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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 4 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    If the "Accord" involved money and it is confidential, how will Boro hide that in (next?) years accounts; and will it count to FFP?

    My suspicion is that an accord is a legal way forward outside the club sale bit .  I've been certain from day one that he's done this for FFP purposes.  The EFL will allow them to include any payment in 18/19 21/22 as suits which is why they were so keen for it be a football debt.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    If feisty has a slight hamstring problem he shouldn’t even be considered for the bench - or doing somersaults!  - he is far to valuable to us with all those games remaining 

    Like Sturridge.  Always 3 months out.  

  3. 15 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    Be careful in this area. There are about 40 Boro fans in balaclavas looking to cause trouble. Large police contingent outside the pub. 

    Balaclavas.  Take it this may be the first time they've done this .  If you intend punching someone wearing that, there's a fair chance they'll pull that down or twist it round so you can't see then kick you in the baalocks.  Balaclavas what a pack of **** ****.

  4. 3 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

    Oh but the Boro fans are still of the opinion he has saved us. I really should stay off Twitter

    I must send him a thank you letter . In it I'll thank him for an extra 2 million quid in loans, an extra 2.5 million in admin fees,  not being able to sign any loans in January, losing 3 young players for 2 million quid in January, selling the extras for Delap for 10% of there worth, allowing a battling midfielder - ideal for games like tomorrow for 30k, not being able to negotiate contracts for young players or any players out of contract in 6 months potentially losing millions and affecting club saleability, losing potentially the player of the year as we couldn't extend his contract and causing everyone 6 months of stress at the tail end of one of the most stressful 2 years in history.  

    Have I missed anything apart from a love heart.



  5. Just now, vonwright said:

    Couhig's made some odd noises all the way through this (at some point coming close to suggesting he doesn't expect to actually win any money). But in some ways he a more difficult problem, if a smaller one. I think Gibson had a huge problem with Morris but I think he also understands the value of a club like Derby to the people who live there. Not sure Couhig does (might be doing him a disservice, they do have team sport if America after all...)

    Which seems to be owned by the biggest franchise moving at the drop of a hat unless its Baseball.  It's not the same.

  6. Steve Gibson’s battle has always been to stop other clubs breaking the rules and putting their clubs in jeopardy in order to get into the premier league, where they can line their pockets at the expense of the club.

    This battle has been pushed as MM vs SG and it has been but the bigger war has always been to force the EFL to actively manage and police FFP and the wider health of its members against the actions of short term shysters.

    This has always been lost in the Derby vs Boro battle, but hopefully in the wider war for football this will have been a victory as the EFL now is under so much attention that it’s current practice of having rules but not policing or actively enforcing them will not be allowed to continue. 

    By forcing the issue about the actions of owners causing financial harm to others by cheating it’s bringing many things out into the open that many in the EFL were happy to ignore.

    Back on the Manson sauce.  I assume no-one will be transferring debt to any bulk haulage company in the future then

  7. 3 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Occurs to me that the use of the word "accord" is interesting - I'm pretty sure that translates as "it's not resolved but we've agreed on how we're going to fight it out"

    However it does diffuse tensions ahead of tomorrow which I think we can all be thankful for.

    My speculation is if Gibson can feel he bested Morris he'll leave DCFC alone.



    That's correct.  A legal way forward- to protect the game tomorrow.  Then Sunday their not happy with something having looked again.  I wait to be surprised.

  8. 15 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    The risk of other claimants crawling out of the woodwork renders the actual size of any payoff moot IMO.  If we settle at all, or a tribunal finds in 'Boro's favour, then what's to stop Leeds or Bristol City, or any other team that finished in or around us in previous seasons, from claiming?

