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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 34 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    He's just replied. I honestly don't think he has a clue what he's talking about. It's almost as if he's asked someone how to respond but forgotten what they actually said. I also love the inference that as he only joined the EFL in 2019, he need not worry about what went on beforehand and has no responsibility to ensure any wrongs are put right if the pre-dated his tenure! His main line of defence appears to be:

    Q: Dear Rick, when is a rule change, not a rule change?

    A: When it impacts Derby County, Then it's only a 'clarification' ?

    Dear Mr XXX

    I only arrived at the EFL in late 2019 so I cannot comment too much on what did, or didn’t, happen before.

    Accounting for intangible assets requires two separate calculations.

    The first is amortisation, which is a systematic allocation of the cost over the useful life.

    What every club does is to assume a zero residual value and write off equal amounts  each year.

    So if a player is acquired for £10 million on a 5 year contract,  the annual charge is £2 million.

    What Derby County were doing was to assume a terminal value of, say , £8 million at the end of year 4  so the annual charge for the firsr four years would be £500,000.

    This is patently not acceptable under accounting standards.

    As was finally proven by the appeal panel.

    In changing the P& S rules we have simply clarified the point. It is uncontroversial and it marks no change at all.

    Meme Wtf GIF


    He continues...

    It simply means we shouldn’t require panels to interpret accounting standards.

    Could this have been done in 2018?  Yes, but it wasn’t.  This doesn’t make it wrong to do it now.

    Just as it wasn’t wrong to outlaw stadium sales to club owners. Clubs willingly voted for this because it is patently ludicrous to have rules which allow clubs to part with their principal asset. So Derby County were able to do it. The majority of clubs will not be able to.

    Impairment is a different calculation and is still necessary each year.

    Accounting standards require to ensure assets are not overstated.

    I have no idea whether Aston Villa abused this when they were in the Premier League.

    But they have certainly used straight line amortisation.

    Given the sustained P&S breaches the sanction against Derby County is entirely appropraite.

    If you haven’t dome so aleready you might find it interesting to read the decision of the appeal panel.

    The club could have decided at any time not to overspend.

    Kind regards

    Rick Parry

    I'll respond at some point this weekend but reading this steaming hot pile of digital detritus, it's actually quite hard to know where to begin ?‍♀️

    Probably these and ask him if he needs a new abacus.

  2. 46 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Agreed they will not give way on anything (except perhaps any claim from Reading for return of points) until we are certainly relegated - they detest us. Seems they got worse and increased the negative action when there became small possibility of an escape. Just pathetic. We just need to get PB announced and start exiting admin ASAP. Biggest way to annoy them and get revenge would be stay up somehow. The only bright thought is that our issues have shone a light on their practices which will hopefully see the end of the EFL

    If they don't try and dump another -15 on us in someway when exiting admin, I'll happily film myself eating my own underpants and post it.

  3. 17 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Those minutes make pretty depressing reading imo. 

    Looks like we'll struggle to re-sign players or bring in free agents.

    And EFL still trying to say the Middlesbrough claim isn't over until they hear about it or that it isn't what was holding up progress.

    Given how snarky the tone of their answers are, I'd say there is little chance of them meeting us halfway on anything.

    They've pretty much stated that they won't back date removal of penalty points but in no way said that a claim wouldn't have been valid, so clearly it would.  Pointless bankers.

  4. 4 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    It's a very good question. I quite like away fans popping in, having their little say, and disappearing once any fixture has been played out. I was always annoyed that Eeezetiger was bombed off here, and at least he kept his mocking (much of it funny) to his own little section of the Forum.  Come on @Boyciedo us all a favour and wave goodbye to BoringWill or whatever his name is.

    Give him another 30 minutes.  His calm and collected persona is about to burst into full on rage.  Should be quite the spectacle 

  5. 5 minutes ago, BoroWill said:

    I don't expect any love from your fans for him, of course. I completely understand why you'd have a lot of anger to him.

