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  1. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from DiggerB in Where's this new midfielder?   
    You're highlighting a distinction between two groups within the fanbase - those that go regardless (because that's what supporting your team involves) and those that pick and choose based on whether they think they'll get sufficient return on their 'investment' (the group that think they 'deserve' something in return)
    I've had a season ticket for the past 40 years regardless of which league we're in; who we've signed; or what is happening off the pitch - perhaps I 'deserve' a gold pillow on my seat....
  2. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Where's this new midfielder?   
    Rubbish - you stump up your money to be admitted to the games - that’s all. Believing that ‘we deserve’ anything else is all so much entitled ballcocks….
  3. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to angieram in Summer Rumour Mill   
    Anyone who thinks that was 5 at the back at the beginning of the game needs to get off FIFA and start watching some real football.
    I've heard it is possble for players other than full backs to take throw-ins. 
    I haven't got any summer rumours so I'll shut up now! 
  4. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from cstand in Women's World Cup   
    BBC wil be guuted - bet they had a month's worth of celebratory programmes lined up.....
  5. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Chester40 in At Home with the Fury's   
    Same here - or anything that uses the phrase “At Home with”
  6. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from plymouthram in Three at the back?   
    Once upon a time, playing a back five would involve 3 centre halves and wing backs who would take it in turns to go forward so that the defence always had cover (or else the holding midfielder would drop back to fill a wide position when the wing back was charging forward) - Warne's version seems to have both wing-backs permanently stationed in the opposition half and the DM running aropund like a headless chicken - at one point last night, Fozzy was our most advanced player (by a long way) - I don't get what he's trying to achieve...
  7. Haha
    Gaspode reacted to Grumpy Git in New laptop specs?   
    David will think that's a Lionel Richie LP.
  8. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Sonny Bradley   
    It might is Warne stops his stubborn obsession with a back 3 and plays 2 central midfileders that provide the defence with an ounce of protection (which they don't get from Smith)
  9. Haha
    Gaspode reacted to duncanjwitham in So who would we have then?   
    Why do I have to work the sodding lawn mower? 🤬
  10. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from mwram1973 in Eiran Cashin   
    It's taken you a while to notice....
  11. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Ramarena in Eiran Cashin   
    It's taken you a while to notice....
  12. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Carnero in Eiran Cashin   
    It's taken you a while to notice....
  13. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from CBRammette in Eiran Cashin   
    It's taken you a while to notice....
  14. Clap
    Gaspode reacted to Wolfie20 in Eiran Cashin   
    What an incredibly stupid post.
    Is this the level the forum has fallen to?
  15. Angry
    Gaspode reacted to Marriot Ram99 in Eiran Cashin   
    Would sell if we can spend the money if we can't and it's just going to give Clowes extra capital to buy more Clowes properties in the area to rent out to new signings then rather we keep him.
  16. Haha
    Gaspode reacted to Kernow in Ryan Woods - gone Bristol Rovers   
    It won't be us then, we've got a name
  17. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from Archie in Vaping   
    I'd argue that there are than far more than two issues, for example:
    no one knows (yet) what damage is potentially being done by the chemicals that are being inhaled - and as they are un-regulated and un-controlled, there's every possibility that there are some real nasties included in a product that folk have convinced themselves is good for their health (because it's less bad than tobacco). I await the flood of compensation claims when people start developing haorrible diseases in 10-20 years time.... the anti-social behaviour of a lot (not all) of vapists is arguably worse than smokers as they blow large clouds of fruity badness over all and sundry the large scale use of rechargable lithium-ion batteries by people who don't understand the potential dangers (again linked to lack of regulation and control) - cheap batteries are dangerous Stopping people smoking is obviously a good thing - stopping them by offering an alternative that no-one understands the implications of is arguably not....
  18. Like
    Gaspode got a reaction from Tamworthram in Why so negative????   
    Tonight was worrying - we flipped between looking like a pub team and looking like an under 10s side as the whole team ran in the same direction chasing the ball - the only signs of a formation was sticking with a clearly failing three at the back until it was too late - but whether it was lack of discipline to stick with the plan, lack of ability to carry out the instructions or something missing in the coaching, the players out there simply didn’t seem to know what they supposed to be doing - and for Warne to try and say it was because Oxford were the better team and had the better players was frankly embarrassing…they were simply organised and played to their strengths which was the direct opposite of us.
  19. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Explain this to me   
    We should sign this guy:

    Oxford's number 8 did exactly what we were missing - annoying little twit that he was, he sat in front of their defence and picked up lose balls, was available for the defence to pass to him and started most of their moves - conversely, Korey was completely AWOL in our midfield....
  20. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Why so negative????   
    Tonight was worrying - we flipped between looking like a pub team and looking like an under 10s side as the whole team ran in the same direction chasing the ball - the only signs of a formation was sticking with a clearly failing three at the back until it was too late - but whether it was lack of discipline to stick with the plan, lack of ability to carry out the instructions or something missing in the coaching, the players out there simply didn’t seem to know what they supposed to be doing - and for Warne to try and say it was because Oxford were the better team and had the better players was frankly embarrassing…they were simply organised and played to their strengths which was the direct opposite of us.
  21. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from angieram in Three at the back?   
    Once upon a time, playing a back five would involve 3 centre halves and wing backs who would take it in turns to go forward so that the defence always had cover (or else the holding midfielder would drop back to fill a wide position when the wing back was charging forward) - Warne's version seems to have both wing-backs permanently stationed in the opposition half and the DM running aropund like a headless chicken - at one point last night, Fozzy was our most advanced player (by a long way) - I don't get what he's trying to achieve...
  22. Haha
    Gaspode reacted to sage in Is Warne living on borrowed time?   
  23. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from TomTom92 in Should we be patient? If so, how does it improve?   
    The bigger issue was that some of them looked knackered after 20 minutes…..
  24. Clap
    Gaspode got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Vaping   
    I'd argue that there are than far more than two issues, for example:
    no one knows (yet) what damage is potentially being done by the chemicals that are being inhaled - and as they are un-regulated and un-controlled, there's every possibility that there are some real nasties included in a product that folk have convinced themselves is good for their health (because it's less bad than tobacco). I await the flood of compensation claims when people start developing haorrible diseases in 10-20 years time.... the anti-social behaviour of a lot (not all) of vapists is arguably worse than smokers as they blow large clouds of fruity badness over all and sundry the large scale use of rechargable lithium-ion batteries by people who don't understand the potential dangers (again linked to lack of regulation and control) - cheap batteries are dangerous Stopping people smoking is obviously a good thing - stopping them by offering an alternative that no-one understands the implications of is arguably not....
  25. Haha
    Gaspode got a reaction from Day in New laptop specs?   
    Nobody would want to buy me....
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