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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. Thanks @Kinder and @Anag Ram, I feel slightly less gutted now.

    We actually made a profit on the tickets so I'm taking her to Paul Ainmsworth's restaurant in Padstow and will blow the entire £250 on a meal that will probably take as long as the concert.

    No music on the horizon for me just comedy with Gary Delaney this week and Frankie Boyle and Jim Jeffries in March.

  2. 2 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    Here is the letter of the FA  law 12.3 on Advantage:

    "If a defender starts holding an attacker outside the penalty area and continues holding inside the penalty area, the referee must award a penalty kick".

    So you are wrong, I'm afraid. 


    Yeah, Phillip Walton explained that on TV.   Said the way the ref played it that it was definitely a penalty.

    Sorry @Bris Vegas but your letter of the law isn't the letter of the law. 

  3. 42 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

    Harry Kane's missed penalty was surprising but it happens. I don't think as a team we 'bottled it' or 'choked under pressure' because that would mean we played within ourselves, we didn't. We played well, were the better side. The fact that we lost against a good team doesn't have to mean we bottled it. 

    Agreed. Bottling it to my mind is losing my a game you're expected to win. France were expected to win by most people outside England. 

    We ran the world champions VERY close and if the ref had given us the decisions they got we'd have won. 

    I rarely blame losses on the officiating, but I'm close with this one, the ref was incompetent. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

    Omg this is worth a ban ! Everybody = a bunch of idiotic d******** ! In fact , there are so many beer chucking In-ger-lund till I die morons in pubs that I hope ?? win and put this nonsense to bed . Come on Derby!!!!!!

    What a bizarre thing to say. Everybody includes my wife, my sister and her husban, the old guy I was chatting to in Marks and Spencer the other day, my postman and a few million other people who won't in a pub spraying beer over each other but like it when England do well.


  5. 1 hour ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Seen this on twitter, so thought I’d bring it to the forum. If you could only choose one team to win on Saturday, would it be Derby or England?

    For me, the answer is easy. I’d much rather England beat France in a World Cup Quarter Final and have the whole country go mad than Derby win a random league game.

    I'm with you.

    If the question were England win or Derby make the playoffs, then I'll take Derby.

    But I'd take England winning the World Cup over Derby getting promoted for the reasons you say, EVERYBODY is stoked and excited and I just love that.

  6. 1 hour ago, BucksRam said:

    And since I'm on this thread, finally got round to starting Yellowstone (Paramount+). Couple of seasons in but so far, it's brilliant. Costner in particular stands out, the guy can act. But it's full of great performances. 

    I first saw him in No Way Out and would give that a solid 8.5/10 maybe even 9. A brilliant film. Gene Hackman and Will Paterson were equally fabulous and it had a genius ending.

    Then I saw him in Dances with Wolves and Field of Dreams, not sure of the order. And both would be in my all time top 50 films worth 9/10 minimum.

    So yeah, he can act, he just picked sucky roles for a while. 

    Actually, I was just about to hit post and remembered Robin Hood, which I was either way about and not sure he was that good. Too lazy to go and look what order they all came out in although I'm sure No Way Out came first.

    I thought The Bodyguard was utter pony.

  7. 3 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Not every story is linear in its telling. The English certainly isn't, with a critical insight not revealed until the penultimate episode that throws everything before and after into a whole new light. Perhaps it's just not for you rather than 'needy', or flawed?


    95% of Blair Witch was mediocre but they way they tied in the very beginning with the very end was genius imho and made the entire movie imho.

    The Shining went from good to great because of the ending tying everything in. And the same could be said for Inception.

  8. 3 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    Things should make sense earlier than the 7th hour.


    It was still fairly entertaining.

    I agree it was a tad Lostish and I got fed up with that. I also doubt I'll watch another season of 1899, but the ending was good.

    I'd give it a 6.5, maybe a 7 because the ending improved it.


  9. 2 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

    I've made it through 2 episodes of 1899. Because of my short attention span, I tend to look at other things - phone, computer etc - while I'm watching TV. 1899 demands my full attention for no reward. I don't want needy TV.

    How do you know there is no reward if you haven't given it your full attention when you yourself say it needs your full attention?

    Riddle me that one Batman.

  10. On 05/12/2022 at 09:07, BucksRam said:

    Be interested to hear your view when you've seen the last episode....

    Oh, and well said re the subtitles. Do not watch this dubbed as it doesn't make sense due to the multi lingual cast (English, German, Portuguese, French, Danish, Japanese- maybe more?). Plus the dubbing isn't actually correct in some cases.   

    I must admit that the 7th episode is the best and it's starting to make sense, so looking forward to seeing how the last one pans out this evening.

  11. 14 hours ago, Kinder said:

    That’s rough mate, hope she’s on the mend. Don’t want to rub it in but I’m going on Wednesday.

    Not rubbing it in at all, I hope it's brilliant.

    Please write a review, maybe in the festival and gigs thread.

    We had friends go to the Bologna gig and loved it.

    I've been looking at set lists and not seen them play Love Cats yet, which seems weird.

  12. 11 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:



    I'd never listened to any Foals before.

    I probably won't again tbh. Sounds very retro 80s, like a poor mans China Crisis.

    My critique maybe a tad tough coming as it does after listening to 45 seconds of one song.

    Edit: I left ot running and Mountain at my Gates came on. Now I think I'm listening to Coldplay, so maybe My Number isn't representative of their stuff.

