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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 17 hours ago, Chellaston Ram said:

    Unfortunately I think they will still stay up even with a points deduction , Luton now look like they have been found out and the Gumps last 2 away games are Sheffield United and Burnley and they will be already relegated by then.

    Sheff Utd detest Forest and vice versa.  They like to incessantly call them scabs and they hate it.  I'm not really clued up enough to say what I'd have done in a situation where your resorting to burning your own furniture to keep warm after months of no pay.  Regardless, the animosity is there and they would be delighted to take them down with them. 

  2. 50 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    I think he has to find a way to get more early ball and that’s not by standing behind a full back with his arms in the air.

    The midfield could try the wall pass method of using a forward like Gayle or Collins to pass first time to him beyond the full back but I don’t think they’re scheduled to practice that til May.

    He won't get the ball here playing as an out and out winger.  He'll have to show just over the halfway line or move inside. to get it.

    Scott Minto reckoned he was a championship level winger and we'd got a great deal.  He needs a couple of games to see if he's any good or if we've broke another one.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    We need NML back on form.

    Without him we don’t have anyone who can change it up and drive at the opposition. 

    I was rather hoping CBT would offer that too. I hope he gets a start and that he gets the Derby experience of acclaim from 25,000 fans. This presumably is why he signed.

    If we get both of them flying then DG will be busy 😊

    I think we're getting to the point where it's essential if he's not the new Croft/Teale/Camara/Jozefzoon.  Blimey, we've had some wingers.

  4. 41 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    I was shocked today to hear that the lovely Dave Myers, one half of the Hairy Bikers, has died. Mr. Miggins and myself love this duo and have all of their DVDs. I hoped so much that he was on the road to recovery as he's recently recorded a series with Si King and was able to ride his beloved motor bike again after thinking his biking was a thing of the past. We went to see the pair at Buxton Opera House and it was a wonderful evening - you just felt like it was an evening amongst friends - so relaxed and very funny. Whenever I feel run down, tired, sad or poorly I wrap myself up in a fleecy blanket and watch the Hairy Bikers and it always helps to restore my spirits. Thanks for all the inspiration, love, friendship, warmth and laughs, Dave. You will be very sadly missed. Much love to Dave's wife, family and friends, especially the wonderful Si King. X

    A very sad bit of news.  He was on telly in November talking about how he was on the back end of treatment and hopefully well into recovery

  5. 4 hours ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    Darren wassell had by far the best record of any temporary manager we have had....

    Why aren't we banging on for him to take over?

    If he hadn't elected to play a full strength side against Ipswich causing a catastrophic injury for Thorne and a total re shape for the Hull game, I think he would have kept his position.  Don't forget we brought in Uncle Harry to help out after the Rotherham s*** show as well.

  6. 2 minutes ago, jono said:

    First 20 mins ok, set piece and Cash goal, nice. Bird and Cash standout players … as for the rest of the game ?

    Horrible horrible horrible. Head tennis, poor passing, the lack of basic ball control from so many players was embarrassing. 

    Silly mistakes lost us that .. but was Joe outside the box when he fouled their man ? I guess I  must have black and white glasses but he looked to be at least a foot outside his area at the moment it happened ? And their No 33 was a dirty cheating sod. However, none of that excuses the limited skills on show tonight. Need to get it sorted for Saturday. We are better than this. 

    Serious Question.  Cashin was very good.  I just saw Bird passing back and side and losing his player on three occasions when he very slow off the mark.  What made him stand out. ?

  7. 1 minute ago, Jram said:

    Don’t be silly. We’ve played well in lots of games. Lots of teams have had periods of poor form. Everyone raved about Portsmouth- they were naff over Xmas. Everyone raved about Peterborough- they’ve dropped off the face of the earth.

    Both Derby and Bolton are currently in a mini slump. Not the end of the world. All will look rosy again on Saturday when we batter Port Vale 

    Is he coming back.  Surprised at Hull letting him go at the minute. We might be able to string three passes together at least. 

