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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. On 15/09/2021 at 09:30, Anag Ram said:

    Can't believe we are so atrocious at keeping the ball from a throw-in. 

    Two players at most making themselves available (rather half-heartedly) before being muscled off the ball. 

    In the end we just threw it to them and hoped to pick up the clearance. 

    Indicative of a lack of desire to get on the ball. We need to commit more players to throw-ins so we can use them to build attacks not surrender possession. 

    or you do the throw in the West Brom way and have both feet on the pitch when you release the ball. Shocked that wasnt picked up by the ref

  2. On 13/09/2021 at 15:47, Rammeister said:

    He seems able to pass to another one of our players - which is a big plus. I see a tendency to pass sideways, but that could be due to lack of movement ahead of him by forwards. 

    I think he will get stronger- just needs to not allow other teams to press his buttons like on Friday.

    free on really cheap wages, he would be a bargin anyway but he offers something and will get better as the season goes on.

  3. its all odd, we have either breached FFP or we havnt . If we have, the points deduction per amount overspent is pre defined so we should know what it is. Perhaps the fact we can appeal is the problem with both discussing an amount that is exceptable to both (so we dont appeal). If it isnt that then what is going on and will we ever know?? 

  4. Birmingham changed how they played to close us down knowing we really didn’t have an out ball, The Gumps did something similar and more will follow.  We have similar issues to when CoCu was here. We want to play out from the back, but don’t have  a back up. The back up would be speed or strength, a combination of both would be best. So we could send the ball over the top or to a big forward to hold it up.  I think that’s why Emboseli was in the team and of course CKR. 

    we are nearly there to have a survivable team

  5. 18 minutes ago, England Ram said:

    I’d only agree in part……

    Is it the EFL who have not paid the HMRC? 
    Is it the EFL who have not paid Keogh?

    Is it the EFL who have not paid agreed transfer fees? 
    Is it the EFL who have not paid Delaware? 
    Is it the EFL who didn’t pay wages in January?

    If the answer is no, then who is responsible for the answer to that question is why we find ourselves knee deep in embargo’s, not only for the accounts submission. 

    I agree, we have not fufilled our obligations for what ever reason so hence where we are. Re points deductions and FFP/Covid, I hope that everyone (including ourselves) have any appropriate deductions as per the rule book. With Covid the EFL need to look at what people are stating as their losses due to Covid, I seem to remember Stokes covid losses were rediculously high.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Bianoic said:

    You are right

    One might have hoped, though, that we would have responded appropriately. Why  did we persist with the daft goal kick routine, and constantly giving the ball to Davies to try to do something with ? Just seemed to be a lack of communication by the management and a lack of footballing intelligence

    Seems to me that we have three or four players who are very comfortable on the ball, even when it is fired in at them - Tom, Joz, Max and Ravel. Don’t understand why we don’t just aim to get those guys on the ball every time we have won it ? At least 3 of the 4 have shown they can control it and do something with it even when marked and under a lot of pressure .

    We needed to go to a back 3 sooner. When we did you could see the space that we had on the flanks for Buchanan to run into. 

    Rooney sets up the team really well, the first half and in particular the interplay between Morrison and Lawrence was a pleasure to watch. 

    Rooney needs to react more quickly when the opposition changes tactics as the Gumps did. 

    it is a credit to Derby that the other teams need to change systems but we need to react more quickly when they do it

  7. 1 hour ago, Bianoic said:

    Normally pretty positive and upbeat about us but found yesterday’s second half incredibly disappointing and almost painful to endure. Especially after that first half when it was everything one could have asked for and more.

    Would love to have known what went on at half time to have led to such a change in attitude. It was almost as if we were determined to keep trying to shoot ourselves in the foot until we actually  did ! 

    I find it baffling that we think it will be a successful tactic to give the ball to Davies and Shinniesta to start off our moves upfield. That is not either of theirs’ game and never will be. Wasn’t it Clough senior who instructed ball winners like those two to just win it and then give it to someone who was capable of doing something with it ? And as for this bizarre six yard kick off routine that we persist with, the less said the better !

    Thought Tom was really lively first half and the goal was brilliant. But until he becomes a true team player, and takes opportunities to give the ball to teammates in much better positions, he will struggle to fulfil his potential. Although very surprising at the time, his exclusion from the Wales Euros squad his probably understandable on that basis.

    Same goes to Ravel to some extent too. And it would be great to know why he didn’t get subbed off in the second half too, when he was clearly suffering and effectively we were reduced to playing with ten men at times. 

    On the plus side, there were plenty of really good performances yesterday. Byrne was so much better than the Boro game. Bird, Jags, Fozzy, Joz all had really good games to me.

    So all in all, a little bit downbeat unfortunately. Mainly due to the lack of common sense and logic displayed by both the team and the management in the second half.

    And, of course, because it was Forest. You do wonder if they ever be more “there for the taking” than that !

    They changed tactics by pressing us, closing Roos down and cutting off passes to Byrne and Forsyth. This caused us to kick long. We were unable to complete with long balls although Stretton did well when he came on.

    this enabled the Gumps to get on top

  8. 2 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

    But there is no difference as far as the EFL regs are concerned. It basically says you must comply with FRS102 full stop.  Like I’ve said multiple times on here already, if the EFL want a different version of FRS102 then they should write it, publish it, enforce it and so on.  You can’t have the situation where they make up unwritten extra rules whenever they feel like it.

    I don’t disagree with you. I have heard FRS102, ‘my way’ by the EFL will be in the shops for Christmas bound to be a best seller although Waterstones cannot decide if goes under fiction or non fiction 

  9. 1 hour ago, duncanjwitham said:

    It's about how much of a players "economic benefit" to the club has been consumed at any given point over his contract. Yes he's worth nothing at the end, but FRS102 is crystal clear that you can derive economic benefits from the disposal of an asset as well as it's use, and the ability to sell him is only worth zero when he's actually left on a free.

    A big difference between FRS 102 and the EFL. I didn't see any issues with the amortilisation as its dosnt have to be a straight line but they did.  The EFL have their own way of looking at FRS that a normal business and HMRC do not.

  10. 3 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    The issue is there aren't any "EFL regulations" about amortization.  There are accounting standards (FRS102) that the EFL regs say we must abide by, that's it.  We believed were abiding by them, our accountants did, the auditors of our accounts did, the accountant on the disciplinary commission thought we did too.  But here we are anyway...

    In terms of why we did it, it may well be that we thought it would give us an edge by deferring some of the amortization until we were already promoted (Ahem...), but if you look at it from a purely football perspective, the model we tried to use does match real-life values a lot better.  Does anyone actually believe Ivan Toney is now 'worth' a fifth less than he was a year ago?  Or is it the case that he's got a bit of wear and tear after a year in the championship, but is basically worth pretty much what Brentford paid for him a year ago (or more...)?

    There are obviously questions about how accurately you can model/calculate player values, and whether that lack of accuracy means you ultimately shouldn't bother.  But the basic facts are, we were at least trying to use a model that better reflects how we consume those assets.  It's not like we were doing some super-crazy accountancy nonsense that bears no relation to real life.

    its not about the value of a player its about the value of his contract. Toney at the end of his contract will be worth nothing to Brentford.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:



    I have no reason to not beleive Percy and the 9 points.

    Gut feeling - 6 point deduction on the way with us signing up to an agreed business plan (amount paid on wages, number of players, transfer fees etc) including the right to audit.

    The January  window is going to be so important to us as injuries and fatigue will set in leaving us short of numbers and experiance. 


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