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Posts posted by Ramos

  1. 4 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Not sure the "right way" is having an owner who owns another club, so you can transfer players easily between the two to get round spending rules. Seems at least as dodgy than modifying you amortisation methodology. 

    It seems even more dodgy when your owner has been involved in multiple criminal controversies. Morris has rightly been in the spotlight with us going into admin. But their crook of an owner is ignored then they are doing well?


    Football ignores everything when you’re doing well. Derby are cheats for breaking FFP and staying down… Leicester, Villa, Bournemouth etc have all been model clubs in the past yet all broke FFP - and have reaped the rewards of ‘cheating’. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, RedSox said:

    Now first I have to state that I’ve only been involved in 3 M&A deals, but each time all 4 of us directors were there start to finish along with our legal team (going through to the early hours twice). So it seems a little odd that CK is at a Golf event whilst this is going down.  Makes me wonder whether A) a deal was agreed but not finalised on Sunday and is in the hands of the lawyers or B) CK has gone in search of funds in the Far East as a last minute effort to get the deal done on Saturday. Just seems odd him not being here and sending a deputy to the golf event. 

    I think it’s more likely that it’s a) - he’s literally done everything he can. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    When I was 19 I recorded a voice message from an irate customer onto my phone, I was being encouraged by a more senior member of the team at this time to take that action, because it was an amusing message tbf. I played it back to a few fellow employees, they also found it hilarious.

    A couple of days later I was hauled into the manager's and asked to explain what I'd done. Breaching data confidentiality was the answer in the cold light of day, immediate sacking. This was easier for them to do because I was only employed through an agency.

    I knew I'd done wrong so I accepted that was my fate. I had to pack my stuff up and leave on that day. They very kindly said that they knew I was just being a bit naive, so it wouldn't be reported back to the agency who'd surely have let me go, offered me no more work.

    I didn't contest it on the basis that I was being encouraged by someone else, who was given a 'harsh warning' but carried on with the job.

    Should I have contested my treatment and claimed unfair dismissal? No of course I bloody shouldn't have, I was in the wrong  no matter how others behaved.

    Do I had a grudge? No of course not.


    PS. no idea why half of this post appears to be in red!?


    Laughing face was just for the unexplained red lol! 

  4. 2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Wasn't he tweeting updates on Thursday afternoon, with promises of further updates as and when relevant info became fact?
    So that's a Friday, a Saturday matchday, and Sunday Breakfast.  Assuming they have weekends in USA, I think we can forgive him?  ?‍♂️

    I hear it’s a bank holiday 

  5. 4 hours ago, Bobby said:

    I have just read the last few pages since it has been mentioned that HMRC and MSD debts have increased and no one has mentioned this or even acknowledged it, for me that has set off massive alarm bells, surely this increases the purchase price considerably? That’s even if HMRC agree to deferred payments.

    I mean….. you do realise tax carries on and funds to keep the club going didnt come out of thin air? The debts last September were always going to have gone up by the time a deal is agreed. Everyone involved is well aware of this, it is what it is. CK won’t be shocked or unaware of this. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:


    I’m starting to feel slightly more confident about this. With all the false dawns at Derby I feel like I’ve been jilted at the alter about 20 times and this time im finally at the airport waiting for the flight for our honeymoon - but it’s still like I met my wife online and we married virtually and plan to meet in Barbados - will she be there?! Should we have gone to the Maldives instead?! So many many questions. 

    In all seriousness, I’m intrigued when we are likely to hear more from Garry Cook.  

  7. 27 minutes ago, TaahnRam said:

    More affordable than from £21 for a game vs the league leaders? As a non St holder, I find the individual ticket prices more than reasonable in comparison to what we pay elsewhere. I live in Chesterfield and they charge similar in the national league!

    My comment was more a general one - im a season ticket holder so can’t say I pay a ton of attention but in the past I’ve seen 38 quid for like a game against Cardiff and wasn’t sure if we were still charging towards that for some games. 

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