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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 2 minutes ago, Arsene Titman said:

    No one has yet provided any evidence of Rooney saying that we would be out of the embargo tomorrow-in my view, that is because he has said no such thing. I am though optimistic that both the club and the EFL want to put an end to the saga. Unless a takeover is imminent, any post embargo transfers will be loans or free transfers.

    could just me that is when we are aiming to put the accounts in???

  2. 2 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Why on earth should we agree to a punishment when (as of yet, hopefully not at all) we've done nothing else wrong?!

    If we were in the clear this would have all been done and dusted by now. yes I do hope all is good and we are clear but this has all of the hallmark of an on ongoing negotiations and that can really only be about a potential punishment

  3. 11 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Mr Popadjikupmias, has basically rewritten the same post 70 times, I think he is the football forum equivalent of a stalker, we should take out an injunction 

    He has a clear hate for Derby and their fans, an unhealthy one.  He did mention one thing about there must be a reason for not selling season tickets and then made a comment about stoke and Covid. A thought, have we done that to lower our income so that we can right off more debt due to Covid?

    I have read their thread and like us they are making assumptions, one of them being the 'missing' £30m from the stadium revaluation, another relating to FFP and our wages. Another is that the reason so many 'Derby' companies are being struck off is due to the failure to file accounts. I agree with them but thats because we are in negotiations with the EFL and I still feel that is because they need to show something from this and I still think we will accept something that is minor in comparision to what people think we deserve.  

    We do have to accept that 'we' have tried to use accounting practices to cover up our overspending and that where we are is of our own making.  The EFL need to accept that they have made a right horlicks in the process and delivery of our accounts and the charges.  


  4. I think this is all about negotiations, my thoughts are that they are negotiating a penalty that we will agree to not appeal as both parties want to put an end to this. I am expecting a 3-6 point deduction maybe some of it suspended based on failing to file accounts, little bit of FFP, failing to pay bills. Things put together that we will accept. 

  5. 13 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    We’re actually talking to each other (the club and the EFL) instead of publicly antagonising each other. Maybe that’s the reason?

    The engagement will be out in a couple of weeks and DCFC and EFL will be married by Christmas. EFL have an issue with Mel walking DCFC don the aisle 

  6. 13 hours ago, NottsRam77 said:

    I’m sorry if this is elsewhere but couldn’t find what I was looking for after everything else that’s been going off since.

    The last I read was that @Davidwas waiting on the club to come back to him regarding what he could publish 

    Im aware ramstrust and the Punjabi rams have issued statements/ joint effort 

    but I’m suppose what I’m asking is tone of the meeting 

    did our Dave come away distraught at where the clubs heading , hopeful we have a better future on the horizon or just was it a bit of waste of time and didn’t really answer anything 

    I’m not asking for details of any sort but I’m sure anyone who went are allowed to say how their emotions were with regard to our plight hopeful, worried, or worse 

    to my knowledge u can’t NDA peoples emotions for information received just the detail of the Information 

    as it stands as a concerned supporter… like many here I’m really really worried about where we’re going  Quite honestly 

    I have just got off the phone with Mel. He said the takeover is due to happen tomorrow its led by jeff bezos, some guy called Mark from facebook and some microsoft guy called Gates...so something like that. They have also put in a bids for PSG and Real Madrid to be are feeder clubs in our bid for world domination. Mel said dont worry it will all be fine.....he said something else but I woke up 

  7. 2 hours ago, DCFC Kicks said:

    So Mel and our entire recruitment team weren't involved in which players we signed? it was just 100% Lampard? I'd say the more likely scenario for example would have been: he said he wanted and new LB, and the club came back with Malone. (he didn't sign Jozwiak, who I also don't think is poor)

    It would have been impossible to replace those loans anyway in any scenario, they were that good. We were lucky they were here at all.


    I nthink he meant JoFlo

  8. One we should have won, I hope it doesn’t come back to bite us. I’m not going to have a go at our lads I think they are playing better a than I hoped for. I think we are almost there, apart from someone to put the ball in the net and pace at the back, unfortunately they are two fundamental issues when you are trying to win a football match.

    we really need to get behind them and be positive , no booing just positive as we can make a difference 

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