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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. 30 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    This is something that’s been bugging me a lot recently. And I thought some of the nerds on here might be able to help shed some light.

    In the early 2000s I had a Nokia 7110, 3G didn't exist, and I could quite happily make phone calls, send messages and surf the wap to find out a phone number or a simple google search. 

    Then 3G came along, the best thing since sliced bread. I could watch videos and all sorts, on my newly minted iPhone 3G. 

    Then 4G and now 5G came along, and my village hasn't caught up yet. All we can get, if we're lucky, is 3G, and sometimes only 2G (and often nothing at all). Shouldn't be a problem though, i only want to make a phone call, or do a simple google search, I'm not to worried about watching a video right now. 

    But since the advent of 4 and 5G, it seems that 2G and 3G are less than useless.

    So it seems that, as we go forward, we also go backwards. For those living in central London with access to a 5G network, they're living their best life. For those of us in the sticks who were quite happily getting by with 3G, waiting a few extra seconds for a video to download, we now can't even make a simple phone call. It's like being back in the 90s! I feel like we need to start installing pay phones again.

    when I asked a guy in the phone, he did his best to explain that it's no conspiracy, and I'm not going insane, it's an out there in the open fact that 3G has to be turned off as they introduce more 4G and 5G. Although I still don’t really get why.

    In fact now I've got my 5G enabled iPhone 14, when I'm lucky enough to get 4G, it's also rubbish. I've been told to turn 5G off on my phone to improve the 4G. Which makes this fancy 5G enabled iPhone 14 completely pointless. 

    Anyway, the point for discussion is, am I going insane? Should I just be understanding that this is the price of progress, and eventually we'll have nationwide 5G coverage, and this transition art period will seem like a bad dream? Or is it the world that has gone nuts, where introducing a new technology takes us back a decade or two?

    Yep, it's the same here in west Cornwall.

    I can get 4G if I go into Truro or St Austell, but it's 3G here if I'm lucky. And I went from 1 GB fibre optic internet in the US to 35 Megs here that freezes a lot when I'm on calls with multiple streams. 

    But it's all going to be ok, because I heard a Tory say they were levelling up broadband and 5G. Phew.


  2. 20 hours ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    I’ve never been that bothered about international football but can remember loving watching the Dutch teams of 1974 and ‘78 and being mortified they didn’t win either. Probably some of the best football I’ve seen played . 

    It was made even worse by the fact that they lost to WestGermany and then Argentina.

    It would be like me watching Blackpool get beaten in successive FA Cup Finals by Leeds and Forest. 

  3. On 24/11/2022 at 19:20, BaaLocks said:

    We have fans on here from Iceland, London and further afield and we're happy to have them. There are lots of Liverpool, Man Utd etc fans from Surrey, Hampshire and the like.

    Yet the concept of someone supporting a national team other then your own is completely alien. Why is that? The logic isn't any different to an Arsenal fan from the Midlands who "loved watching Denis Bergkamp" and it went from there". But if a friend of mine said "I'm a Brazil fan because I like them" I'd think them a bit weird.

    I worked with a guy once who supported the West Indies at cricket.

    He was a white guy with white ancestry who'd never even been to the Caribbean, he just liked fast bowling.

    He was a bit of. a knob now I think about it.

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