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19 hours ago, Rev said:

So many parts of the story I'd pretty much forgot about, or paid little attention to at the time, like the attack on the parliament building. 

It was fascinating to see the lives of ordinary Russians, and the sheer amount of grind and graft they put in, just to survive day to day.

The leadership, both Gorbachev and Yeltsin, seemed hopelessly naive, and let the worst of the Western capitalists be their shepherds to democracy.

After I'd finished the series, I listened to Adam Curtis on a politics Joe podcast. He makes the point that empires normally collapse very slowly, over decades or more, yet the Soviet empire vanished in a matter of months.

It must have been quite something to live through those times, as an outsider, do you think the ordinary Russian will ever get justice for what has been stolen from them? 

Do they even see it that way?

Day of the attack on the parliament building my mate was working in an office three streets away - heard a bit of shouting but didn't realise what had happened till he went home and watched it on CNN.

What Russia let go in the days and years after the collapse (some may say was taken from them, but let's keep this away from politics) has gone forever. Like so many countries, the bad that is done is felt for centuries and those that come after can do little but live with the consequences. 

That said, and I make this comment of the time I was there (1996-2000) there was so much to love about that Russia, a country that has now gone, consumed like every other (and it will be again, once we are past this) under a blanket of McDonalds, TGI Fridays, Coca Cola and Marlboro. It was a beautiful country with it's own identity, it's own culture that wasn't dependent on the latest app or mobile phone release. And they had so much that has vanished from our society - care and respect for their elders, investment in social care, a functioning domestic ecosystem and families that lived together and worked together. It has gone, maybe just like elsewhere, and I am not sure the world (again, taking out the current situation) is a better place for it.

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OK so we finally got to the end of Stranger Things 4 last night. 

Not that bad overall but it didn’t half take its time getting there, with far too much padding out. 

Once we’d had the big reveal in episode 7 as to who Vekna is and why, what we didn’t need was another 3 1/2 hours over 2 over-long episodes, bringing it all to a bit of a non-conclusion. 

Not sure I’ll bother with season 5. 

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Bin out at a NYE do and now back home watching Hootenanny on catch up while drinking Middleton Rare, I think it's a particularly good one. Brilliant spots by oldies The Real Thing and Andy Fairweather Lowe alongside really good new stars in the making like Cat Burns. A really good feel to it. Wife snoring away so can't be bad ? 

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On 31/12/2022 at 19:30, sage said:

Just finished the second series of Slow Horses. Best series of the 2022 IMO 

Great shout. Insomnia back with a vengeance, so spent the last 5 hours bingeing my way through this series. It's an absolute belter. Oddly, Oldman's performance has only earned him two best actor nominations thus far and both from American bodies. High praise nonetheless,  I suppose, given the particularly British nature of it all, but entirely merited all he same. Oldman has brought life to some wonderful characters over the years, but in Jackson Lamb, he's created probably the most memorable of the lot. Happily, Apple have renewed for 2 further series with S03 due out autumn this year. Can't wait to see where they take us next. Makes me glad I've not read the books.

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3 minutes ago, sage said:

Having watched and loved the Detectorists Christmas Special, I binge watched the first series yesterday. 

Lovely, whimsical British comedy.

Yes I think I’ll be bringing the series again soon. The special wasn’t quite perfection, especially because it had to show all the characters at the most extreme end of their personalities but I absolutely loved spending a bit of time in that world again. 

Best bit of Christmas telly for me

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6 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Yes I think I’ll be bringing the series again soon. The special wasn’t quite perfection, especially because it had to show all the characters at the most extreme end of their personalities but I absolutely loved spending a bit of time in that world again. 

Best bit of Christmas telly for me

The special was the first one I'd seen, so I'm enjoying watching the programme develop. Just seeing Simon and Sarfunkel approach is the best bit of xmas telly.

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Bummed and disappointed by Tokyo Vice. It's like a poor man's poor version of a poor man's poor Giri/Haji for poor people who have been robbed and have no money  

Then bored with the cliche ridden and hamfisted/poorly acted Yellowstone. And   I normally love Costner. 

Mayor of Bridgetown seems ok, 3 episodes in, but there's some shoddy and predictable scriptwriting. 

I think I may becoming a miserable duck  


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On 20/12/2022 at 14:56, Bob The Badger said:

Started Yellowstone. A bit bummed that I'll have to sign up for Paramount after 7 days if I get into it but it gets 8.7 on IMDb which is insanely high.

First episode was meh, but that's pretty common for most stuff these days.

Anybody else got strong opinions?

It does pick up, it gets a little soap opera at times but it's still largely alright.

The prequel 1883 however is fantastic (but watch after you've seen seasons 1-3) and then there's a new prequel with Harrison Ford/Helen Mirren, 1923, which started a couple weeks ago.

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