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Posts posted by Chester40

  1. The 'I'm going to be a new Dad' thread is much easier to contribute to. For most people there are universal feelings/emotions.  

    Fostering brings with it a lot of different emotions and situations that people will deal with very differently. There is a lack of 'absoluteness' and certainty that is harder to deal with.

  2. 8 hours ago, On the Ram Page said:

    I have no problems at all it you having your views and opinions, just as I have mine - that’s what the world is about thank goodness. What I do hate are comments like “and it is down to the way the team are being asked, nay told to play - out wide, cross it”. You do not know how they have been told to play, you are purely guessing based on your bias and non-objectivity. Our poor performance in the 1st half, I think, was down to out inability to pass the ball with quality, control the football properly, people not moving to receive the ball and therefore getting tackled. The opposition, as another poster remarked, packed midfield and made space at a premium. An obvious answer is to try and attack down the wings. Unfortunately our passing and crossing when we got the chance was of poor quality.

    Again, my opinion - not fact, I think Ward was shown an example of, by being substituted at half time, in a like for like change. Wilson struggled early on, but currently has more confidence to keep taking player on (than Ward) and this made a difference. Two of our goals came from crosses into the box, the first and second goals. I also don’t like the balance in midfield wher we tend to be too open. I personally would like to see Fornah as the defensive midfielder, as he is more mobile and can win the ball. Hourahan could possibly then link up by playing in the middle. I think Bird has done ok in the advance position and has been involved in some lovely passing movements which have lead to goals a month or two back. But the balance isn’t right and I am not sure we currently have the players to get it right.

    In summary, I have opinions but I do not spout them as being factually correct. You may be right that Warne tells them not to pass to midfielders, only to wingers or whack it down the field, but I am sure that is not the case. He seems as frustrated as the fans that we are not playing better. I think Warne gets a bad press on here, when I think the players have to take a lot more responsibility for their performances.


    I can't believe the tactics weren't premeditated. 

    I wouldn't like to count how many times Nelson and Cashin passed it sideways to each other and then out wide to Ward/Forsyth.

    The midfield didn't really come short to take it off them, the keeper rarely kicked it long and until Cashin played a couple of crossfield balls they didn't go long. 

    As has been pointed out, Warne just seemed irritated we did it too slowly.

    We could do with someone a bit more dangerous in the air as Collins doesn't look likely to score in that way.

    The criticism of Warne's tactics was previously we just launched it. I've not seen evidence of that for a long time and I always thought it was over stated.

    Currently we seem reliant on moments of magic (rather than sustained pressure), usually from Wilson and NML. But we do have a few players who are capable now.

    Big few matches coming up...


  3. 1 minute ago, Anag Ram said:

    Small thing but I’m quite liking the Mr Brightside/ Sandstorm combo immediately before kickoff. Even us oldies are getting a groove on to those 😊🥳


    I will add my youngest asked me at half time 'Why can I only hear the Lincoln fans singing most of the time'.

    Was pretty quiet when we weren't winning/on top.

    Definitely the team were motivating the fans more than the other way round.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    That moment you get let out of the hospital on your own is terrifying.

    You have no clue what to do. It's normal to feel that way.

    Take advice,  listen to tips, try them out as a first step   ...and then you will quickly realise every baby is different and what works for one wont work for another.

    You will never know what's right ...sometimes keep going to them makes them cry more, ditto leaving them. Sometimes more milk makes them sick all over themselves and sometimes not giving them more makes them wake up 30mins later. Accept it.

    Don't be tempted to do everything together for fear you're doing it wrong. You need space,  time, sleep. Be confident asap to say the other can get some fresh air,  or use grandparents or say I'm in charge for the next 3 hours go for a bath.  

    Enjoy what you can. Hug them when they're asleep,  cuddle them rather than do jobs... that's the good bit.

    Good luck 


    PS don't listen to anyone who says childbirth is a wonderful thing. It's long, grim and stressful...and that's as a bloke..for a woman its mind-boggling any do it more than once.

  5. That moment you get let out of the hospital on your own is terrifying.

    You have no clue what to do. It's normal to feel that way.

    Take advice,  listen to tips, try them out as a first step   ...and then you will quickly realise every baby is different and what works for one wont work for another.

    You will never know what's right ...sometimes keep going to them makes them cry more, ditto leaving them. Sometimes more milk makes them sick all over themselves and sometimes not giving them more makes them wake up 30mins later. Accept it.

    Don't be tempted to do everything together for fear you're doing it wrong. You need space,  time, sleep. Be confident asap to say the other can get some fresh air,  or use grandparents or say I'm in charge for the next 3 hours go for a bath.  

    Enjoy what you can. Hug them when they're asleep,  cuddle them rather than do jobs... that's the good bit.

    Good luck 


  6. On 19/12/2023 at 19:30, Jubbs said:

    Finally got round to starting True Detective now I've finished for the year. First season is one of the best season's of TV I've ever watched, incredible. Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson are absolutely outstanding in their roles. 

    I've rewatched it several times. Amazing script and acting - possibly the best I've seen.