  8. Just now, BPV said:

    Dire yet again. 
    Get Warne gone and bring someone in to look at getting us promoted next year, playing actual football in the process.

    Hilariously depressing to hear Washington is potentially out until the end of the season with a knee issue. An issue he’d had operated on in the summer, and we still chose to sign him knowing our budgets were limited. 
    Who in their right mind would sign a 31 year old striker who has just had a knee op. I’m not sure what’s more amateur, Warnes tactics or his transfer decisions. 

    Because he'll gas out every game.  I assume he meant anaesthesia in the treatment room. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    Bird has been good recently but he was poor tonight …some may blame Ebou for second goal but he covers so much of the pitch and puts his body on the line he’s the first name on the team sheet in midfield for me also thought Sibs and Waggy were very ineffective Korey Smith was good tonight 

    Remember it's always Hourihane holding him back. It's the law.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Yeah, but until those of you who feel so strongly opposed to Warne get organised and stage a protest, or take banners to the game, or pay for some flyers, or get a plane towing a banner to circle over pride park that’s not happening so rather than getting into that same circular debate I was just trying to look ahead to the next game. 

    Won't be doing that one  When the balls aimlessly hoofed skyward to avoid midfield against the worrying pace of Leyton Orient and hit's it, I lose my deposit

  11. 2 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Kane wilson can’t be used as a winger, he’s got great feet and agility but he simply hasn’t got the killer instinct in the final third.

    Adams and Wildsmith individual mistakes from two players who have been good for Derby nearly every time they play for Derby. On the weekend we have to play 4-3-3 and hope Elder is back to play left back or id even put Sibley back there. We need to go back to having attack minded players all over the pitch. 


    But he constantly stops when he's beat a player and that's once he's beat him twice.  

  12. I think the meltdown from Everton should they drop would be quite magnificent I have to say.  They put cones in the road and attacked players cars last year when Frankie was in town. They could do with a kick in the b*******.  Such a shame it can't be Forest and them.  

    Luton are pretty one dimensional and are performing in the second round of games as I expected after the first round of surprises.  I can see them getting 30 points which would be exceptional with the squad they have.  Forest probably need to lose 5 or 6 points to make it ugly.  


  13. 4 hours ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    It’s a very loose argument about the Brennan Johnson sale, and I mean very loose.  They knew the accounting period and should have got the best deal they could by end of June.  And they sold him on deadline day.  It’s not even as if they sold him in the 1st week of July and could have argued it took some time finalise, do a medical, etc.  And even that would be tenuous at best!!  Surely the panel will see through that!!

    WhAT aBOOT alll These players THey hgave.  They Should be madeTO take 50p foR tOM lAWRENCE TO pay Wycombe. DEy broke de rulles. 

    In other news " the ego driven cockwombles from the Trent demand they aren't punished for a clear FFP breach, as they shouldn't have to sell a player at a  lower price to remain compliant.


  14. 35 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    Man Utd, Newcastle and Chelsea all interested.

    Oh yes. 

    4-6 million a year to run a Cat 1 .  We're probably running mid table on that.  Is it worth it without more protection.  You'll never get the best coaches either as they'll be wanting to see training through not stop it halfway.




  15. 23 hours ago, Premier ram said:

    Cruz Allen looks very talented

    Is it LIverpool, Man City, Villa or Brightons academy then.  A Cat 1 academy in League 1 is like inviting Great Whites in to watch seals swim. Better get him on for two minutes so they have to pay what they'll get back in a couple of years loans, before flogging him to West Brom or Southampton for 5 x the fee.

    Time for an automatic 25% sell on and 50% of any loan fee if academies are going continue being worth the admission cost.

  16. 1 minute ago, MadAmster said:

    He gets sentenced in June and could get as much as 170 years jail time if the various sentences are to be served consecutively rather than concurrently.

    What I don't understand is Comrade 86 saying he DID have the money and DID transfer the funds and then, in a reply to C86, Sage says he didn't have the money.

    Which of the two is correct?

    I suspect he did, I also suspect it wasn't his.😊

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