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Posts posted by Ramos

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I don’t get why he would be going through the EFL (I’ve probably missed a few relevant posts)? It’s not in their gift to either sell the club or gain agreement from the creditors.

    I guess they can put pressure on Q to get it done.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    I'm a little confused about the deadline being set for CK to provide "satisfactory evidence that he is in a position to complete" actually means. I'd interpret that as the admins saying he must prove that the money is indeed in transit and that it's a matter of when it clears, not if. If that is what they mean, then what the hell have they been doing? If Kirchner told them that the money was with the anti-money laundering authorities awaiting clearance, and they didn't ask for proof of this, then that's really poor.

    I think they are giving till 5pm tomorrow before they fully open the floor to moving other bids forward. Technically then I assume if he could, he can still keep going. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Big Trav said:

    Been told that kirchners bid is ‘75%’ off  and he ‘fully expects’ Mike Ashley to swoop in. Appleby in the running too but funds are the issue there. Ashley’s rumoured bid of 28 mill will not include stadium either so no -15 

    So I was right, I win, all hail Ramos for life. #toldyou #theydockedme21pointssssss

  4. 19 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Because the £28m includes purchase of the ground, leaving very little for the creditors.

    Do we know that? Surely there’s no need for it to include purchase of the ground now? Whomever was doing a deal to work with CK can surely make that agreement with any eventual buyer of Derby County? And if they wouldn’t, why not? 

  5. Devils advocate - but keep seeing people saying they don’t want MA cause he could of come in at any point to save us. If it’s true that Q refuse to communicate with him, and he’s been saying this for months, maybe it’s not entirely his fault he’s not been able to make a move before now? If 28M is ready and waiting, and whomever is doing this stadium deal then agrees to lease to MA, surely 28M will ensure we don’t start on -15? Feel free to shout me down / discredit my point / make a pun.

    Also I keep seeing ‘he’s waiting till the last min to get the cheapest deal’ while others are at the table he’s not going to get the cheapest deal, he’s in fact going to have to beat them if he really wants us and this PR attack of the last two days screams to me of a man who maybe wanted to get the cheapest deal but did not expect CK to get this far. He is now panicking because he does actually want the club. That’s how I read the situation anyway - he’s now trying to get a deal done before CKs money clears. 

    Either that, or you know any other possible explanation ??

  6. 30 minutes ago, sage said:

    I can't believe the lack of speculation re who paid 2 months wages, especially as it's not CK, MM or Rooney. 

    Someone linked to the club?


    I believe it was said it’s someone involved in the club - not external. It only really leaves one or two people who’d have the money to do that - maybe even one. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, DJFern94 said:

    Clownes has an agreement to purchase the stadium if CK buys the club. No such agreement made for any other party.

    Ed Dawes was really pushing the idea there that Mel doesn’t want to deal with Ashley as he could be more successful than him.

    I mean - Mel if you’re reading this, you’ve set the bar pretty low, a blind parrot could do a better job of running Derby County. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, DJFern94 said:

    I want the club to survive but I cannot accept how some fans are just willing to accept someone who thinks a 15 point deduction is okay.

    Will we even incur that? 28m on the table for the club should be enough not to? We know the stadium isn’t included anymore. 

  9. Just now, topgun06 said:

    He sure doesn't come across very good in that clip. Just like a naughty politician running away from questions over their latest scandal.

    Starting to think people might be right about him being a front. Refuses to do actual interviews, only tweets that can be easily scripted. He said ‘it’ll come out soon’ after he pulled out the last time and I don’t actually remember anything really coming out? It doesn’t bode well for if the money is just waiting on AML checks - why not just say that. If this collapses I’d love to hear garry Cooke’s side cause he’s been clearly duped for a long time. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    He did before and since then I've never been able to see his tweets.

    This is all I have been able to see for ages. Makes no sense at all.


    Yeah that’s not what his account looks like now. He’s got like nearly 20k followers or something. Maybe you need to wipe your cookies or something? 

  11. hmmm not sure I trust Ed since that time he made a claim and then had to u turn and apologise on air for it not being true. 

    If it does collapse how has CK managed to;

    a) convince Garry cook and Paul streford he’s got the money. 

    b) convince Q he’s got the money. 

    c) prove funds to the EFL.


    d) make a continuing number of claims on Twitter over the past month that no one has challenged. 

    e) get lawyers involved. 

    f) work closely with whomevers buying the stadium, again for someone not to come out and say none of it’s happening or true. 

    Real answers are needed by all involved IF that’s the reality but I’ll wait and see what actually happens. 

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