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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 1 hour ago, cheron85 said:

    I'd refer you back to page 1 (I know it's been a long time since then)

    Coles suggested that we've pre-submitted the accounts to the EFL for them to check them over before the 'officially' submit them - Top ensure that when they are submitted there's no chance of the EFL rejecting them for any reason

    It's a sensible approach (I think) after the previous troubles - But leaves us at the mercy of the EFL taking their sweet time to approve them



    Just a thought - Anyone think the EFL are manufacturing a points deduction here? If they wait until we've lost our first 2/3 games before allowing us to sign players it's almost as effective as a points deduction...

    Good post, it would be prudent to do this and goes with the 'getting on better with the EFL' message.  The EFL has an issue with us long with a few of the Championship clubs so will want to sure the accounts are as clean as a whistle. This might not be fair but we have brought a lot of this on ourselves  

  2. 1 hour ago, ShoreRam said:

    I see some people have moved on from googling 'NDA' and are now pontificating on the job function and performance of the club's CEO. I always knew that if I wanted sound business advice, I should first seek the wisdom of the good people on a football club forum ?

    I know your comment is tongue in cheek but there are some very experienced and knowledgeable people on this site. For me the CEO and we are talking about Stephen Pearce has got away lightly so far.

    He is a chartered accountant and a lot of our issues are to do with finance. He is also the operational head of DCFC so it’s his responsibility to make sure it is run correctly. If he was the CEO of any company with shareholders he would be keeping an eye on his taxi pulling up. I have no problem with his as a person but he needs to accept responsibility for the problems we are in.   

  3. Thank you @Punjabi_Rams for the information.

    What I would have liked to know is:

    - when are we going to pay HMRC

    -When are we going to submit the accounts

    Because if we do that we can sign players without an Embargo 

    I know that the performance of DCFC employees should stay behind closed doors but Pearce has to take accountability (no pun intended as he is an accountant) for a lot of this. If I was an incoming owner he would not be one I would keep. Im sure he is a good person but he has taken his eye off the ball (pun intended)

  4. 6 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    If the EFL has changed the 11.5k a week to 4.5k a week, its time we sit up and realise the EFL are doing everything in their power to not only relegate us, but put us out of business, which we know damn well would probably be the end game of being relegated.

    I have no idea what we can do as fans, apart from suffer while Mel and Parry sword fight with their tackle, but honestly if we dont do something I fear we wont have a club to support, at least as we know it, in a couple of years.

    If this reduction is wage is true, there is a second question. Is the £4.5 for everyone or just for us. I seem to remember someone saying Reading could pay higher wages than us

  5. 8 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    EFL regulation 24 covers the fielding of a weakened team in a championship league game see below,

    Regulation 24 The Requirement to Play Full Strength Sides in League Matches 

    24.1 Each Club shall play its full strength in all Matches played under the auspices of The League unless some satisfactory reason is given. In the event of the explanation not being deemed satisfactory the Board shall refer the matter to a Disciplinary Commission which has the power to impose such penalties as it shall think fit.

    My preposition  is that if the EFL forces DCFC by means of this Embargo, to knowingly have the Rams field a weakened side at the start of the season, then they will be guilty of breaking their own regulations, and to my mind if we some months later we were able to strengthen the team, and go on a good set of results, we could seriously affect both relegation and promotion in the league.

    My view is that given we only currently have without any additional players a team that will find it very difficult to get results, then the EFL is playing with fire, and for once maybe it could be Mr Gibsons team that could be adversely affected.

    I am going to write to the EFL to point out they will transgress their own regulations if they do not see sense.


    it wouldnt be a weakened team as we can only pick from players we have not the ones we dont have.   

  6. I can see what Rooney is trying to do (with his hands tied behind his back) he wants us to be quicker in the final third and move our full backs higher up the pitch. that will make us more attack focused and leave space in the centre. I think the out of contract players he has sold his vision to are remarkable given the state of the club at the minute. The one think he has not addressed is the forward line Baldock is not the answer

  7. Based on tonight

    Didn’t think Baldock offered anything I wouldn’t offer him a contract 

    aluko not sure did a few good things but vision wasn’t one of them

    Jag sign him up 

    Morrison did enough to show what he can do sign him up

    Carroll people might disagree but I saw enough to say he has something to bring I would sign him

    Stearman didn’t play

    Alsop pass had nothing to do


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