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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 23 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

    Well I don't I hang out on a Derby fans forum for the upbeat light hearted japes..... 

    I just find it amazing that people are so blinded that they cant admit that what we have done is wrong....its as simple as that, we bent every rule possible to breaking point, broke a lot of rules and are getting called out on it, so thanks to the shambolic running of the club we should suck it up and take the punishment.

    I think there are a few words in there that could fall into the potentially liable category and at he least be incorrect. 'Systematically cheat', 'years upon years of violating the rules' and 'having some trouble paying its creditors'. 

    Couhig would need to prove that Derby had a system in place to cheat the FFP, whilst you could argue that Derby have been found guilty of this with the amortisation. Derby have never hidden the policy, and it was signed off by the auditors. there is a difference between proving someone cheated and someone did something incorrectly. Derby have never tried to hide the policy or accounts so what ever you think about it proving cheating would be difficulty.

    Years upon years of violating rules. Well one rule not more than one. Again Derby have been upfront with the policy and if asked to change by the EFL would have done. For me this is the one (apart from the rules part) that is the most accurate.

    Trouble paying its creditors, he must have some information that we don't, I have never heard that we have failed to pay creditors, players yes but not creditors. I think unless he knows something we don't then he could have problems with that.

    If I was Derby I would pass the FFP and then sue him.      

  2. 2 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    I think it’s very unlikely they’d postpone the start of the season for us and Wycombe especially given how long any subsequent appeal(s) would take. Also, rule 28.2 says they can after “consultation with and consideration for the clubs involved”. So, not only would they need to “consult” with Derby (that could be fun) and Wycombe but also our respective opponents in those games. It wouldn’t take many games before a load of other teams get impacted by the mess. That’s another reason why I don’t think the EFL will appeal.

    Let’s imagine the EFL take another week to make their mind up to appeal. Then the DC pull out all the stops and make a judgement after just four weeks. I imagine Derby would have at least a week to appeal the new penalty and the DC take another 3 weeks to hear our counter appeal. We’re now getting towards the end of August by which time we should have played 5 league games.

    I don’t know what rights of appeal Derby would have but, if an EFL went against us, I can’t imagine that would be the end of the matter.

    I think they will appeal, and the result will not be much different. I think we will stay in the Championship for this season coming. I don’t think that anything will be backdated.

    if we fail the retrospective FFP then we will get  points deduction for either this season or next. If we are outside the financial limits then I don’t expect it to be by much so would expect more than a 6 points deduction. 

    if we get a fine and stay in FFP there are going to be a lot of clubs pointing fingers at the EFL and their inability to get things done. A lot at  stake for us but as much for the reputation of the EFL.

    sorry and Gibson can stick it where the sun don’t shine ?


  3. 34 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Wycombe owner accuses Derby of 'systematic cheating' - BBC Sport

    "BBC Sport has been told the EFL produced an interchangeable fixture list to allow for the entire case to run its course. Although, in accepting there is no timescale, the EFL has left open the potential for it to run beyond 7 August, when the domestic season is due to begin.

    That could mean Wycombe starting life in League One before the final outcome of the case is known.

    "If we don't get a decision until after we have started and we were forced to play in League One, my suspicion would be Derby would owe Wycombe for the losses we would sustain for not playing in the Championship in 2021-22 and any reasonably projected economic losses," Couhig said.

    "So we are looking in the region of £10m-£15m of potential losses for a Derby club which, the last time I looked, is having some trouble paying its creditors.

    "We would have an obligation to look into [suing them]. If it was the best thing for the club, yes, that is what we would do."


    So he's blatant about pointing out we can't pay our creditors, but would have an obligation to sue!

    Somebody with limited knowledge of what has gone on, he has no more information than we have to go on.

    The amortisation was a technical breach hence the fine. The asking for the accounts to be resubmitted is to ensure that we have not breached FFP, if we have then we will be charged with that and if guilty have a points deduction.

    The timescales of the process above is due to the inability of the EFL to bring the right charges and do it in a timely fashion (they also previously signed off the accounts and the amortisation process).

    If we are guilty of FFP we will be punished but if Wycombe need to sue anyone then it needs to be the EFL for the process not be dealt with in a timely fashion, we are not in charge of that or bringing the right charges at the right time they are.    