    PS Marty's 'conquests'... Holy mother of god, wasn't too hard to believe he was tempted.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Not seeing it. I think he's a little weary as he seems a man who lives on his nerves and I think he's letting folk know how he feels with some honesty, nothing more. In fairness, would you not be somewhat defensive given the absolute pelters the man gets from some. I mean look at this forum - we're meant to be 'supporters' on here yet some folk can't even help the odd snidey even after 6 wins from 7. Why would he be happy? He knows he can't win, no matter how hard he works and it must be hateful and quite exhausting and while we all put our feet up, he has a tricky and hectic schedule to navigate with little or no time for him and the lads to rest and little or no thanks for doing it. Not referring to you btw the way, just addressing the 'odd' bit and you'll know whom I'm talking about with the rest.

    It was no big deal to me. I've always been on his side, especially in relation to his style of football.

    We were all sat in the car after the game and his tone seemed unnecessarily irritable. 

    I was most interested in him saying 'maybe this is as good as we are'... because I'm constantly thinking we won but can play better ..but we never seem to. Was interested if he thinks certain players are under performing, if he wants money for recruitment or thinks the fans are expecting too much with what we have..

  8. 18 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    I didn't see it as weird.

    Warne wears his heart in his sleeve and despite the win he clearly wasn't remotely happy with the performance, particularly of some players (ward especially) and finds it hard not to show exactly how he's feeling.

    I'm glad he wasnt happy with that,we can and have played a lot better and we need to strive to improve if we are going to go up in the automatics.


    We are on a great run, have just won at home and have a few crucial games coming up. Lincoln didn't look like scoring tbh until we gifted them a goal.

    What was missing was a bit of a spark, a bit more imagination, less of the same (obviously dictated) strategy to go out wide constantly. 

    No lack of effort or running. It felt like our shortcomings were more tactical and personnel than anything.  Seemed a strange time to get overly critical to me. Like something had happened we weren't party to.


  9. It was a difficult game to judge certain players because our tactics were so clear. Keep playing it from side to side across the back, push Forsyth and Ward up and have them slide it down the line to Barks and NML to drive forward. 

    It meant that especially Bird rarely touched it first half and Fornah was isolated at times. Ward kept getting the ball but didn't take his man on and his crosses were being cleared  near post. Barks was poor in my opinion, his crosses weren't great and he kept wandering offside or making the wrong run.

    Lincoln were happy to sit in and take the point. Terrible penalty to concede. Barks didn't give much cover and Ward was reckless. 

    We started the 2nd half quite poorly but the substitutions gave us some momentum. Wilson's goal gave us breathing space and Lincoln came out their shells and we won quite comfortably then.

    Nelson and Cashin won everything, both immense. Fozzle and Hourihane worked hard and were good. Collins worked his socks off but he doesn't look like he will nick us that crucial goal  from nowhere or make the run that turns the game.

    Warne's interview was a bit odd. Overly negative, quite awkward as well ..not jovial. His 'maybe this is as good as we are' answer was an interesting one. It's what a lot of fans are thinking/saying but seems strange for him to say it.


  10. Botham/Beaumont best for me.

    Was watchable after them,  Parrott was ok and McCoist  Frankie moved it more towards humour...

    Tufnell/Mat jug-eared rugby player continued that and there became less and less questions. Until I was a very occasional viewer.

    Watched 5mins with McGuinness and it was a big no.

    Race was run.

  11. 7 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Nml one was as blatent a yellow card as youll ever get 😂😂

    rams tv were like … aaaaand he’ll go into the book for that no question .. 2 seconds later yellow card

    nearly took the lads shin off lol  

    There was really minimal contact from the angle I saw, their player just made a meal of it. NML lunged so gave the opportunity to book him though.

    Hourihane was a clear yellow,  Bird was ridiculous, it was like he pulled him several times to make sure he got the yellow.

    Collins was unlucky- quiet word with both would have sufficed.

    Sibley - I just didn't understand.  Wycombe weren't trying to take a quick free kick,  he wasn't slowing the game down. He could have lifted his leg and let the ball go past him and miles into touch the other side of the pitch, made no difference. Really didn't merit a yellow and set the tone.

    Some really soft decisions in general that mostly seemed to go against us. John Jules made a challenge at the back post that was penalised for absolutely nothing.

    Taylor was walking and she almost escorted him all the way off the pitch and it looked really awkward. 

    Not seen a good enough angle of the penalty to know for sure, but it was soft and I think you probably seem them as 50-50 decisions.

    All told though. Poor performance that we need to rectify ASAP.

  12. A bit 'toys out the pram stuff' on here from a few tonight.

    Until the last minute it was a standard recent performance. All very scruffy, but probably the slightly better team and nicking the result... then we balls it up.

    Hopefully it's the kick up the backside we need because top 2 is on offer.

    Wycombe are a horrible team. Niggley, time wasting and just launching it every single time they could. We played down to their level and way too many players were poor.

    No disaster but a wasted chance to climb that table.

  13. If you kick the ball away to stop the opposition breaking, I get its a yellow. Sibley could have stepped over the ball and it wouid have gone just as far away from them as it did. Never a yellow.

