartel boss. Young Terrorist group uprising. Good watch if not spectacular. Follows similar formula to SOA.

Curtis Davies/10

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19 hours ago, NottsRam said:

A Town Called Malice, brand new on Sky Max.  London crime family decamp to the Costa del Sol to try to resurrect their receding criminal status.  Managed to watch episode one so far, looks promising and loving the sound track.

Watched the first episode last night. I’ll persevere as I know from experience often these thing improve but, I was underwhelmed. 

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4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

Watched the first episode last night. I’ll persevere as I know from experience often these thing improve but, I was underwhelmed. 

I'm loving it but definitely not for taking too seriously, more of a comedy really but I love all the music and the clothes, my era, takes me back. 

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