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Posts posted by Chester40

  1. People who are really aggressive about their petty, yet very strong and totally uninformed opinions...

    Annoyingly I think it may include me...I have never read, seen the original or even watched the trailer...but ask me if I plan to watch 50 Shades Darker and I can feel my blood boil at how someone would assume I would watch and how terrible it is...

  2. 8 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    I know exactly the one you are talking about. Talksport perhaps? Baked eggs at 3am?

    At 3am I'd be in bloody bed, not sharing a bowl of baked eggs!!

    I actually have to turn it off it winds me up that much.  

    Just as bad...'Oh she didn't know I didnt like spicy curry...and she still doesn't ; I just add creme fraiche haha'..

    Oh you smug, annoying muddyfunster..I want to smash the t.v. over your mild curry loving head.


  3. 1 hour ago, TimRam said:

     On a similar note, check out some peoples work desks. Empty or half drunk cups/glasses left overnight, unwashed breakfast bowls, sauce bottles (!) and spices (!)...I kid you not.

    People who having already imposed on you by saying they need to sneak out of the office early. ..saying 'would you just wash my cup...shut down my computer.. leave a message for so and so'...

    Oh yeh no problem I'll have an hour of your pay too!!

  4. I really 'enjoy' all the posts here and credit to Daveo especially for his, because forums like this and social media in general - are central to the growing poor mental of young people especially.  Everyone is posting pictures of them going out having fun, meeting people ...larging it..pictures of holidays...concerts .how many followers  etc etc. Its all a facade...its like the Wizard of Oz..they aren't living the life you want or they'd be too busy enjoying it to let you know!! All the best for 2017.

  5. 1 hour ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    Getting invited to a wedding.  Bad enough at the best of times but when it is bang in the middle of when you hoped to go on holiday it makes it worse.

    Missus' childhood friend gets married. So that's already £200+ for stag weekend with loads of blokes you don't know or like...similar expenditure for missus on the hen-do BEFORE you even start. Then £150 for hotel for the wedding, £150 for new dress/shoes for her, £50 for present... £80 on overpriced drinks on the day. Listen to loads of speeches from people you don't know whilst starving and uncomfortable (too tight suit as you refused to spend even more money) sat with people you don't know..except from one bloke and his missus who they probably think you got on ok with on stag-do. Crappy disco and hanging around until you can slip away and get to bed. 

    What's not to like?


  6. The big deal made about the New Years Honours list. With its populist vibe its starting to have all the importance of the 'rear of the year award'.

    Sir Ian Botham I can see that....Sir Steve Redgrave hmm possibly... Sir Chris Hoy..less sure now....Sir Dave Brailsford increasingly uncomfortable....

    Sir Andy Murray?? Sorry ...he has 3-4 years at the top of his sport to go..no need to honour him, pointless. What next?? Sir Jamie Vardy? Sir Dele AllI? 

    PS Posh Spice? ??? 

  7. On Thursday, December 08, 2016 at 08:33, Wolfie said:

    Yeah my Mrs is definitely a bigger Potter fan than me but I found Eddie Redmayne's character's mannerisms really annoying & they grated on me. I think that's why I couldn't engage with it to begin with.

    Couldn't agree more. Really slow in general...kids were bored and I was counting down the minutes. 4/10

    Rogue 1...There's a film...got better and better 8/10.

  8. 'Vague' radio traffic reports that assume I have an encyclopedic knowledge of the motorway junctions. 

     eg I'm on M6 driving up to Liverpool...'we have word of a serious incident..police say the M62 motorway is closed at junction 15, with two hour delays please find an alternative route if possible'...cue panic in the car.

    Just bloody clarify and say 'the M62 is closed at the junction 15... for LEEDS'..!!

  9. Having a lovely hot shower...then realising someone has taken the towel off the back of the bathroom door.

    Having a relaxing err..number 2...and realising someone has finished the toilet roll and not replaced it.

    Having a refreshing glass of fruit juice...only to realise someone has put in back in the fridge with a tiny dribble left in it...

    Either my missus is a nightmare or I am impossibly demanding to live with. ...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    That 30 mins is important for us City folk.. You have to remember the north is largely unexplored and canabilism is still popular in Lancashire.. Us Londerners move at a quicker pace..


    I love the fact I've just liked your post, that you can't think of anything to write on the 'random things that make you happy' thread...and here you are merrily posting on here! haha. 

    8 pages vs 130...who say us Brits are moaning gits?

  11. On Monday, November 21, 2016 at 12:29, Mostyn6 said:

    forced myself to re-watch Ronin last night, having seen it about 15 years ago and it not making a positive impression on me.

    I have to say, it did nothing to change my mind, a load of old nonsense with a couple of car chases.


    Thank God..someone else thought what I did. Keep thinking I need to watch it again, must have missed something as you always see it talked about as a classic. Whereas I thought it was average, cliche-ridden fluff.

    Is there a 'nowhere near as good as the hype' thread? I'll put on my tin hat and throw a couple of grenades into that category...The Deer Hunter; 2001 Space Odyssey, Kill Bill....

  12. 8 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Or players who score then just walk away Balotelli style with no emotion. Benteke is one, Sturridge is another. It's happening more often.

    FFS! If it were me I'd be crowdsurfing!

    Where's the emotion gone?


    Gotta pull you up here mate though!

    Sturridge has the most  totally annoying celebration going...sticks his toblue out and then does a really naff caterpillar thing with his arms.

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