    The groups you mention disliking him have all come about from him pursuing their wrongdoings, or in the case of United, blind support for someone who used to play for them. Had you asked United, Derby or Sheff Wed fans in 2015 I doubt any would have ill feelings towards him, and I'd wager his name would come up quite a lot if asked about the best owners in football at that point. Certainly all the Liverpool fans I know have no recollection of the Ziege case and hold no ill will against Boro or Gibson, but I can't speak for all of them.

    How could we complain about something that it is only possible to find out about, at least as a member of the public, retrospectively?


    I don't think there is any form of siege mentality to be completely honest with you, the only people I have seen annoyed at us or Gibson personally is Derby fans and Derbyshire MP's.


    Mel should've probably dealt with them then as he has now, if he wanted to sell the club. Given how frivolous and without precedent they supposedly were it should've been no more than a speed bump for you to negotiate when you weren't in administration.



    Can I ask when the bastion of football fairness will be taking action against Bournemouth for hammering FFP on their way up, taking 4 points off you.  Take them off Bournemouth and give them to you and your automatically promoted, no playoff lottery or anything.  I'll wait with interest.


  6. 31 minutes ago, rammieib said:

    I don't see him as arguing. He's responding to professional and respectful E-mails written by David. I don't have an issue with that. (the answers he's giving is a different matter!)

    Still don't understand why people are not more up in arms about the points penalty for failing P&S in the 20-21 year. The new rule we wouldn't fail it, and thats worth 1-2 points. to me - the 12 points for admin, the Boro Claim due to the cheating on P&S, the other years we failed - thats not going to change, but the 20-21 year it clearly does change it.


    Every other club will now be compiling their P&S results using a different method to what Derby have done. This is the whole point - we got done for our Amortisation because it was different to every other club - but hey - this is now OK because it suits other clubs? This is 1-2 points we should be given back immediately!


    Will get an email off later.  Help the points total by getting back what were owed.   Keep it simple by stating following yesterdays statement we need our points penalty for 20-21 reducing by 2 points immediately.  A few thousand of those should get them thinking.

  7. 1 minute ago, i-Ram said:

    It’s a good one, and might better even the CM9 contract renewal when he was at Fulham. I am reserving my favourite until we might find out more about the Anya deal. That one has the potential to be the biggest “laugh” where we were paying someone a huge amount each week not to play.

    You know theirs a loyalty bonus day in there somewhere.  Here he is celebrating on his way into Moor Farm


  8. 22 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Thanks for this ?  My only issue with Jonathan's reply is that he seems to link the 9 point deduction with our amortisation policy. That isn't correct, and confuses the issues.  The 9 point deduction relates to our overspend. An overspend which would have happened whichever amortisation policy had been adopted, because Morris had lost control (in particular, the Bent one year contract extension is an example of the fact he, and others, at the top of the club had entered into multiple player contract arrangements which were unsustainable for a Championship club).  This is not to defend the EFL - their stance throught the amortisation review has been vindictive, principally it seems to protect themselves from a Boro counter claim against themselves.  There is a reasonable argument I think to seek a reduction or removal of the £100k fine we received, but that would only be a pyrrhic victory. I doubt there is much of a case to greatly reduce the 9 point penalty for P&S overspend, not that I would be unhappy if Ashley or any new owner wanted to give it a very real go when they get hold of the steering wheel.  

    Still my favourite.  Some geezer turning up with his boots and asking for 1.5 million quid in wages you hadn't accounted for 

  9. 1 hour ago, DesertRam said:

    First order of business for WR is to resign Jagielka he'll be at his wits end by about now ?

      then we'll get another couple in .............

    I don't want Rooney to resign .  Jagielkas having to play for Stoke, of course he's at his wits end . Won't be long till he gets hairy when the moons full.

  10. 42 minutes ago, 24Charlie said:

    Hasn’t everyone had enough of being furious?

    Surely it’s time to move on. No one is going to sue the EFL so people will not get satisfaction. It’s not going to happen and we are just going to look like a bunch of mard-arses in the eyes of the football world.

