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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 21 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Some of them are talking about "vendettas" against them and how the PL will make sure Luton stay up.


    Apparently, Forest are a bigger club than Luton, Sheff Utd and Burnley combined and them going down would seriously reduce overseas coverage and premier league cash which they won't want to happen.  The ego driven cockwomble strikes again. I'll send em some of these.  Right colours and everything.



  2. 15 minutes ago, Cheftyke1 said:


    you’re right about the defence mate but Earl looks a quality signing as does Pines so we have effectively replaced 2/3 of the centre backs allowing Jordan Williams to go back to his natural position at RWB


    Adam Phillips started the season really slowly. Butt is now getting back to where he was last season and scoring / assisting. 

    Luca Connell, who is our best player and in my opinion the very best player in the league missed the first couple of months due to an illness and is slowly but surely getting back to his best. 

    Lots for us to be confident about and it could very well become a 5 horse race if Peterborough get over their blip. As I say, it will be an exciting end to the season, especially as a lot of the top 5 have each other to play. Good luck! 

    Earls is a solid enough player and one I fancy we may have been interested in if we hadn't spent our budget on wing backs who can't really play as wingbacks.  Pines on the other hand looks like a player whose uncomfortable with ball at feet without an immediate pass available and would s*** the bed against a striker on the shoulder with pace.  Fortunately for him we barely have a striker, never mind a quick one.

  3. 3 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

    CBT to cross the ball to Gayle who scores the winner to give us automatic promotion. It’s going to happen.

    Who is this mythical CBT of whom you speak.  I believe we randomly picked some geezer, took his photo gave him a game and £50 quid to make out we'd signed a player for money.

    We won't here anymore about this guy and the real CBT will be taken out of a cupboard at Charltons ground in June when they buy him back for 300k.

    The only thing I can't understand is why Charlton are going along with this.  What do we have on their chairman ?

  4. 20 hours ago, DB83 said:

    We are second in the league with a great chance of automatic promotion. Fans who are going to spend the remaining matches slating our players and calling for the manager to be fired are not welcome at Pride Park for the rest of the season as far as I’m concerned. I’d rather have a crowd of 15,000 that is wholly supportive than a crowd of 27,000 where 12,000 (your figure) are actively hoping for us to lose so that they have another chance to boo the team and manager off at the end of the game.

    What a load of old crap.  No-one wants Derby to lose.  As I suggested, occasional frustration means their more likely to want their team to do well than you.  

    And why wouldn't he be missed.  Perhaps he takes a couple of people to the match who may not get there otherwise.  Perhaps he has a mate he goes with who doesn't get out  other than a match day.  Maybe he sits near a total stranger who likes to have a chat.  They'd miss him .  It's not just about 11 blokes kicking a ball it can be more than that.  You keep sitting on your sanctimonious better than than others soapbox though and keep clapping like a sea lion at feeding time for 95 minutes even if it's dreadful.

    I said 5000 by the way.

  5. Just now, DB83 said:

    If we lose the fans who are “the most negative they’ve been” then I think we will have an even better chance of promotion next season.

    if you have 12.000 empty seats in a stadium you could give everyone a megaphone and the atmosphere would be tepid at best.  If it upsets him that much I'd suggest he perhaps cares more than someone who'll sit there and inanely cheer any old s**** because he wants the team to do well. God knows how these wilting flowers would have coped at the old place where you could smell some ones fart when you took a throw in. It matters enough it upsets him. Calling out someone who vents a bit of disappointment because it matters with" you won't be missed" is the sort of vacuous I'm a bigger fan than you twaddle I detest.

    Ask the chairman if he'd be happy to lose 2 million quid on his gate receipts in lieu of some fan frustration.  

  6. 16 minutes ago, DB83 said:

    a) Attending football matches is not compulsory. If you don’t enjoy it, perhaps try doing something else on a Saturday afternoon. I promise you, you won’t be missed.

    b) This is utter nonsense. We are second in the League. Any fan who works as part of a team that is second best out of 24 is not losing their job. They are probably getting a large bonus. The job of the players is to get us promotion. They may or may not achieve it, but they are on track so far.

    c) May I ask what you were expecting for this season?? Win most games 5-0 and cruise to promotion?? We have only been promoted automatically once in the last 37 years, and now we have a great chance to make it twice. Two more away wins would make this our best away season ever. 20 more points from the last 12 games would make this our best season in modern times (in terms of total points and points per game since 3 points for a win; I’m not equating it to winning the entire League). We may not achieve that but goodness me, if this is the most negative you’ve ever been then I don’t know what to tell you. But it’s definitely a you problem, not the problem of the current players, manager and owner.

