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George Thorne


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Thorne and Huddlestone in a two would get destroyed. Any team with a bit of mobility will bypass them easily, they're  far too similar. Both need an energetic player next to them to get the best out of them individually. On the ball it would be great but off the ball no no no. Just keep Thorne as a backup for Huddlestone for this season and have him force his way into the side like he had to previously when Eustace was here. 

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19 minutes ago, McLovin said:

Thorne and Huddlestone in a two would get destroyed. Any team with a bit of mobility will bypass them easily, they're  far too similar. Both need an energetic player next to them to get the best out of them individually. On the ball it would be great but off the ball no no no. Just keep Thorne as a backup for Huddlestone for this season and have him force his way into the side like he had to previously when Eustace was here. 

I see where your coming from but I'm not sure it's entirely correct. They don't need to be too mobile if they are both sitting in place and both are exceptionally at reading the play. If they are employed to screen the back 4 and the back 4 is pushed up the only space would be in behind, which wouldn't be a problem due to our back 4 being mobile. 

Plus there is also the element of that is there anyone better at the club to pair with Huddlestone. Neither Johnson or Butterfield are anymore mobile than Thorne and have none of his positional nouse or defensive discipline. Bryson gives mobility but has looked iffy as part of a sitting two in the past. I do agree that the best idea would to have one of them play paired with an energetic  DM such as Matty James. 

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3 hours ago, McLovin said:

Thorne and Huddlestone in a two would get destroyed. Any team with a bit of mobility will bypass them easily, they're  far too similar. Both need an energetic player next to them to get the best out of them individually. On the ball it would be great but off the ball no no no. Just keep Thorne as a backup for Huddlestone for this season and have him force his way into the side like he had to previously when Eustace was here. 

Interesting argument I had not looked at it like that, I think it is GR's intention to play them as a two one covering the other with Tom being the slightly more advanced of the two this would give us options with the front four (a bit like how Arthur Cox used George Williams and John Gregory/Trevor Hebberd)

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