    The recommendations of the fan led review regarding the EFL may or may not be implemented but that decision won’t be influenced by fans as we’ve already had our say.

    The prospective buyers have been written to, the task on the pitch has become clearer and it looks extremely likely that DCFC will continue to exist so stop being furious and rejoice that we will go on.

    They can think what that like to be fair .  No business should accept an additional 2 point deduction over and above what will be avoided by their competitors for the same issue.  Especially if it results in relegation.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    I don’t think we can appeal 



    “16 November 2021·3-min read

    Derby are facing the prospect of relegation from the Sky Bet Championship after accepting a 21-point deduction for breaching English Football League accounting rules.

    The club’s administrators Quantuma have agreed a further deduction of nine points, plus a further suspended three points, for historical financial breaches.

    It takes the total penalty points to minus-21, after the minus-12 for sliding into administration, leaving the Rams on minus three points and marooned at the bottom of the table with relegation to League One looking inevitable.

    The decision brings to an end a long-running saga of nearly two years, after Derby were initially charged in January 2020.

    There is no right of appeal and the club have also agreed to the dismissal of their appeal against the 12-point deduction issued for entering administration on September 22, meaning that sanction remains.”

    Can't change the parameters of what you accepted and not expect an appeal on 2 crucial points .  They won't expect us to cause a stink as they'll anticipate we value getting the sale done .  That's why it's been timed at this juncture of proceeding's. Unfortunately for them, this time it is to an investors benefit rather than detriment to go at this.  Get an appeal in on grounds that we accepted an unwarranted charge for some of these points, based on process amendment.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:


    £2.5m applies to the current season so has no impact of the penalties we've suffered. It does however give us (up to) an extra £2.5m budget for current and future periods.

    The 2021 period includes averaged 19/20 and 20/21 losses. Im not quite sure if I've understood the statement correctly, but it's one of two scenarios.

    1. £5m extra allowance in 20/21, results in £1.96m overspend becoming ££0.54m under the limit.

    2. We used a £5m allowance rather than what the actual Covid losses were (£13m min, actual £15/16m estimated). The impact being £2/3m under the limit.


    The impact on our deductions? Under standard P&S penalties, 2021 deduction should have been 3 points (out of a total 17). Given our reduced penalty, we're talking about 2 points unjustly taken off us.

    They could be rather important so you've answered a question.  I thought earlier that the 2021 deduction was close. 

    Can we appeal this, can Reading appeal any of theirs ?

    Even if previously it was agreed nothing could be appealed, they must account for changes to policy in this poo show



  13. 22 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Happy to be proven wrong - but I don't think any of these years were ones we were deducted points for. 19/20 is possibly the only one we were?

    Tried to find it and the first thing to come up was this incorrect drivel

    Derby County have been deducted a further nine points after admitting to breaches of the EFL's profitability and sustainability rules over the £81m sale of Pride Park to their former owner Mel Morris, taking their total deductions this season to 21 points

  14. Just now, twelveincher said:


    24th is leaving it late if we’re out of funding by month end… assume March is covered from the Plange and Kelleyman sales then.

    Don't worry EFL have covered that bad boy today just in case were a few quid short, 3 points held over for late payment due to Gibsons hold up in 2020 might need tweeking .


  15. 7 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    Filling the stadium doesn't necessarily benefit us performance-wise, as we saw against Birmingham (hopefully the players will be a bit more attuned to it this time) but it obviously helps with cash-flow and it REALLY upsets Notts Forest fans. ?

    Forest Fan BASE IS HUGE ?.  if selling one player drops 5 -8 thousand of the gate, I'm surprised we've got anyone coming on a like for like basis. Fairweather feckers.

     The sale of Burke extinguished not only any hope for the season, but also all remaining support for the ownership. Without hope, the gates began to fall once again – down to 15,864 against Preston just recently – the worst attendance since the League One days.

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