    If 5000 think the same by the summer that 2 million quid will be missed.  You can look forward to another season of sticking plaster strikers restrictions or not.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Hourihane decided to drop in as a 4th CB, then far too slow to close the man down when we initially headed clear - it was his man who scored.

    I don't recall where Adams at the time. He may have been pulled out towards the RB spot though?

    Passing the ball to their winger to create the chance in the first place.

  8. 1 hour ago, IlsonDerby said:

    This isn’t true though. A win against a direct rival is much more valuable than a win against the cannon fodder lower down as you guarantee a rival gets 0 points. 

    You mean if we'd won today we'd have been 3 points clear of Barnsley plus goal difference and goal difference ahead of Bolton even if they won their games in hand.  No, we can't have that kind of thinking.  

  9. 9 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I thought it was an improvement on last season’s display at Barnsley.

    But it’s another sure sign that when we get promoted this season, we must thank Warne and replace him.

    We will have no chance in the Championship with Warne in charge. 

    Sold their two best players since then

  10. Nothing quality from the wing backs.  Why beat a player once when you can go round him three times then get tackled Mr Wilson.

    Adams looked as poor as he has good thus far, looked a yard of the pace and his passing was rather dodgy. Awful picking up for their second.  We lost some aggression further up when Sibley went off. Wildsmiths distribution was abhorrent so we needed to keep it down and play through and took the constant easy back pass option. 

    Overall, we looked second best in a game we had to get a result from against an efficient but not overly special side. The usual when it really matters. 


  11. 43 minutes ago, Stockport Ram said:

    Trains (and buses for that matter) seem, by general consensus, to be called “public” transport. 

    Shouldn’t they be in public ownership then?

    Even if you wish to argue that the great unwashed have no inalienable right to transport, they surely do in respect of natural resources like light, heat, water. 

    How anyone with a scintilla of a moral compass can justify supporting the use of such natural resources as a means for profit will mystify me until the day I die.

    In Germany they have Arriva buses which are in stupendous condition in the main and dirt cheap.  According to the drivers they're dirt cheap and twice as nice as they bought the company and charge higher prices for crap boneshakers in the UK ,to subside better quality for half the ticket price their end.  Oh how he laughed.

  12. 44 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Most certainly I do.  Hence my support for Rams fans kicking up a fuss and calling him a Bamford very, very loudly.

    But my point of contention was mainly against the following quote of yours:

    Maybe so... if we (The club) had previously made public and/or official complaints against him, (Re the Burnley game, or any other for that matter), and particularly if the authorities had then agreed our complaints were valid. 
    But that's not the case, so I repeat, the club should most certainly not be "all over this in the media, citing Madley's incompetence...".

    That would merely make us (The club) look very silly indeed!  We'd be labelled pathetic.  That's our (The fans) job, not the club's! 👀

    Why, less than a full week ago, we were all on here taking a swipe at some fat bloke in charge of our last opponents who was doing just that.  Pre-match digs at the ref, with no cause nor reason to!
    Now you're exclaiming we're wanting our own club to do the same?  It's a massive no from me.  Sorry!   🐏

    Under affiliation regs he surely shouldn't be ref.  Unless Barnsley booted him out, gave him 2 quid for a sandwich and laughed as they shut the door in his face.  In that case he probably hates them and it's all good.

  13. 7 minutes ago, oodledoodle said:

    Just seen Madley in a pub in Barnsley. Having a pint with Toby Tyke. Wearing full Barnsley kit, cleaning his red cards, and he was practicing how to write "Mendez-Laing" in a little black book. On the dart board was a ram.

    Make of that what you will.

    Here he is playing in 2019, same pub.. Spotted American Ram at the bar.  Now we know what happened.


  14. On 20/02/2024 at 08:12, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Looks highly likely they’re going to get a points deduction for FFP, and probably similar to Everton c.9-10 points, unfortunately though I think they’ll still survive. Reckon 33 will be enough which means Forest need 42-43 which is very possible from their current position. Luton starting to find it tough and Adebayo being out is a massive blow for them, Everton could get further points. So yes, the red dogs will cheat and get away with it. 

    Almost got to an hour then collapsed in minute 2-1

  15. On 20/02/2024 at 07:12, G STAR RAM said:

    Like when Dean Sturridge went to Torquay?

    David Beckham to Preston maybe?

    The quality of a teams facilities should not really affect the quality of a player in my opinion.

    Sturridge was being sold to Torquay.  He went there as part of the Trollope deal on loan.  Then McFarland changed his mind and Torquay agreed to sell Trollope anyway.  

    I wouldn't argue on the facilities.  Your good enough or your not.  Bar Sturridge and Ramage, every player who's played regularly for our first team will start there.  A couple can be missed but not many and that's normally when you have a large squad of expensive bench botherers

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