  4. There needs to be some type of Government body that sits above the EFL that can look into the way that they operate.

    I have no issue with the EFL going after us or anyone else for breaching FFP, that is part of what they are there for. However what is not acceptable is the way there go about things.

    - they should not be influenced by outside parties

    - they should be aligned as much as possible with the football clubs when they issue press statements

    - they should inform clubs when they intend to issue press statements

    - transfer embargo's should be a last resort and instances where they are responsible for the loss of a Jack Marriott should not happen

    - They should not issue prejudicial statements such as the Wycombe/Derby one until it is justified (Derby are regulated)

    - They should not look to treat a club in a different and prejudicial way to others (Retrospective relegation) 

    I think the EFL operational mandate and leadership needs to be investigated

  5. Some questions:

    So does this mean the transfer embargo is now lifted? 

    How could the EFL have given a retrospective penalty for a season that has ended (they have never done that before)

    Why did the EFL release the Wycombe/Derby fixture list message. ( you might say things not do them) 

    How will this affect new ownership and transfers

    If we are guilty of FFP (regarding the resubmitted accounts) what is the max penalty

    Can we sue the EFL for the loss of Marriott, the fixture list comment, defamation of Derby's name 


    It interesting to see DCFC have not issued a comment, I guess they are talking to the lawyers first

  6. 22 minutes ago, r4derby said:

    Certainly can’t afford them at the minute! Was meant more as the opposite to a trigger happy owner

    how likely is this? is it pie in the sky or is there any substance to this?

  7. 9 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    If I compare Hendrick back in 2016 he had defiantly proved himself at international level when we sold him he's played excellently against Sweden and Italy and had very good games against Germany, France and Poland.

    Knights played well against teams that are not of the same calibre, it's not even close, albeit he has a lot less games than Hendrick at club level had in 2016.  

    In my opinion Hendrick was worth 2-3 million more than he went for .  Knights more untapped potential than polished finish and in a normal season we're looking at 7-8 million with add on . At the minute we'll take some second hand kit from the lost jock strap box and a years supply of biscuits for the canteen. Can't see him making a huge impression at prem level at the minute , he's too raw.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see him at a club at the top end of this league in a Rasiak to Wolves three amigos unexpected last day move that we almost saw years ago.

    I thought Rasiak went to spurs

  8. 11 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Sun newspaper: Derby target Joe Pigott (27) dominates Afc wimbledons end-of-season awards. He scored 22 goals in one season.

    I doubt we will see potential relegation issues if we sign him.

    The Dons were desperate to retain him, but Pigott has since told the club’s official website how he will leave this summer at the end of his contract and look for a new club.

    Our club was the lowest scorers in the Championship last season.

    Martyn Waghorn is out of contract while loanee Lee Gregory has returned to Stoke City.

    In my opinion, Colin Kazim-Richards at 35 is not the answer, to the need for a striker.

    At 27 years old joe has room for improvement.



    is this the right part of the forum for this? should it be under transfers. Interesting thank you for posting 

  9. 10 hours ago, HuddersRam said:

    Just logged on to here after a long old day, and this has cheered me right up. Thank you @G_Kinkladze, @wixman1884, @Asheville Ram, you've made my day with these.

    A couple of notable things - I was worried in the writing that I was painting Nigel accidentally as a villain, so I'm glad it's not come across in that way. Personally I wasn't his biggest fan in truth, but I wanted to make sure it was written as much down the middle as it possibly could be. 

    @G_Kinkladze - Brys was fantastic. When I first told him how much of his time I'd like to steal (six hours in the end) he was a bit taken aback, but I think he was pretty glad to get a lot off his chest by the end. That entire side built by Clough and improved by McClaren couldn't have been any more forthcoming and helpful - great squad of people. 

    Moneywise - well, I've now found out that authors barely make a jot ? Jeff Bezos though, raking it in! I've at least got some learnings for the next one, which I'll hopefully be able to announce soon!

    I really enjoyed it, there was enough detail without getting bogged down as some books do, and thank you for getting the autographs on it. would you consider doing an audio version of the book?

