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Bob The Badger

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Posts posted by Bob The Badger

  1. 1 hour ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

    Was painfully unfunny nonetheless imo.

    That's 100% subjective.

    I found it hilarious because it was so ridiculous.

    A lot of Gervais's  humor is based on the absurd and seemingly inappropriate, like the Nazi's failing to find Anne Frank when sharks would have.

    Do you like his stand up? Because it's full of stuff like that and some of it is far more edgy. 

    In fact, his entire persona is like that and he often rants about people not being able to see the funny side of things, which is why I like him. 



  2. 3 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    I found much of it to be very realistic, but the scene in the last episode in the pub was farcical really for me.


    So it was realistic he had a hi-def recording (some going back years) of every pertinent scene from their relationship?

    Very little about it from the postman to the other journalists to the sex worker to the woman always at her husband's grave offering profound advice at the right time to the yoga teacher slurping tea etc was realistic.

    It was all utter fantasy.

    It was still brilliant though.



  3. 7 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    brilliant tv. laughing out loud one moment and feeling like crying out loud the next.

    my only issues were I felt the postman stuff went a bit far this season and not keen on the therapist character 

    I LOVE the therapist, had me laughing out loud.

    Let's go to  the pub, have 5 pints, drop an e and then do some barmaid down an alley.

    What therapist hasn't said that to a client at some point?

  4. On 03/05/2020 at 14:49, Chester40 said:

    I enjoyed Ozark for most of a series then half way through series 2 I realised it had gone totally ridiculous without any redeeming qualities any more. 

    The Wire is brilliant. Watched it all and loved it. Can't see the similarities really..that felt authentic, gritty, very believable. 

    The Wire was based on real people and actual events in Baltimore unlike Ozark so that kind of gives it a head start on believability. 

    Having said that, it was just incredible. One of my top 5 series of all time.

    Ozark season 1 was great. Season 2 was good. Season 3 was meh.

  5. On 03/05/2020 at 14:13, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    It's a wonderful piece of escapism for sure. Glad you liked it.

    Had a Lock, Stock feel about it minus the beating to death of anybody with a black phallus. 

    And agreeing with others on Homeland.

    I wasn't that bothered about this series, but it's back to the best.

    Just don't tell me the ending I have enough on trying to stop my sister saying anything and we're trying to binge it this week.

  6. On 22/01/2018 at 15:24, Van Gritters said:

    A couple driving home run over a badger. They stop to see if it is ok. The badger was breathing but very cold.

    The man said to his wife put it between your legs to warm it up.

    The wife said but it's wet and it stinks.

    The man said well hold its nose.

    Late to the party, but I was literally crying with laughter at that one, you deserve multiple emojis sir!

  7. On 18/04/2020 at 06:53, ariotofmyown said:

    Just read an email from Amazon. New season of Bosch is here. Really like this series, and not just for The Wire actors in it.

    I was playing the last GTA during the 1st series so like LA much more now than previously.

    Speaking of Bosch.

    I had tickets to see Billy Bremner speak at a do at the Fishpond In Matlock in the late 90s' but he rather selfishly died, so they sent Peter Osgood.

    Every other word was bosch.

    'Alan Hudson went in and bosch the geezer was on his back. So the geezer tried to get up and bosch, bosch, Huddy had nutted him. Bosch'

    ''Chopper slid into the guy and bosch, bosch, he'd nailed him. And then bosch he'd dropped a rock on the geezers head. And bosch, bosch, bosch he'd driven a effing great JCB over his testicles. Chopper was hard as bosch with a massive bosch'

    'There'll be a series some day called Bosch with Titus Welliver' - not 100% he said that one, but I think so.

    He was possibly the obnoxious person I have met not named Richard Madeley.

    Did I tell you my Richard Madeley story?

  8. Watched Once Upon A Time in Hollywood last night.

    How the duck did Brad Pitt get an oscar for turning up and playing himself?

    LDC was fantastic and unlucky he wasn't supporting and up against Joaquin Rivers (in all honesty I can't even remember is LDC was nominated).

    As for Tarantino, well he has just disappeared up his own ass crack.

    I actually enjoyed it, but the in-jokes deliberate bad editing and random scenes get a bit much.

    We get it Quentin, you can do exactly what you want and you've done way too much coke....allegedly.

