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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 12 hours ago, DCFC1388 said:

    I think the diagram is pretty decent and explains whats happening quite well considering all the different deals that could be happening with the club & stadium etc

    Could Mr X be Andy Appleby? Has business in USA, friends with Horton, worked with Mel at DCFC before

    Its Mulder or Scully 

  2. 4 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I'm totally digusted and dismayed that on a football forum there appears to be an absolute lack of understanding of basic tax and accounting practices. 

    Appalled from Thames Ditton.

    I had an issue with the numbers as I only have 10 toes, but I called a work colleague from Nottingham for help as he has a lot more than 10 toes

  3. 3 hours ago, TheSlate said:

    Yeah, agreed. I doubt it is anything like 4-5 million also, mainly because your CT is based on taxable profits for Corporation Tax include the money your company or association makes from:

    doing business (‘trading profits’)


    selling assets for more than they cost (‘chargeable gains’)

    If your company is based in the UK, it pays Corporation Tax on all its profits from the UK and abroad.

    - What we don't know is how that 81m was layered on top of p and l. 

    That's true, I based it on the max on turnover not net profit for CT, which as you indicated would be a lot less. I have heard people say that we will go into administration before the season starts. For me that unlikely to happen but we do need to get these sanctions off our backs and allow the press and other clubs to concentrate on other things rather than Derby County.  

  4. 34 minutes ago, TheSlate said:

    If you book an 81m profit for the sale of ground/land, surely there's the question of a) stamp duty (buying party) and b) corporation tax (profit for selling party). I'm more than likely missing something here as it's not a case of 19% of 81m because that profit would be in the bucket with everything else and offset against the wider losses. Nobody has a scooby do they? 

    It cannot be the stamp duty on the ground as that would be owed by Mel (the buyer) and not DCFC (the seller). I have no idea the amount owed, but (and I think @Spanishsaid this) it cannot be in the tens of millions. If you take 20% as an average guideline (company tax) then we are talking a maximum of 4-5 Million and I doubt if its anything like that. 

    Also is this likely (and I am not ITK) to be an amount that due to Covid etc that we are paying to the HMRC in instalments agreed by them but seen as a breach by the EFL, similar to the company accounts?    

  5. 14 hours ago, San Fran Van Rams said:

    Mel's issue was liquidity at the time we didn't pay the wages, hence why we had to get a short term loan to pay them. 

    In an acquisition you normally agree a networking capital position that the acquiring company will furnish the target with once the deal closed, and is taken into account in the purchase price. Before that, the target has to pay all creditors as per normal. If Mel was short on liquidity he should (and probably did) ask for a loan from the acquirer. This obviously didnt come through as expected which left us scrambling. 

    The cash flow projections we're obviously considered in light of the acquisition and being provided the net working capital at a point in time. I can't remember the timeline but it seems whatever cash buffer there was, it was eroded too early. COVID obviously didn't help matters. 

    Not paying wages shouldn't happen. It was a naive business move to trust that dodgy sheikh. It should not happen again. Being that close to the wire is poor financial management and I hope the CEO has learnt from that. How he still has a job is anyone's business. Must be a family friend of Mels.

    I agree with you re Pearce, he has dropped the ball a few times (as CEO he has to take the responsibility). When we are taken over I would be surprised if he kept his job   

  6. 17 hours ago, Spanish said:

    This what I am worried about hopefully we will not be dealt with more harshly than covid hit clubs

    We are all COVID affected clubs, Reading average what 10-12000 per game so that’s £8mish lost to COVID, we average about 26,000 so that would be a loss of £20mish if you add food, drink and hospitality then the loss comparison gets even bigger. COVID affected the clubs with bigger fan bases more. 

    I don’t agree with Maguire on this, the EFL should deduct what they judge clubs have lost due to Covid-19 and then treat everyone the same. They should have come up with a formula for this by now. Clubs like Stoke and Reading who have huge losses should be treated in the same way as SWFC and DCFC

  7. 16 hours ago, Barney1991 said:

    In the written reasons I noticed Pearce mentioned after revising the accounts and had shown the idc them done. Apologies if I’m wrong with what I put and feel free to correct me. Could we now be checking them over and they could be submitted within the next week to be checked over by the efl. I see I. His interview they are now working together with that issue. So hopefully within 2 weeks the interested parties will know where it is at and a deal can be finally agreed 

    I would have thought that they would have run the revised figures as soon as we were found guilty, I doubt we would have waited for the penalty. That would give them more chance to examine them so the EFL cannot pick them to bits as they will no doubt try. They will always wait until the last day to submit them   

  8. I was thinking


                  Coconut         B4ev6is         i-ram            Nottsram77

                                                      Shinnie  SDSR 

                                          Islandexile    JimboRam Sage


  9. I think he spoke well, its important to look at what he said.

    - Rooney onboard

    - Transfer plan for when the new owners arrive, I took its (my take) that this is going to happen very soon

    - Only 1 debt (not sure how much)

    - I also took it that the comment about small senior and talented youngsters was that we will not panic on getting in numbers but wait for the ownership to change

    - After two cockups I don't blame them for for keeping stum over the takeover.

    - Needing to build bridges - correct thing to do  


    Next steps, complete takeover, sort out FFP and move forward, although I am far from convinced Pearce is the man to lead the Rams

  10. 39 minutes ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    If I was Mel I would have the accounts submissions double and treble checked by a senior partner of one of the big accountancy firms, we do not want a professor from the university of wallaballoo being wheeled out by the EFL to trash our accounts, sorry Mr Pearce but we need to ensure every figure and word treble checked.

    You can bet your bottom dollar the EFL will be having a panel of “experts” poring over them.

    I know Pearce is the CEO but he is also a qualified accountant, so why all of the accountancy problems at Derby. 

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