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Woodley Ram

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Posts posted by Woodley Ram

  1. 15 hours ago, David said:

    Watched this earlier, having read this topic I feared that would be more focused on us, however it appeared to be more about Samuelson, the Mr fixit of football thankfully.

    Whilst Mel suggested an idea which “went against the spirit of FFP” according to Karen Maguire, it was to leave us in the best position to move forward remaining as a minority shareholder to give us headroom to invest in the team.

    This is football, if this has shocked anyone you must live under a rock. You only have to look at PSG signing Messi on top of what they have to realise the spirit of FFP isn’t something that is universally adhered to.

    Let’s be honest for a minute, FFP/P&S is a joke anyway, with EPPP, parachute payments, then you look at Bielik, he’s been injured most of the time he’s been here, can’t even play him yet his transfer fee and wages still count towards that. We can chuck George Thorne into the mix here as well.

    If you’re on the limit, how’s that fair? It’s not. The rules I do believe were with the best intentions, however they are too restrictive for clubs with an ounce of ambition.

    The game is littered with agents and brokers, it hasn’t been a “clean” game for a number of years now, all looking to get their slice of the pie doing whatever is needed to get signatures on paper.

    Samuelson did not come out of it well at all, sales of Villa and Reading to front men disguising where the money had come from.

    Interesting that the end statements from all involved all looked to distance themselves from him.

    Saying all that, don’t be surprised to see him mentioned in future take overs with other clubs, unless he finds a front man for himself.

    Whilst he’s been exposed, comes across as an intelligent man that knows how to find a way, that will be invaluable to some that require his services.

    NOt in the spirt of FFP , like Fulham defering he payment of Wilson for 2 years

  2. 19 hours ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Guessing he desperately wants to get shot of Marshall to bring in another forward? (As plan B if umbongo not lifted next week).

    I dont get the Allsop signing, I would have brought an outfield player in first

  3. 55 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    I think I'm right in believing that the guy who had his penalty saved was the one who dived for the earlier penalty.


    that was funny, it happened outside the penalty area and the ref was miles away. Mind you after look at ours on a reply it was soft but at least in the penalty area 

  4. On 21/08/2019 at 09:18, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Did anyone else see the Chinese people walking on the pitch before the game? My mate said they looked like business men.

    Just wondered if anyone noticed them and were they just exchange students being shown the delights of Derby?



    It was a couple of guys from Aljazeera

  5. 5 hours ago, r_wilcockson said:

    Sums up what most people think about us at the moment - we're an absolute shitshow off the field, therefore this must equate to another 11 Points season on the field. I don't see it that way however, the group is fairly close knit and the starting 11 with Knight and Bielik to come back is a mid table team - it just depends how any injuries and covid affects us through the course of the season. Happy to fly under the radar for now anyway if other teams think they just have to turn up to beat us - they could be in for a rude awakening hopefully. agree 

    agree with this, we will not get promoted but we will do a little better than people think

  6. On 30/07/2021 at 18:17, Ruud Aralliss said:

    Not necessarily.  Some Season ticket holders have already said that they are “ trying “ other seats, meaning the possibility of somebody not able to get the seat they paid for last season. I’m sure people trying these seats are not opting for cheaper ones. Sometimes you cannot be on line securing tickets as soon as they are released.  There seems to be a bit of “ so what, deal with it” going about, but if you sit with groups of family and friends and can’t get your seat it could be a big deal.  Some people pick seats related to the amount of stairs they can comfortably climb or an isle seat as they struggle to pass people, there are fans with OCD. Sometimes it’s not as simple as it is might seem to some.

    Im going to try one by the corner flag so that I can appriaciate the one I have

  7. 1 hour ago, DCFC1388 said:

    Transfermrket have us down as getting him for £3.8m, so if we got £4.7m (€5.5mm) for him based off a straight line amortisation of 950k a year, it would be a £1.85m profit on our books

    aaah that word again amortalisation ?

  8. I thought the South stand were excellent and was saddened by the attendance. I was fearful over a protest but I’m glad we supported Rooney and the boys.

    We were better in the game than I thought we would be. Davies and Steerman are always going to be exposed by pace I was shocked that Huddersfield took so long to work it out.

    Shinnie didn’t play well in the first half but improved in the second. Roos is changing my opinion of him more for the excellent punch than the saves as we know he can do that, also unlike the Huddersfield keeper is kicking is good.

    I thought Watson was played in the wrong position he is a creator not a winger but I think that is because we have lots of central midfielders.

    Bryne had a torrid time, they had a plan to isolate him and use high balls to Thomas who was excellent.

    I don’t have an issue with Lawrence, he run his heart out and until Sibley came on was the only spark.

    As for Jozwiak shoot lad even if you miss. He is a good player but needs an end product, he had an excellent opportunity to shoot in the match but didn’t and then his head went down.

    Sibley was excellent when he came on and gave their defence hell, this in turn helped Bryne as Thomas had to do more defending.

     Ebosele we have some player here, I thought he was all about speed but he showed that he has a good football brain and an excellent passing game. He will be a star in the future.

    Forsyth, excellent, this guy would run through a wall for Derby.

    The ref and the assistant ref in front of the East Stand. How many time did Forsyth get fouled in the second half when their defender was body checking him?  Also when Ebosele was free on the left he was clearly fouled consistently but all that was given was a throwing. Thought the ref was poor today.

    Holmes, has he been on the weights looked a lot bigger and looked slower. His booing was warranted not because he is an ex player but because of how (from his own mouth) he engineered his move. The booing affected him, you could tell that when he blow a kiss to the east stand.  

    Last but not least Huddlesfield are going on about Covid, just look at the quality of players they had on the bench. Also he have a much better squad than last year they have recruited well. This is a game they thought they would win easily and we were better than they thought. 

  9. Roos - 7 didnt put a foot wrong made a couple of good saves and a decent punch 

    Byrne-  5 struggled against Thomas the left winger, better in the second half 

    Forsyth- 7 excellent today, my MoM winning headers and lots of energy

    Davies - 7 Goal and very steady at the back, his knowledge was needed today

    Stearman - 6 stuck to his task was shattered at the end of the game, good debut 

    Bird - 6 didnt see enough of him, but when he had the ball he looked composed more involved second half

    Shinnie - 5 poor first half, looked off the pace better in the second half

    Watson -6 played on the left, is more effective in the middle linking play worked his socks off and could have had a pen

    Lawrence -6  looked for the ball, much better work rate. when he is on the ball you can see his quality

    Jozwiak -5 needs to pull the trigger, he gets in good postions and then dosnt shoot 

    Kazim - 6 won most of his headers and battles but on his on with little support

    Sibley - 7 He took on their defence and fired shots off, Jozwiak needs to take this onboard. lifted the crowd 

    Ebosele - 7 I thought he was a speed merchant but he also has a wondeful touch this guy is a big talent

  10. I have just listened to the full Rooney interview, if that wasnt a call to action for the fans to get behind the team I dont know what is. I loved the way he rejected the term trialist for the players training with us. They are still there because of him and still waiting to sign for us because of him. He also said he was sleeping in his office trying to get deals done.

    I hope the senior managers of DCFC take something from Wayne and be as professional in showing their comittment to the club.

    cheer on Wayne and cheer on the lads, thats wht i will be doing at 3pm today from the upper east stand COYR's   

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