    Hourihane and Bird were poor tackles. NML made minimal contact,  but was a lunge I suppose.  Collins, just needs a quiet word. 

    Another scruffy first half. Wycombe just launching it. Derby passing it,  just slowly and badly. 

    Derby on top but not creating much. Game there to be won.


  14. As someone prone to saying 'It's the hope that kills you'..

    I've remembered now there is also the flip side. Whereas I've been looking for positives, seeing how few points outside the top 6 were are etc...

    I'm now looking at Bolton and Portsmouth's fixture list and thinking they both have the easiest run of games I've ever seen!! And that only 3 points will do today...or we can kiss goodbye to top 2.

    NB even if we romp clear and are top with games to spare, I'd be mithering who's out of contract, that we can't compete with the Championship teams, that the new right back seems injury prone and once said he enjoyed scoring a goal against us... its just a thankless task isn't it, the life of a football fan! 

  15. 45 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I'm pretty sure that was one of the techniques used in Guantanimo to break suspects.

    I'm doing the same to my kids.

    I constantly come up with ridiculous 'chants' for players that dont really work.

    So far I've adapted 'Wooly Bully' for Willy Boly.

    Adam Ant's 'Dog Eat Dog' for Udogie. (The chorus : dog eat  dog eat dog) sounds very similar.

    And to Madness 'I like driving in a bra' for Saar. 


    Edit : actually the Willy Bully song is awesome. We're all singing it now.


  16. 16 hours ago, ketteringram said:

    This was being discussed/reviewed on R5 today.

    Both reviewers thought it was very funny. However, only one thought it was supposed to be funny. 

    Did you think of it as a comedy?

    'Very' funny is most definitely a stretch!

    It's a drama really.  With interactions between individuals and group dynamics pushing against each other.  

    With this ever present backdrop of 'something isn't right' gradually playing out.

    Some films are just plain slow and boring, by accident.  This was purposely unrushed with lots of space to give you the chance to draw your own conclusions. 

    The petty stuff that was happening seemed more important than whatever danger was impending. 

    I mostly enjoyed it. The acting was great and it was well written, so it felt like a thriller but it kept reverting away from that. 

    I can also see how on a Friday night when you're expecting a blockbuster it would feel quite limp.

    Not quite sure I understand all the directorial decisions but I did find it engaging (although not very funny!).


  17. Saw X

    Hard to review really. I suppose it's a 'good' version of what you hope for. Or a particularly sick and gory version if it's not your thing.

    Had an understandable and relatively engaging storyline for a Saw film.

    All the clichés were there and the contraptions were especially horrifying. Some unwatchable for me. 

    Gave me a headache almost,  but there's a hide 'behind the sofa' part of me that kinda was fascinated by it.

    Not for the squeamish or anyone who didn't enjoy the others in the series. But a big improvement and closest to the first one in quality.

    6 /10

  18. 3 minutes ago, sage said:

    2 on 0 is correct.


    If there had been one defender he'd have said its 2 on 1... so he consciously differentiated.

    Its a bit like the 'debate' when you score after 4mins 30seconds..its the fifth minute.

    Anyhow...the debate on here has definitely got a bit less heated since 6 games ago 🤣

  19. 5 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Bored shitless of reading criticisms of Collins. Bloke puts absolutely everything into every game and he’s top goalscorer for the 5th best side in the division over the last 19 games so he obviously knows where the net is. 

    Because he doesn’t have the technical ability of McG or Martin his efforts seem somewhat less impressive. 

    Im telling you now McG missed plenty of chances last season - some a lot easier than those Collins missed yesterday. 

    He had a decent game yesterday.  Playing much better recently in general. He did miss a very good chance but he's playing that role of a battering ram so much more effectively and confidently.

    Seems like the plan wasnt working so well earlier in the season but now it is ie first half we seem to use him as a hard worker, winner of free kicks, bothering defenders etc. Second half we use the options to take the game more by the scruff of the neck.

    Without NML - and now Wilson increasingly - I still think we will struggle to take that control though. Either JJ needs to be able to used more or we need more width/invention from the transfer window.

  20. 14 hours ago, ossieram said:

    How does 3-0 flatter us?

    It could quite easily have been 5 or 6.

    As someone who took on a fair amount of criticism for arguing we weren't playing that badly a few weeks ago...I thought we were pretty poor first half tbh.

    We constantly gave the ball away and were probably the scrappier of the two teams.

    One moment of magic out of nowhere gave us the lead. Orient missed a couple of good chances and so did Collins. 

    So imo we were fairly fortunate to be in the lead. A stupid red card really put them in the cart and a sweeping move a minute into the 2nd half suddenly gave us a comfortable situation.

    I didn't think we shut them out as well as we could and they alnost got back into it.  They eventually tired and over committed and we then could have scored 4 or 5.

    So a strange game really. We could have won even more easily but at times we played quite averagely and all the big moments went our way.

    Just as a few weeks ago I was saying we weren't that bad, I'm saying yesterday we weren't that amazing. Little moments are going our way more and we are moving into a great position with more in the tank. 

    We can play much better than yesterday - and probably will do and not win, that's football. 

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