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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 35 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    This player had a breakout season in league 1 after this run, followed by another big season, followed by a big transfer and eventually an England call up. 

    I’d BET 👀 not many can guess who it is without the clues. 


    Now obviously I don’t think this kid is the next IT or JCH or whichever other striker posh have bought in but it’s worth remembering that our fans longed for us to be the transfer before the big transfer. That means taking risks on young players. 

    For a player to have a breakout season with us and be worth a few Bob they need to have been underwhelming before they come to us. 

    As I say I’m not suggesting he’d be brilliant but a youngster having poor goal returns at this stage might not be reason enough to write them off. 


    I BET it’s Ivan Toney 

  2. 1 hour ago, StevenageRam said:

    Only Jason Knight has been called up. I think you  need to have 3 people called up to request a postponement 

    Also depends if Posh have any call ups ? 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    OK I'm going to call this one



    Within minutes of the government...sorry I mean the BBC announcing the name of the independent expert, someone will discover a shady link between the expert and the Conservative Party.  


    It will be mad Nads or 30p Lee ?

  4. On 07/03/2023 at 14:55, SirBrian said:

    Having had bowl and prostrate scares and having the camera checks every year for 3 years cut down to every 2 years now not at all, just a blood test every 12 months for the prostrate, and told to monitor myself if i see any sign of blood contact the Doctor. They took a polop which was growing inside of me over 4cm long, you have no idea they are growing inside your body for there is no pain.

    Check your pee any sign of blood however slight contact your doctor.

    Check your poo any sign of blood however slight contact your doctor.

    I had a colonoscopy last week. Go to go back in next week to get 2 polyps and a  lesion removed and biopsied. Get checked out folks 

  5. 2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Me!  ?
    I've annoyed myself... by being too polite/courteous/considerate for my own good!

    ...Driving in lane 2... fast approaching ambulance from behind (Maybe 60ish in a 40 zone?)... blues and twos... so I indicate in good time, and pull left, into lane 1, leaving a clear, straight, unimpeded route for the ambulance.  I even got a gentle toot from the passing ambulance, which I took to being a thankyou(?)

    Yes, there was no other traffic in the immediate vicinity, so the ambulance could have passed me on my near side.
    Yes, it was lateish... c. 10:30pm on a week night.
    Yes, you get a few ambulances down there, as it was Town-bound Uttoky New Road, with the Derby Royal behind us.

    ... And yes... I was fully aware lane 1 was a permanent (24/7) Bus Lane, before, during, and after I entered it.


    Usually happy to hold my hands up when I do wrong, but for the first time ever, I've decided to politely appeal the fine (£70 from memory?  50% off for a quick payment), and awaiting their response.  If I have to pay, then pay I will, of course.  

    Only then will I re-evaluate how I respond to emergency vehicles in future!




    For the record, I was probably in the bus lane for about 30 seconds max, at a reduced speed of c. 25-30mph (in a 40mph zone) and gained absolutely no advantage to myself, whatsoever.


    I do admit, I have no idea what the law says in this situation, and am appealing to the Councils better nature, rather than a point of law!  

    They will probably reject your appeal , anyone is not allowed to break a law to let an emergency vehicle through. That includes red lights or stopping in hatched areas. My mate was done for going in a bus lane in his lorry for exactly the same reason and still got fined after the appeal 

  6. 4 hours ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    To be fair Marinakis has only been charged with verbal abuse of a referee, match fixing, involvement with criminal gangs and drug trafficking. He hasn’t, as far as I know, been involved in state sponsored genocide so needs to up his game if he wants to fit in with his premier league pals. 

    If you haven’t seen it Google an article by New Republic called the Vampire Ship. It’s a long but interesting read about the lovely Mr Marinikas and his associates. 

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