    See earlier.  Your on the same page as me .  If we pay one pound on this, it's a guarantee that others will come in .   Agreeing a pay off is financial suicide in the current any claims a gain climate.  Unfortunately, as a club we don't have the time or resource to see what we could levy back on others.  Sitting ducks .  Once again. it comes down to the EFL to stop the poo show.  The next ice age will happen first . And round we go.

    it's a difficult one .  If they get anything,  you'll have other clubs stepping in trying to get something as there FFP is going to the wall.  We'll be back to square one without the resource to bat it off.  Some clubs are trying to claim they will fail FFP but that's because they couldn't sell a player to a premier league for a large sums of 20 million due to covid .  There trying to change regs based on this hypothetical ******** Absolute desperation, they'll all come sniffing. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    I expect this is Gibson asking Mel to settle out of court instead which I can't see happening

    It's a difficult one .  If they get anything,  you'll have other clubs stepping in trying to get something as there FFP is going to the wall.  We'll be back to square one without the resource to bat it off.  Some clubs are trying to claim they will fail FFP but that's because they couldn't sell a player to a premier league for a large sums of 20 million due to covid .  There trying to change regs based on this hypothetical ******** Absolute desperation, they'll all come sniffing. 

  10. 23 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    But to be fair, Reading had shifted n Andy Carroll's wages to WBA before they took Ince on loan.

    This assumes that whilst having 6 points deducted for 19 million of FFP breaches  they should have had Carroll and Drinkwater on loan the day after in the first place mind.  In the meantime, we lose Jagielka whose already here on 4.5 k a week, despite shifting in all likelihood, over 120k in wages per month and more since.  

  11. 2 hours ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Cant wait for the 74/75 League winners thread mate.

    Get some decent music posted then like the Bay City Rollers.......


    1 hour ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    As much as I love you Uttchetter Ram, we might fall out if you roll up with the Bay City Rollers when we get to  the 74-75 Scrapbook if LeedsCityRam is up for it ???. When I started in 1961 pre-match they played Colonel Bogey and the Rams ran out to The Dambusters. March.  Both hold fonder memories for me than Shang-A-Lang. I was too old for that at 22!!!!

    Inspiration for The Ramones of all bands ?.  Courtney Loves obsessed with them.  At one point she was trying to get a film made about them.  My dad saw the singer Les McKeown at Butlins many years  ago sat on his own.  Bit of a sad end end after being ripped off for millions.

    When Tommy sat down to compose what would become the band’s signature song, ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’, his initial starting point was that he wanted a song with a chant at the beginning. Where did he get this idea from? Scottish pop-rock band the Bay City Rollers and their then number one hit, ‘Saturday Night’.

    “There was a big hit by the Bay City Rollers at the time called Saturday Night, which was a chant-type song,” Tommy Ramone explained just before his death in 2014. “So I thought it would be fun to do for the Ramones too. And somehow I came up with ‘Hey! Ho! Let’s go!’

  12. 25 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I think people who are telling us how to behave at Middlesbrough on Saturday whilst simultaneously throwing insults at the area and the club's supporters in general ought to take a look at themselves first!

    I think Middlesbrough is a working class area with a good football team, just like us. I have no beef with the town or the club and their supporters.

    I don't like it when people think I am at fault for Morris's decisions and I certainly don't think Middlesbrough fans are at fault for their owners either.

    I hope it's a good game and we sing our support for Derby County 'til the end. (I like the apostrophe!) 


    I'll refer you to Fly Me To The Moon forum, were they have a thread devoted to songs just for the Derby game


    Not looked at the Boro forum before.  Most it is Mansonesque drivel about the football bastion who leads them.  The irony of this poo. Also some twit called Denzel who has changed his avatar to liquidate Derby County when he wasn't allowed to join this forum. I don't think I'll go on there again.  Nice to know that Gibsons got a huge personal security detail for the weekend though.  Sweet Jesus.?

    that’s what I think Gibson is fighting, stopping owners putting clubs and fans and communities at risk so they can get to the premier league and get the big money there.

    Gibson learnt how football clubs are run, what some owners will do and how deceitful and self serving footballs authorities are.

    He only seems to get any recognition nowadays outside of Teesside for the footballing fights he takes on. He has fought every case he has been able to fight and bring up against clubs and owners cheating and putting the fans at risk, he has refused to deal with agents who want to get as much money for their clients which really should be going back into the game.

    I don’t see him as some sort of saint and I’ve got many a beef about his actions and decisions when it comes to Boro, my original one being not redeveloping Ayresome Park and going to the Riverside ? But on the wider footballing world and how it’s run and the battles that need to be fought so that football and it’s clubs are there for the fans and community then Steve Gibson will always stand up for them. 