    When I first scanned your list I did think it said Mountain of Goats, which quite honestly, would be a much greater title. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Kinder said:

    Great to see Sasha on there.  His and Digweed’s Northern Exposure 1 is right up there for me, just behind Oakenfold’s Goa Mix.

    He's done some really good new stuff recently. 

    I had tickets to see The Cure in Birmingham this Wednesday but Mrs Badger has broken her ankle and herniated a disc in her back. So we've had to sell them. Gutted. 

    I bought them the day they went on sale over a year ago for her Christmas present last year and they weee great tickets. Oh well. 

  14. People who don't clean up after their dog.

    A women on Perranporth this morning let her dog drop a log and then looked around the largely deserted beach, (clearly didn't see me), and kicked a bit of sand over it and carried on walking.

    Nervous dog owners who convey their anxiety to their dogs.

    And people who tell me that their dog was attacked by a Doberman once (I have two).

    In 26 years of owning a Dobie, only once has one of mine attacked another dog and we've met literally thousands. I probably met 20 this morning without the hint of a problem.

    Dobies are really soft dogs, but whenever I can see another owner is nervous I always say 'don't worry they're fine'. But the times I hear back 'mine was attacked by a Doberman once' is ridiculous.

    I saw fights regularly in Florida and almost all involved lunatic Pit Bulls that had been bred for fighting. Apart from that one occasion with mine, I've literally never seen a Doberman in a fight and mine have been attacked a few times. But they're utter wimps and run off. 

    There was a Pit Bull going metal in a dog park in Orlando one time and I asked the owner (who was a really nice and very stressed guy totally out of his depth) where he got the dog from.

    Craigs List came the reply.

    He'd really bought a killing machine off Craigs List and was now wondering why it was having the time of its life ripping other dogs to shreds. 


  15. On 28/11/2022 at 16:37, Ghost of Clough said:

    Drivers who speed up when you've almost overtook them, only to slow down again before it's even possible to pull in behind them.

    Drivers of the vehicle located directly behind you who decide to flash you immediately after the vehicle you were overtaking chose to speed up.

    Drivers who flash their lights and honk their horn when you don't move over when there would be a 1mm gap between you and the other vehicle you just overtook.

    Drivers who try to squeeze through the car length gap between you and the vehicle you've almost finished overtaking. Then decide to honk their horn and choose to 'gesticulate' as they pass.

    Drivers who honk their horn at traffic lights after they've turned green, but when I would end up blocking the intersection due to the exit not being clear.

    All of the above when it's night time and it's slightly foggy.

    So basically you're saying, drivers.

  16. On 28/11/2022 at 20:58, Stive Pesley said:

    Cash is definitely going - no doubt about that, but I don't see a true decentralised blockchain crypto currency replacing it unless it's somehow backed by governments and introduced formally with regulation. It's a trust thing. Ironically

    I also read an opinion piece somewhere which said crypto is failing as a currency because it's not been picked up by the porn industry. The thrust (hem hem) of the argument was that historically all technological revolutions have been driven by the porn industry

    (cue someone arriving and telling me that they regularly pay for "special massage services"  by BTC ?

    Listened to a really interesting podcast yesterday that was indirectly about crypto.

    It was actually an online marketing podcast (which is what I do) about the difficulty of accepting micropayments. And how it will have to be resolved because of IOS now happily blocking third party cookies.

    The new Firefox beta can also block UTM code which is the stuff you see after a question mark in a link. UTM code allows tracking without cookies.

    The point is, if all this privacy stuff means sites like The Daily Mail and lots of others cannot make money by ads because they're efficacy comes from tracking and retargeting, then they will need to be able to take micropayments for their content.

    At the moment charging somebody 5p for a page of content isn't viable because it would be taken in transaction fees.

    In steps crypto with no transaction fees.


  17. Does anybody know how Vicki Sparks got a job?

    I have zero problem with female commentators, but I was listening to a game in the car on 5Live a few days ago and she literally missed 3 consecutive goals because she was waffling.

    I *think* it was Clinton Morison who was with her and on one occasion it was him who said 'they've scored again'. 

    Then last night or the night before I was listening when John Murray dived back in when they were getting a report from another game to catch a goal being scored.

    I'm all for having women commentate, but not if they'r incompetent and just making the numbers up.

  18. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Looked it up and here we are, I have forensically enhanced the video with a 78p magnifying glass I bought from ebay, The ball was outside the quadrant, I have now sent this to the EFLs "levelling up history department" who will no doubt penalise us with a 3 point deduction


    That shoulder charge at 24 seconds would have resulted in the Bradford player feigning death and the Derby player being sent off now.

  19. 13 hours ago, Loughborough Ram said:

    Physics? ?

    Alan Hinton didn't have to try and gain half a balls width when taking a corner. Didn't physics exist in the seventies?

    maybe modern players should practice missing the first man instead of practicing balancing a ball on the wrong side of a line just so that they can feel like they're getting away with something

    Hinton was great, but for curling the ball I think Nigel Callaghan may have been even better.

    And in fairness to @sage physics wasn't invented until 1987.  

  20. For those of you who have Spotify, did you get any revelations from your Wrapped?

    I am almost always surprised by most played track because it's never my favourite from the year. It's usually more a product of being the first track of my most played playlist.

    Of my top 5, only the HAAI remix of Lifetime by Romi would make my top 5

    And I'd have to give Free Ride by Eris Drew as my top track although technically it came out late in 2021.

    Before Spotify I used to just listen to the same old stuff, but now I rarely go back because there is so much brilliant new music being played.



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