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I am Ram

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Posts posted by I am Ram

  1. 1 minute ago, RipleyRich said:

    I don`t think it would.

    Only when CK was given preferential status was he granted to full access of the accounts and I believe that would be the first step for any bidder. The they have to take their proposal to the creditors, which, unless it Mirrors CKs will take time, and may even not be accepted.

    I seem to remember it being said it`s a 6 to 12 week process, but stand to be corrected.


    6-12 weeks would mean no club. I know you mean well, but that's a very negative take on this Rich .

  2. 18 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Did you watch all the other seasons of Bosch? I really wasn't arsed about the first one but stuck with it and it got a lot better and became excellent.

    And what is free view? I saw that, but have never noticed it before on Amazon. Does that mean even people with Prime have to labour through ads? Because I presume you can't fast forward through them like a recording. 

    I did watch the other seasons Bob, i thought they were great too(Connelly/ Bosch book fan). Freevee is exactly as you described it, but it's not like sky, adverts every ten minutes. You get two -30 second ads in each episode, which are roughly 50 minutes long. Also, if you have Netflix, i would recommend the Lincoln Lawyer (Harry's brother).

  3. On 04/06/2022 at 20:23, Bob The Badger said:

    Excited to see the new Bosch has dropped on Amazon. Anybody seen it yet?

    We are half way through season 3 of Spiral and half thinking of breaking off for a couple of weeks to watch it. 

    Bosch Legacy is very good, 10 episodes based on the book 'two kinds of truth'. I watched it on freevee (amazon)

  4. Southgate lol, plays a two man midfield of Rice and Bellingham with five players behind them. Rice has been playing for a year solid and Jude's (who will be some player) form has dipped. Never going to boss the midfield today. The most danger we posed, was  from long balls. Soft peno, but Hungary were better.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    a few years ago, I put my 12" Vinyl (Music) Collection (records for the youngsters) on eBay. Easily four figure value.

    Some moron PM'd me within 10 minutes offering me £300 cash for a quick sale.

    I didn't respond to him. Not cos I'm incompetent. But because he was a cheapskate chancer trying it on.

    People backing Ashley need to consider that his bid was so insulting, it wasn't worthy of a response.

    £310 final offer.

  6. 2 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Finished watching Anatomy of a Scandal on Netflix.

    Fairly well acted and there was nothing fundamentally wrong  with it, but it's kind of been done to death and didn't offer anything much new other than some arty (person gets bad news and spirals back out of control for effect as the titles come up)  and pointless ends to each episode.


    Finally persuaded Mrs Badger to watch Godless from around 2017 on Netflix that scores 8.2 on IMDb. It seems after a couple of glasses of wine she's up for a western.

    Two episodes in and enjoying it.

    And coincidently, the woman who played the prosecuting QC in Anatomy of a Scandal is the lead in this. At least I think it's her, I've not bothered to look it up.

    Anybody else seen it?


    Godless was very enjoyable, our Jack puts in a good turn but Jeff Daniels is excellent as the baddie. Decent watch.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The only conclusion therefore to be drawn from your statement is that he didn't really want us.

    He's not a philanthropist you know much like am sure Kirchner didn't offer to buy us out the kindness of his heart probably because he saw something he could exploit.

    Yes he didn't want us, that's why I'm disappointed Tyler.

  8. I'm disappointed in MA, if he wanted us, really wanted us, he could of bought us yonks ago. I get it when folks say 'his choice/money etc, but when you make so much tin like he does, it wouldn't have made a dent. To a billionaire, a football club is like us doing up an old bike in the garage, you don't do it for profit, any deficit would be balanced by his other interests. He can't be interested in us, so good luck to CK, at least he has bid. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, RammingStone66 said:

    Sounded like a shot at MA to me. It's seems to be he is just biding his time waiting for it to collapse or for people to get desperate so he can swoop in.

    Him not playing ball with the timelines etc is very much his style as I worked close to him about a decade ago and he is truly ruthless. 

    It was the two months no contact that made me think it wasn't MA, he can't undermine or delay without contact from Q imo 

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