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Posts posted by Chester40

  1. 5 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Really 🤣 The worst decision I have ever seen…..EVER!!!!!!

    Not rewatched it, and I'm a boxing half-fan. I just recall thinking he appeared stronger /more aggressive and there was a ton of stuff going on that was contentious. Didn't think Taylor was clear winner,  just not the Dick Turpin everyone else did. Not his biggest fan as a person - bit like Froch, but respect his career.

  2. Taylor v Catterall anyone..

    All the experts seem to be plumping for Catterall...most think he won the first and means to exact revenge.

    I thought Taylor edged the first but its a flip of a coin and I think there's little actually on the line...other than honour,  revenge, legacy and the rest of their careers...so I'm expecting fireworks.


  3. Fury really didn't do what I thought he would. 

    Stood off.

    Backed away.

    Conceded the ring.

    Very little clinching or leaning on Usyk.

    Seemed to be scared of Usyk's power and was trying to not getting caught too much.

    Usyk wins simply for constantly prowling and backing him up.

    Got on top for 3 rounds but then really took his foot off the gas and didn't deserve to win.

    Only the standing count won Usky the fight which is verging on a disgrace imo.

  4. Weirdly after all the excitement,  when the dust settles for the winner...there's not much left for Usyk to mop up,  Fury only really has Joshua who he can claim to have beaten vicariously and is a bit of a risk for not too much glory for him.

    So....conspiracy theory.. I see a draw and a trilogy.


  5. 15 minutes ago, Topram said:

    The more he lets go would surely suggest we maybe have a few more quid available than we all think, I’m not talking ridiculous money at all but if we let the likes of Collo go it’ll cost a bit to replace 

    I know this will trigger some people! But I was reading Simon Jordan's book and he talked about Palace's promotion to the Premier League and all the riches that awaited. He then dissected all the promotion bonuses he needed to pay, all the fees for players with add ons, then the agents on within an instant asking for an increase in wages, then the additional costs for being in a higher league. Before getting into buying new players who want more money because they know they are needed to take you to the next level.

    Obviously it's a different scenario but as the link @oldben sent shows, all the clubs who compete with the parachute payment clubs are pretty much spending more than their turnover on players/players wages 

    It's a pretty desperate picture for an owner and I really hope fans aren't going to start to turn on Clowes if/when he doesn't fancy throwing away many more millions of his own hard-earned cash.

  6. Is there anyone who is a 'cannot be released at any cost' player? 

    It's definitely the flip side of the stress of suddenly finding you need to upgrade half your team...that suddenly almost anyone feels replaceable. 

    Cashin probably the one person I wouldn't want to lose. Nelson next maybe even though comments abound regarding his previous season at this level.

    I like NML, Wilson ...Niambe...but of those still 'in the balance' my opinion would totally depend on where we are shopping for their replacement. 

    Barks, Sibley,  Collins, Fozzie, Thompson,  Wildsmith.. all could potentially do a job at this level but may also ultimately be 'bottom half' players... JJ, Waghorn,  Gayle... all massively injury prone.

    It's nice to be able to be a fairly ambivalent observer for a change.

  7. Nearly finished The Tattooist of Auschwitz.

    Have read the book but couldn't recall it that clearly, so it was interesting to go into it with some idea but not totally knowing it all.

    It lighter than the book if anything.  They are pushing the romance angle more than the book and Mrs Chester keeps saying 'I can't believe that bit's true'. But she means about minor things about their relationship rather the inhuman things happening round them. It's emotionally fraught but somehow it doesn't quite connect at all times for me.

    I notice small stuff, like everyone looks a bit too 'chubby' to be 100% believable and I don't feel it quite hits hard enough with the completely off the scale horror of making the tiniest mistake and the terrifying random nature of the violence- even though it is frequently shown.

    Also not sure why Harvey Keitel is small and has a foreign accent but the young version is really tall and speaks in a posh English accent?

    For all those little complaints,  it is a really watchable and 'enjoyable' series.  

    8 out of 10 for me and I'm sure lots of people will disagree and find it more emotionally affecting than me.


  8. 1 minute ago, MadAmster said:

    If. It might only be a 2 letter word but one with huge meaning. There are posts in this thread saying he was offered a contract earlier this season and turned it down as we didn't offer enough. Weirdly enough, that rumour only seems to exist on FB and X. No reputable reports of such anywhere.

    Should he have actually turned one down as it "wasn't enough", do you really think Rotherham will have offered him more than DCFC?

    I wonder how often clubs simply don't offer anything?

    Seems 'polite' regardless,  but also like good business sense most of the time to offer something....even if you have a good idea they won't accept. 

    Sorry we don't see you as our number 1 striker,  we can only offer you 60% of your current wage to be reserve/back up so we totally understand its probably not what you want...



  9. Mel had Derby's best interests at heart.

    He invested a ton of money,  tried to make us big-time, bought players we previously couldn't have considered and when the managers failed to get us up....he walked away tens of millions of pounds poorer with nothing to show for it when he didn't have to.

    PS We are now in a better financial place then most other Championship teams.

  10. I jumped aboard the 'Baby Reindeer' juggernaut with Mrs Chester this week.

    Started off really well and rattled through first episodes.  Obviously episode 4 was a bit of a departure and seemed unnecessarily focused on one aspect of the story whereas it had jumped around til that point.

    Don't think it quite regained itself again but nevertheless a decent series with 2 great performances from the leads and amusing /believable scripts.

  11. Thought the set for the UK was great.  Song was decent enough. 

    I watched with the kids and think the routine went beyond fun and camp into unnecessary indulgence that was slightly uncomfortable viewing.

    His voice was weak too.

    I thought France had the best song. The winner was catchy but slightly irritating,  can't see why it was such a runaway winner.

    In some ways if it had been closer Israel or Ukraine would have won in a sympathy vote so in a bizarre twist at Eurovision,  music was the winner!

  12. 3 hours ago, sage said:

    It's the saddest i've been to see a player go since Bobby D.  

    Its a decent place to start the conversion this...  as soon as you say 'I do / don't rate' a certain player it becomes an argument.

    Lots of posters who I rate seem to love the lad so he must be doing something right.

    Personally (wrongly in many people's opinions) I'm not 'emotionally' bothered. Nothing against him - and it was a fairy tale way to end his career here - he just doesn't pull me in like other players do.

    Maybe I perceive a casual demeanour, lack of crunching tackle, eagerness to play the safe ball   ... and he's just 'ok'. Not pacey,  or aggressive... he's kinda graceful without enough mouth dropping moments of quality to get me out of my seat.

    Adams or Bird - I'm picking Adams all day long. Same with Kane Wilson. 

    Quite happy to accept I'm wrong. Just the way I feel.

  13. Just hoping this lull in proceedings is like a swan gliding along (in Vegas 😬) while back home the staff are wheeling n dealing like mad under the surface to give us a great start for next season. 

    Premier League is still playing, loads of players still in the play offs...and we've had 2 weeks already to talk to potential targets,  sniff round loans from top teams,  sell players our vision,  offer renewals to those who's contract is up, make contact with players who may become free depending on play offs etc etc.

    Feel a bit lost today with no game,  but it's a good thing and should give us plenty of momentum. 

  14. 11 hours ago, NottsRam said:

    So are you going to watch part two?

    When was part 2 made? I feel like I watched it all... the last thing I saw was him muttering slightly incriminating stuff under his breath.

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