    Watching Ozark season 3.

    4 episodes and a  tad disappointed. The first two seasons were outstanding, but this is starting to feel like it may be time to finish things off.

    And to those of you asking about whether Tiger King is typical America? Yeh in Florida and the south it is.

    I went to a party once not long after we moved here I got talking to these real rednecks around midnight when one asked me if I wanted to come with them after.

    I presumed they meant to another party. But no, they had get several cases of beer and were going into the swamp to hunter alligators out of their boat. I politley declined.

  9. On 03/04/2020 at 08:04, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    Binge-watched Tiger King yesterday. No issue with 'recreationals' but being a meth head really ain't a good look. Anyway, feel like I need counselling now. Maddest docu ever. 

    Why do meth heads always have one tooth slap bang in the middle?

    It's like all their teeth fall out and they can only afford to have one implant so they opt to have it centrally placed - ya know, so it's all symmetrical and doesn't ruin their looks.

  10. El Camino last night. 5/10

    Way too many flashbacks with little reason. I spent more of the film trying to remember episodes from over 5 years ago and wondering if there was some deeper meaning. 

    I still haven't figured out the purpose of the breakfast with Walter flashback. What did it add to the plot? If Walter has said go and study Business in Alaska that may have worked. It just seemed like they desperate to get WW in a scene. 

    I thought it was pretentious, predictable and felt like a movie made around a load of in jokes. It was well acted hower and it wasn't without the occasional Breaking Badesque moment such as the kidnappers choice of music for the drive back from his house and his entirely nonchalant demeanor. Especially defending his cleaner as being as honest as the day is long. 

    Hope they end it there. 

  11. 14 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    No you never told me that before or I would have suggested that you got up in the loft and started looking ! Perhaps now is as good a time as any to make a start ! That really would have a special place to sit ! ???

    It won't be in this loft because all there is up there are black widows and I aint going in there for love nor money.

    The only place it could be is my sister's in Matlock, but I'm doubtful in all honesty. I'm back home in April and staying with her for a week, I'll do some poking about.

  12. Just now, loweman2 said:


    Which one do you mean @Bob The Badger ? Not the yellow one as willie had long gone but deffo the old style white one with the rams head on ! I think that he had gone by the time the new ram was introduced!, but I know what you mean, Mackay and willie only wore the old style shirt in their Derby days so that’s all we ever see them in, not like Todd, McFarland, nish, webster etc who were with us for many years and wore a much broader range of shirts !

    and no I don’t collect the badges, a line had to drawn and the badges fell short of it , any old shirts lying around though and I am your man !



    Yeh the white one, I quoted the wrong post.

    I may have told you, but I had the shirt Roy Mac wore in the Charity Shield. He gave it Colin Boulton who gave it my dad for the work he did on his testimonial and I lost the ducker. No clue how, it totally baffles me. If it ever turns up it's yours. I'd have liked it to go to a good home.

    I had so much memorabilia, but I gave most of it away when we moved to the States. I had programmes going back into the 60's including the classic Leeds one where the team on the back was totally wrong because they subbed everybody because of a Europen game.

    Good times!

  13. 2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    Businessmen on planes, particularly short haul, who race to passport control like their life depends on it. So utterly important to society, they need to barge past anything living or otherwise for fear that the world might miss thirty seconds of their brilliance.

    Honorary mention to the bloke at Birmingham last week - he simply say on a bench at passport control, logged into the free wi-fi and caught up on whatever he needed to do while he waited for the queue to die down. Lateral thinking - respect to that.

    It's a long time since the guy downloading porn got so much respect.

  14. 13 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    There were certainly discussions back in 88/89 for Cruyff to come in as manager.  I believe that summer we also made moves to bring in Wise and Townsend as well as Houghton . 



    Wise was definitely on their radar, but I honestly can't remember about Townsend. And this was way before the managerial rumblings, I'm going back to late 70's, I think.

  15. I'm hoping somebody can back me up here because I'm not sure it was ever public knowledge, but at the time my old man was friendly with a number of the directors and they made a run at Johan Cruyff to grab him before he went to the USA after  leaving Barca.

    And somebody mentioned Ray Houghton. That was more than he rumor, he gave Derby a verbal 'yes' before Liverpool stepped in.

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