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Posts posted by Ramos

  1. 1 minute ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    But, Steve Morgan is taking over?

    Looks like it - could be more brinkmanship - telling press he’s not in and trying through the back door. It’s clear people are out to discredit each other in the press (well mainly MA is doing it) - possibly why the other two parties are wishing to be unnamed. (If there is two more parties) I’m so SCARRED I can’t believe anything.

  2. 9 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Again, it's not 100% clear what the stadium situation is if CKs deal doesn't go through as I think the stadium deal depended on CKs deal (and CKs deal sepended on the stadium deal). If someone had simply bought PP we'd have heard by now "XX has completed the purchase of Pride Park Stadium, with an agreement in place to lease the ground to the new ownership of DCFC"

    No one will confirm purchase of the stadium till the club is saved. If they confirmed the purchase and the deal for the club didn’t go through it would be a terrible piece of business. 

  3. Just now, PistoldPete said:

    He mentioned getting undertakings from Morris. I would assume that is to do with the stadium.  

    Is there another letter I missed? I don’t remember seeing that in the one I just read! (You may well be quoting another source) 

  4. 1 minute ago, PistoldPete said:

    Ed Dawes mentioned £28 m. The letter seems to confirm the offer wil include the stadium, which is £22m to £24m asking price to cover the secured MSD loan. So leaves nothing for the unsecured  creditors of the club really.

    Do you really think Quantuma would not have picked Ashley if he had offered enough?

    Does it? If you mean that by the line ‘clubs business and assets’ the stadium is not an asset of the club as it’s not owned by the club. 

  5. Just now, I know nuffin said:

    Let's see 28 million, 23 ish for stadium, 2 for admins, 3 for all creditors including HMRC. Think that is a goer. No wonder admin don't want to talk to him

    I don’t think that will be the make up of the offer. I imagine at this point anyone will be happy to lease the stadium if there’s a deal there for the stadium to be sorted by a third party. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    It's hard to keep up and worrying for people coming on here that there's nothing in the official updates thread since Thursday. Should tweets such as Ashley's solicitor letter expressing interest to buy the club not go into there so people can quickly get up to speed? Thanks.


    Edit: in case the mods don't know what I'm talking about, I meant this one:


    CK was in charge of the daily updates I’m afraid. ??

  7. 2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    My favourite thing about Ashley's teams statement is where it says "It is not our clients intention to comment upon any press reports at this stage", in a statement that has clearly been leaked to the press to report upon.

    Haha it’s good - you have to imagine there is reference in the letter to them about the claims that they are not interacting. 

    I think it’s a good move - maybe rob should have hidden the names of Derby County’s lawyers though. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    Well that doesn’t bode well does it .

    I would prefer to say CK is trying his best under difficult circumstances.

    Us fans will be the last to know what’s really going off at the moment.

    We can only speculate 

    Of course,  that is pure speculation and I guess my main point there is that I do not think anyone could be that naive or stupid.

    It doesn’t take much research to know 20M plus for a league one club isn’t great business really in the grand scheme of what you could do with 20m.

    It’s obviously a vanity project for CK like the dozens up on dozens of owners we have seen across the leagues coming from here there and everywhere. 


    I was on board with CK but the fact he hasn’t tweeted once this whole week to even just confirm the money is transferring and tied up, has completely knocked my confidence in him. A lot has been said and his name has been dragged through the mud, I find it really odd IF he still thinks he can be successful why he hasn’t come out and defended himself? Plus IF the story about him not paying his own staffs wages are true, then i fear his stewardship would end back where we started. 

    Through all of the noise though, I think we have to take who we get. 



  9. 46 minutes ago, Woodypecker said:

    ...."written to the Ashley & Appleby groups...."

    FFS, if they really want the club, why aren't they in full and factual face-to-face negotiation with Q, with their proposals, all bleddy weekend?

    Sure, I know it can be an online conference etc., but Percy makes it sound like Q have popped off a casual email to the would-be bidders.

    But then Percy chose to condemn Q for dismissing attempt last week for others to liaise with them, which was inflammatory and sensational claptrap - Q would surely have been enforcing CK's exclusivity and adhering to NDA's?

    Isn't it the case that all these frigging lawyers, CK/Stretford/Crooks & Co, Q's staff, the Team Derby MPs, and the banking & regulatory personnel involved, should have actually discovered and clarified *how or why* CK's funding (if it exists), is jammed in 'the system' somewhere, by now?

    Somebody - FIND OUT!!

    I would suspect just cause it says written to - it doesn’t mean that’s all that’s happened. I assume there has to be a paper trail with these things so the official line to JP is we have now written to them. I think the fact journalists like Percy are starting to provide opinions on Q like (they should never be in football again) is probably finally the kind of pressure that may make them realise their game is up and they need to get this done for real. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    And here Ladies and Gentlemen is the $60k question, I could never understand why an American would want to buy DCFC, I've said this on several occasions on this thread, Who in their right mind want's to pi$$ millions down a drain, Pay off someone else's debt just to become a "Soccer Owner in England"...I just don't get it?‍♀️

    I can only assume someone like Cook has maybe convinced CK he could get Derby for whatever, cook himself could turn it around and that with Derbys potential we could be sold for a profit in X amount of years. But…. Like you say it’s not a cheap deal for a league one club so if that is the argument either CK is very naive or very stupid. 

  11. Just now, Unlucky Alf said:

    There have been several different options/opinions by Sky and twitter posters, My guess is they all have an agenda for whatever reason, The person who gave me said info is a friend I've known for sometime who has very very wealthy people he knows who no doubt gave him the information.

    If said info turns sour, Myself and others will have some fun at his expense the next time we see him as he often socialises with us. 

    Well let’s hope for Derby County and his social reps sake ? that his info is right!!! 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    What makes me confident, DCFC are too big to go under, DCFC when bought could/will move forward with the ground they have, The training facilities they have, And most of all the crowd potential is one too envy.

    I can only say what I've been told...Steve Morgan will be the owner, The call I received was today he'll be the new owner, If he's not then not only myself but a few others that I'm aware that have been told will be a little pi$$ed off.

    My neck is not on the line...his is. 

    Interesting - I guess you won’t answer this openly maybe, but sky today said Morgan doesn’t have the ability to put the bid together now - why is that info so different to your source? I guess I’m asking, has your source said anything that makes you think the sky story is completely untrue? Are you able to reveal (dm) how your source is connected without naming any names etc? You can disregard the last bit of you wish as I have no right to know when others don’t on here! ??

  13. 5 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Absolutely right, Any club that fail to prove they can not start and complete the season will have their golden ticket removed.

    Also if DCFC can not find that buyer but prove they can start and have the funds to complete the season then alls OK

    As of now, Talks are taking place, DCFC will be sold

    So - you don’t need to say if you don’t want to, but what makes you so confident and whom do you believe is going to buy it? 

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