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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 22 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    It was - their rules say (paraphrase) and anything else we think of.

    Can't say that this is getting the Club anywhere, does it make you feel better @Reggie Greenwood? #COYR

    It was a statement of fact. There was no rule. Plus a catch all statement has no basis in law when I did my exams. 
    Whether either Mr Clowes or Mr Morris want to take it further is a matter for them whatever any of us think 

  2. 33 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    So presumably the CPS have judged that there isn't enough evidence to pursue the case and therefore he is innocent and can continue his career should he wish to and should anyone wish to employ him.

    Except that the court of public opinion is not so understanding and that almost any club in the UK would find it almost impossible to employ him due to pressure from fans, sponsors and local/national media.

    I have no liking of them but Man Utd are in an impossible situation - they can probably only pay his contract up and let him go, unless they sell him abroad.

    Or more likely the main witness ( potential  victim ) has decided not to cooperate with the case for whatever reason . Unfortunately this happens a lot with abuse cases when the people are known to each other. 
    However you are correct know one will ever know if he is innocent or not and rightly or wrongly he will always have that stigma following him around. Very difficult situation for Man U , I suspect a career in the US or Middle East may follow. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Wolfie20 said:

    Maybe before going in you should have dumped the cravat and rubbed off the bumfluff under your snout?

    Kipper tie , huge lapels and flares. The bum fluff was another year in sprouting ?

  4. 14 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Those were the ones by reputation Reg. I don't remember the Buck ever being a gay-friendly pub - it was just an "old man's" pub in my recollection, very basic typical Marstons, like the Shakespeare before the Thompsons took it over. 

    Yes the Buck for the Merry Monk Mild and Barley Wine drinkers. My first job after leaving School as a 16 year old was at Hunters on Babington Lane. Me and another lad went for a dinner time drink at the Green Lane house and it took us a while to cotton on why everyone in the pub was trying to buy us drinks ! The moustache’s and cravats should have been the clue. Yikes. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Boycie said:

    Erm, wasn’t the Buck in the Park a pub for the Gay community once? 

    If my memory serves me correct the pubs for a young bloke to avoid were the Green Lane House and The Rising Sun ( unless you were batting for the other side ). 

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