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I am Ram

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Posts posted by I am Ram

  1. Come on Derby, the bad news tide as to turn sometime. I can't wait to be talking about new players/trialists/pre-season/ new away days and hopes for the season as it unfolds. With what we've been through as a fan base, just getting back to the football will be a freshener for our support, who i personally think will be great next season. Let's hope today is the day, we do love a good deadline at DCFC.

  2. Meh, we move on. He did a decent job with his hands tied, but didn't seem to learn anything about repeated mistakes away from home. I would be loyal for 90k a week, but the timing after all we've been through, sucks. Please don't think I'm having a go, or anything, it's just has you get older you realise that players/managers come and go, (frequently in the modern game) it's hard to attach yourself. At the end of the day its about the club and the fans, we will be here next season and i think it will a cracker. UTR 

  3. This new safety decision favours red bull, to limit the porpoising on the cars who are effected most (Merc/Ferrari), they will have to lift their car= slower car.

  4. 17 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Watching that at the moment, as it was showing up as #1 in the UK.

    The story seems engaging enough but the script and the acting (especially his mate with the beard) seems pretty poor in places


    It's obviously not for everyone, i did state my bias, in that i'm a fan of the author. The book is probably 15 or more years old, so this has been woked up a bit for modern times. Cisco(beardman), is supposed to be a 6'7 menacing ex hells angel. My first thoughts were, that isn't Cisco, not tall or scary. 

  5. 1 hour ago, CBX1985 said:

    Hello everyone.  Nice to meet you all.  Found this forum a week or so ago, and in the circumstances have been reading frequently.

    I do believe there is, perhaps understandably, a mismatch between business reality and fans wanting to "save our club".  Some of the business people involved also care deeply about football, and some this club; but business comes first and their backers are not going to want to "donate" monies beyond the relative value of the proposition.  

    I work in financial services and investment.  I have previously worked at a global accountancy firm, where I for a while sat next to a company administrator - no, not Q - so have some familiarity with how these processes work in general terms. 

    My analysis: is DCFC has VERY large debts.  DCFC has virtually no tangible assets.  Those we do have are players (if very few!).  On liquidation, unlike with other firms in most normal industries, those assets can leave for free on liquidation - so valueless to a liquidator.  We have considerable brand value (30k matchday attendees), all those here etc etc.  That brand value dies on liquidation, if EFL does not allow re-entry at L2.  Unlike with most businesses, the name cannot simply be sold as a way to pay creditors.

    There is an old maxim: if I owe the bank £10,000, I have a problem; If I owe the bank a £1billion, the bank has a problem. That applies here.  On liquidation, the creditors get nothing.  Think about it, the players have no value and we don't own the ground.  We are left with paying £100m or whatever it is from old replica kits from the Superstore.

    Ashley knows this, too.  As do all the buyers.  The reality is someone needs to be screwed here.  Liquidation screws everyone, but the admins need to extract as much as they can.  And so along strides a wonderful American who will generously pay a nice amount to said creditors for a L1 club.  No points deduction.  Keep Rooney.  40 new players.  He might as well throw Bale in to the mix as well, and consider putting a bit in for Messi.  It feels - not saying it is - a little too good to be true.  He is offering to be the one financially screwed for the greater good of everyone else.  And on cue the money doesn't turn up... makes you wonder.

    What, in my opinion, this club has needed since January is to have the real crunch liquidation point - the club will liquidate on x date without x monies.  At the moment, creditors are thinking "I can get a 'good' deal from some naive mug" and are not considering the real haircut they are going to need to take to get some monies back, maybe 5 or 10p in the pound.  Once a potential vulture owner decides to accept the points deduction, why offer the creditors any less than a completely derisory offer (you get them to their lowest point before they refuse on principle)?  The points deduction will be the same.

    This is Ashley's strategy (and probably everyone else bar CK).  He is planning to screw the creditors.  But this only works if you are prepared to hold out to the very very very last minute; and you can act fast to prevent the reapers axe actually coming down. 

    The idea he will take CK's terms like-for-like is for the birds.      









    Hi, welcome to the forum, in the financial investment world i see, are you currently on a bank holiday ?

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