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I am Ram

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Posts posted by I am Ram

  1. 13 hours ago, Archied said:

    The debate in the xr topic and lots of issues lately just seem to scream how easily we are accepting the move to a world where there are rules for the ordinary that don’t apply to the privileged and protections for them that aren’t extended to ordinary folk ,

    watching the news tonight with a report of 3 burglars who targeted tamara ecclestone , frank lampard and the Leicester owner , the police checked cctv , interviewed around a thousand cab drivers , tracked the gang to south east london , carried on the investigation and tracked them to Italy ,they arrested them and they have been sentenced to 28 years in prison,,, now don’t get me wrong I think it’s fantastic they are caught and punished but ordinary folk are lucky if they get so much as a visit from police when burgled with thousands of burglary s not even investigated ,

    the rich must be protected 

    The police where invented to stop the poor, stealing from the rich. Nothing has changed.

  2. No one could anticipate what Mel ended up doing, even fans who backed him at the time. Remembering back to when i read about the forum meeting him, i distinctly remember not all people in attendance trusted him and where sceptical of his motives, some even annoyed him. At the end of the day, we are all fans, we can only hope things don't turn sour. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    In which case you couldn't blame him, would you take a pay cut after last season? 

    For me while he was here he was 'our Wayne' and he did a good job. I think Kirchner promised him 'the earth' and then when reality hit he just thought, I've had enough of it all. Can't blame him, I'm sure it'll be easier in the States. And now for me he's just 'Wayne' again. ?

    I don't blame him and said i would of done the same ?

  4. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    He'd still got a year on his contract here, so would have been on whatever we were paying him - £90k or £2.50 - if he'd stayed! Rooney's stock is Rooney - if we didn't do well this season and he was in charge then it would affect it. 

    Perhaps, like when he went to play out there, he's gone for the experience. He's a young manager at the start of what he no doubt hopes will be a long career.

    I think Clowes would of looked to renegotiate in league 1 Roy. The only way he was keeping them wages, was with CK and Stretton .

  5. Follow the money, its that simple. I admired him for staying with us for so long, but i wasn't naive enough to think his wages didn't play a part. Confirmed for me when Clowes bought us and would be paying regular wages, he was gone at the drop of an hat. No axe to grind, he did ok with us, i would do the same if my field of work allowed. I do think he has made a mistake leaving us though, if Liam gets us up this season or next, his stock will be considerately higher than Rooney at DC united.

  6. 11 minutes ago, SuffolkRam said:

    Everybody seems certain that the hourihane and Chester deals are done.  We have been here before with ‘done’ deals, just hope we are  not using Kircheners bank to transfer the signing on fee

    I think it's just a case of everybody being happy to move on from the admin thread, folks can get a little carried away, after what we all went through. I won't be celebrating until they are through the door, but it's great to see people getting excited about footballing matters.

  7. Mercedes positives- 3rd place-getting faster and smoother, challenging ferrari. Mercedes negatives- poor pit stop, have been for a while now. Red Bull positives- Perez hanging in there for his reward, fastest car on the track easily. Red Bull negatives- Max broke his own car, riding the kerbs too hard and dipping his tyre in the dirt(debris lol) , Max's race to lose. Ferrari positives- Great to see Carlos get his maiden win. Ferrari negatives- totally screwed Charles over today, he is Max's main challenger wtf, Carlos lost the start, went off track under pressure, Charles was quicker. Lando and Nando raced well, great to see young Mick grab some points. Finally I'm so glad Zhou is ok, could of been terrible, did anybody notice the steward who only just got out of the way ? Anyway great race.

  8. 1 hour ago, Mr. P said:

    Yeah once the insults start, then that's the point where they've nowhere else to go. Funny how it goes on to the Forest forum for support, is it being ignored everywhere else?

    He doesn't get much support on his own forum, that's why he has gone to ltlf, once the forest lot are bored, he will head over to leeds. He is desperate for an audience i guess.I hope he moves on like Derby have, it's not healthy.

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