  10. 16 hours ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    I love your optimism B4. They are both decent young players. Clarke has been player of the season in 3 of the last 4 seasons. Currently in my team selection, Clarke would be picked before Knight. I think Brighton would argue Clarke is worth around the same as Knight.

    its not a like for like, Knight is a goal scoring midfielder with the engine of a Rolls Royce, he is also a full international. Clarke is excellent but a goal scoring international midfielder will always be worth more. He we through a goal scoring striker in the mix his value would be higher than both. 

    I do take your point about Clarke being on the team sheet before Knight but that's not how football valuations work

  11. I think Knight is worth more than Clarke, he is a goal scorer, full international (at 19), lots of energy and potential. therefore I would swap Knight for Clarke and Brighton pay up 3 mil on top with a 15% sell on clause   

  12. 25 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Uh oh. Another book about behind the scenes at Derby County?

    In all seriousness, good luck with the book.

    aah no, its about my life, Derby and the Rams are mentioned as they are a big part of my life but I have had some interesting things happen. Blown up in Aden as a Child, growing up in Germany, Belfast as a soldier, Police and going around the world helping countries stop corruption.

    on the Rams, my Dad had the security contract when the BBG was knocked down and I was able to go everywhere   

  13. At least we will make a fortune from the Netflix programme following the bidding war with Sky. Lets face it this circus has legs and runs and runs. It has more twists and turns than an episode of Line of Duty. what media outlet wouldn't be interested in this comedy of errors. 

  14. So, they are paying £250k each (£750k in total). As already indicated this will get worse post Brexit. if we were talking about a company we would call it asset stripping, for that is what it is. if the 5 that have left go on to make it in the Prem (Delap, Gordon and these 3) we will have lost out big time.

    The Prem and EFL need to step in and address the issues here, otherwise what is the point of funding an academy if you have to accept knockdown prices for players that have not signed a contract and then have their heads turned by the big clubs.   

    Liverpool, the Manchester's and others buy young players for a reason. I think that they should all come with a hefty sell on fee and increments should they reach certain stages such as playing in the Prem, 100 games, and playing for your country.

    We have received about about £3m for 5 players that in a couple of years will no doubt have added a few zero's to that figure. 

    we will not be the only ones that this is happening, but teams especially those in the lower leagues need some protection.  

  15. On 09/10/2020 at 17:46, HuddersRam said:

    Happy Friday one and all!

    I should probably apologise in advance as I feel a little bit spammy, but I'm pretty excited to say that Pride (or Pride: The Inside Story of Derby County in the 21st Century to give it the full, far too long name) will be available from the club shop and online from this weekend!

    Link - https://www.dcfcmegastore.co.uk/item/2865/Books/Pride-Na.html

    For those who don't know, Pride is a project I've been working on for around three years in total, and it's seen me work with just over 60 former players, managers, chairmen, coaches and #ITK fans to tell the tale of the club from the moment we moved into Pride Park until the beginning of this year. It's not really a game by game account, it's more of a focus on each season, the on-field and off-field dramas (even the crash), all told by those who lived it from the inside. So to put the 60 people into context, it varies from the likes of Stefano Eranio, Steve McClaren and Warren Barton through to Gary Rowett, Harry Wilson, Giles Barnes, Inigo Idiakez and Jake Buxton.

    The club have been extremely supportive and it's been a huge surprise to have them come on board, considering the content paints a factual tale, but they've been a huge help and it's fantastic to have them on board.

    For anyone who has pre-ordered already - and a massive thank you for your interest in what began as just a daft little project to pass the time - what I'm going to recommend to people is that they cancel their pre-orders with Amazon and the likes, because hopefully money won't have been taken. Then the book will be available for around a week or two at the club and the megastore, before hitting the wider world. Unfortunately this one was out of my hands so I'm expecting a few pelters ?

    I'll try not to spam too much but if anyone has any questions or comments on the book, what it's about or why certain people didn't make the cut, just reply or drop me a message. And most of all, for anyone who is keen and interested in understanding almost every major development and in-story of the club over 20+ years, I really hope you enjoy it. I'm on Twitter at @PrideDCFC where I'll be rambling to myself and sharing a few articles I've done over the past few months.

    You might see/hear me a bit over the media over the next few weeks, so I'm always here to throw abuse at! I had a chat with the @Steve Bloomer's Washing team as well for their latest episode: https://soundcloud.com/user-147200653/sbw-94-Derby-county-2000-2020





    I have my copy and I am looking forward to reading it over the Crimbo period 

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