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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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On 16/08/2018 at 18:00, JoetheRam said:

Further to this: 'Personalised' number plates.

What better way is there to identify a driver as someone who has too much money and too little imagination to spend it on something worthwhile?

These are the same people who are into premium, but ultimately bland soulless crap like going on holiday to Dubai, Range Rovers and De Longhi coffee machines .


My missus got me personalised plate for my birthday last year, It's my initials 2 numbers and Ram. We haven't got too much money, have never been on holiday abroad and I drive a 8 year old car and drink tea.

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12 hours ago, ossieram said:

My missus got me personalised plate for my birthday last year, It's my initials 2 numbers and Ram. We haven't got too much money, have never been on holiday abroad and I drive a 8 year old car and drink tea.

I’ve got one on the car I use for my dogs,only reason I’ve got it is that it was my Dads as was the 12 year old C-Max it’s on.

I smile every day when I look at the reg plate on that Car.

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Sith Happens
2 minutes ago, SouthStandDan said:

These muppets do realise the majority of flavours in them e cigs are vile to inhale if you catch a whiff of it. It’s an accident waiting to happen if they allow it on public transport.

I know, all for people being healthier but surely people can manage a bus ride without needing to light up.

Probably proposed by mp's who vape.

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3 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I know, all for people being healthier but surely people can manage a bus ride without needing to light up.

Probably proposed by mp's who own vape manufacturers.


Polluting 'confined' spaces for others to have to deal with isn't on in this day and age (God I'm old using that phrase!), is it?

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13 hours ago, Paul71 said:

I know, all for people being healthier but surely people can manage a bus ride without needing to light up.

Probably proposed by mp's who vape.

Or in receipt of a well stuffed brown envelope from the e-cigarette manufacturers.

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British people on holiday who think it's okay to behave like animals. I've never understood the appeal of going abroad to go out and drink from dawn til dusk. I did it once and it was crap. I think it's an experience as a young lad you'll love or think what a waste of holiday days off and money. It wasn't for me. I like to go out and socialise with mates but that's on a Friday or Saturday night. There's a clear difference for me when you're drunk and acting silly to being plastered and vandalising places.

When I went on holiday to Portugal this year, me and the girlfriend went to Albuferia on a Saturday night to have a few beers. The place was tacky and full of idiots. Stag and Hen parties were everywhere which is fine but when people are p*ssing everywhere and throwing rubbish all over the place then that's annoying. Ruined the night because every bar we tried it was full of muppets. You couldn't use a toilet put it that way. 

And British people wonder why many Europeans in particular aren't friendly towards us when we're on holiday.

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Sith Happens
1 hour ago, SouthStandDan said:

British people on holiday who think it's okay to behave like animals. I've never understood the appeal of going abroad to go out and drink from dawn til dusk. I did it once and it was crap. I think it's an experience as a young lad you'll love or think what a waste of holiday days off and money. It wasn't for me. I like to go out and socialise with mates but that's on a Friday or Saturday night. There's a clear difference for me when you're drunk and acting silly to being plastered and vandalising places.

When I went on holiday to Portugal this year, me and the girlfriend went to Albuferia on a Saturday night to have a few beers. The place was tacky and full of idiots. Stag and Hen parties were everywhere which is fine but when people are p*ssing everywhere and throwing rubbish all over the place then that's annoying. Ruined the night because every bar we tried it was full of muppets. You couldn't use a toilet put it that way. 

And British people wonder why many Europeans in particular aren't friendly towards us when we're on holiday.

As bad as the woman in the press recently who went to spain and complained there was too many Spanish people. 

Her 'why can't they go somewhere else ' comment is classic.

No doubt one of those that voted leave for the wrong reasons.

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2 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

British people on holiday who think it's okay to behave like animals. I've never understood the appeal of going abroad to go out and drink from dawn til dusk. I did it once and it was crap. I think it's an experience as a young lad you'll love or think what a waste of holiday days off and money. It wasn't for me. I like to go out and socialise with mates but that's on a Friday or Saturday night. There's a clear difference for me when you're drunk and acting silly to being plastered and vandalising places.

When I went on holiday to Portugal this year, me and the girlfriend went to Albuferia on a Saturday night to have a few beers. The place was tacky and full of idiots. Stag and Hen parties were everywhere which is fine but when people are p*ssing everywhere and throwing rubbish all over the place then that's annoying. Ruined the night because every bar we tried it was full of muppets. You couldn't use a toilet put it that way. 

And British people wonder why many Europeans in particular aren't friendly towards us when we're on holiday.

So you're having a pop at people who are doing something you tried and didn't like!

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5 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

British people on holiday who think it's okay to behave like animals. I've never understood the appeal of going abroad to go out and drink from dawn til dusk. I did it once and it was crap. I think it's an experience as a young lad you'll love or think what a waste of holiday days off and money. It wasn't for me. I like to go out and socialise with mates but that's on a Friday or Saturday night. There's a clear difference for me when you're drunk and acting silly to being plastered and vandalising places.

When I went on holiday to Portugal this year, me and the girlfriend went to Albuferia on a Saturday night to have a few beers. The place was tacky and full of idiots. Stag and Hen parties were everywhere which is fine but when people are p*ssing everywhere and throwing rubbish all over the place then that's annoying. Ruined the night because every bar we tried it was full of muppets. You couldn't use a toilet put it that way. 

And British people wonder why many Europeans in particular aren't friendly towards us when we're on holiday.

Most Europeans are friendly, especially the ones taking the money from those very people you moan about. The very money that keeps their economy going and puts food on the table in the winter. 

You know where it will happen, just avoid it. Not difficult. 


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6 hours ago, SouthStandDan said:

British people on holiday who think it's okay to behave like animals. I've never understood the appeal of going abroad to go out and drink from dawn til dusk. I did it once and it was crap. I think it's an experience as a young lad you'll love or think what a waste of holiday days off and money. It wasn't for me. I like to go out and socialise with mates but that's on a Friday or Saturday night. There's a clear difference for me when you're drunk and acting silly to being plastered and vandalising places.

When I went on holiday to Portugal this year, me and the girlfriend went to Albuferia on a Saturday night to have a few beers. The place was tacky and full of idiots. Stag and Hen parties were everywhere which is fine but when people are p*ssing everywhere and throwing rubbish all over the place then that's annoying. Ruined the night because every bar we tried it was full of muppets. You couldn't use a toilet put it that way. 

And British people wonder why many Europeans in particular aren't friendly towards us when we're on holiday.

I think that if you are drunk, you are in danger of being out of control - perhaps one more beer and you cross the line from drunk to plastered. The problem is, that beer might already be inside you, and the alcohol is already working its way into your bloodstream.

I used to get drunk - not often, and the last time was over 30 years ago, but I woke up one morning not being able to remember what I had done the previous night.

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Sith Happens



This makes my blood boil.

The amount of people who seem oblivious to the fact their dogs are not obedient enough to be let off the lead in public,  usually its something less tragic and is their dog jumping up you or running all over your picnic. 

My sister has a similar size dog to the poor dog in this article and he was attacked by 3 big dogs let loose,  fortunately my sister managed to get in amongst them, which could have been dangerous but still. She kicked and kicked the dogs till they ran off.

Sadly the dogs in this article will probably be put down. The right solution would be take them off the owner and re home with responsible owners and ban them for life from owning a dog.

Feel so sorry for the owners of the poodle,  must have been Horrific.

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