    Pre match thread

    Normally when I produce an MDT, I write a mini-play, but the game against Derby is so significant I thought it needed a serious overview. If we win, normal surreal service will be resumed for Bristol City.

    This is a match which matters more than it should, and for all the wrong reasons. Boro have been cast as public enemy #1 in the latest chapter of Derby’s Icarus-like fall from grace, thanks to the long-standing legal dispute between Steve Gibson and former Rams owner Mel “Down with FFP? Yeah, you know me” Morris. As a result, there’s a huge amount of tension surrounding a game which would otherwise be an unremarkable mid-season scrap between a team aiming for the play-offs and a team battling relegation.

    Recent form

    After a hugely entertaining away draw at QPR, which sadly saw Martin Payero stretchered off mere moments after coming on, this is our third high-profile game in eight days. The euphoria of beating Man United at Old Trafford wasn’t enough to overcome the R’s, though we did play some of our best football under Chris Wilder, snapping into tackles (literally in Payero’s case) and giving the away fans sore throats and big smiles. If Joe Lumley hadn’t had a flashback to the days when he’d casually roll the ball out to a QPR teammate, we’d have left with all three points, and deservedly so on balance of play.

    The opposition

    Whatever you think of the man, it’s hard not to admire the job Wayne Rooney has done in incredibly testing circumstances. It’s easier not to admire the more bovine sections of Derby supporters, who seem to think their problems begin and end with Steve Gibson, rather than with their club’s outrageous profligacy and Uri Geller-esque rule-bending. If any Derby fans are reading this, Gibson began his legal action years before DCFC appointed the world’s most incompetent administrators, and he did so mainly because the EFL are too spineless to enforce their own FFP rules.

    In the here and now, Derby are only four points away from safety and have won two of their last five league games. If they stay up, it’ll be a remarkable achievement. The question of if they deserve to be a Championship team depends whether you support them or us (or Wycombe, who are the real victims in all this, not Boro. Let’s face it, even if we had finished sixth in 2019, we’d have stunk out the play-offs under the ‘management’ of the baseball cap-wearing Voldemort known as Anthony Richard Pulis.)


  14. 3 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I watched the programe on GB News, It was clear where the finger is pointing...Andrew Brigden intimating Boro/WW are holding things up, HMRC acording to one guest are complicit with no digital tax collecting, Also he mentioned a 3rd party in Wales that had loaned us £20m...MSD?

    The PAYE account of Derby will be managed monthly via HMRC,  so their is digital involvement, problem being that it's not managed by a human as they've got rid of 50,000 in the civil service over 10 years.  Back in the old days a human in Derby, working at Derby tax office would have had this debt on the go at all times .  Now the human and that office is gone. 

  15. 41 minutes ago, DerbysLane said:

    A snippet from Wycombe Wanderers Trust meeting on the 27th Jan ( https://wycombewandererstrust.com/2022/01/trust-board-meeting-thursday-27th-january-at-7pm?

    Derby Update. NK updated that there is nothing major to reveal. Administrators, EFL, Middlesbrough and Wycombe are in discussions at present. RC feels comfortable that nothing that WWFC do will put Derby out of business. Comfortable but not confident about WWFC getting some financial recompense out of this but hopes we will. Lawyers of all 4 parties are talking to each other about how a settlement can be achieved. EFL issued a statement today, which is attached to these minutes at the end.

    NK advised that RC has told EFL and Administrators that if his physical presence is needed here he will immediately fly over to talk to whoever within 24 hours of being asked if it helps to get things resolved.

    TS suggests listening to RC’s interview on Radio Derby (the link can be found on the Trust website).

    AC said given claim and desire of fans he is disappointed we did not send out a Trust statement as official supporters trust. NK made a decision in that when the Derby Supporters Trust statement came in there was little to say apart from that we are talking to people. Do not want the WWFC Trust to get into a slanging match with the Derby Supporters Trust and, while their comments were reasonable if we responded, then we could become embroiled in discussions. The Trust could put a statement out at a later date if the Trust Board feel it appropriate. Trust Chair is in direct contact with RC on this issue.

    No their not.  Haven't even advised what they want.  duck off you chancer.  

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