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I am Ram

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Posts posted by I am Ram

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I agree that we can’t ignore the facts that we are behind other teams in terms of preparation (not sure we can use that excuse much longer) and that we have indeed signed a lot of players in a very short period of time that will need time to gel. But, on the other hand, there is nothing wrong in making critical observations provided they are reasonable and we remain mindful of the mitigating circumstances. 

    I agree with you, which is why i said go for it. I didn't think some other posters where being mindful of what state we was in 6/8 weeks ago. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster said:

    So, in summary, 3 games in.

    Won 1 - just - hard fought.

    Lost 1 - one of those games where we mostly panned them then got sucker-punched.

    Won another, cup game. Another hard fought, but class prevailed.

    For saying we barely had a club, let alone a team a month ago, I'll take that thank you very much.

    Loving football for football's sake, not money's sake.

    I'm loving our club's big reset. It's a bit Roy of the Rovers stuff. Jumpers for goalposts anyone? ?

    I'm always happy when the new footy season starts, that and the fact we have a club to support this season. Its great ?

  3. Ferrari to have one in the wall, one cars engine to fail and a naf pit stop. Merc ready to capitalise on any failures in front, Redbull Checo to be on it this weekend, only to have to pull over and let Max sail off into the distance, hopefully not though ?

  4. 14 hours ago, ketteringram said:

    Presumably you were not one of the fans then, who seemed to get upset by  Leicester fans singing songs with factually incorrect lyrics. That's even if they understood what was being sung!  I mean , who would get upset over such a thing? 

    I've never actually gone home in an ambulance, but it didn't bother me. I was quite pleased about it.

    No it didn't bother me, i enjoy it, but understand banter can go too far.

  5. 2 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    The Mark Rubens BariBottas role.

    It's a shame as if he'd been fully commited to trying to Nico Rosberg it, it could've made a the title fight more fun and opened it up for Leclerc a bit, but it's not going to happen.

    Agreed, you sort of heard it on the radio, he wasn't happy about it. It's a shame they probably told him he would be able to race for wins.

  6. 2 hours ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Yeah, I think Perez has got a few things going on. Mostly I think he's just struggling with the updates to the car, he really struggled with updates last season as well, but, he's also got his contract and I can't help but think realized (been telt by Dr Marko) red bull won't let him fight Max for the title might be taking that edge off.

    However, getting mugged like that was a bad look.

    Still, could be worse for him, he'snot driving a Ferrari and he's still in F1.

    That is my take on Perez, his form taking a dip ever since he could of won, but had to pull over and let Max through.

  7. On 22/07/2022 at 09:32, Archied said:

    Yep there’s always been a bit of a glitch where you get more punishment for stealing money from the rich than say rape or some such crime but there just seems to be such a push over the last few years for things to get more uneven, covid kind of nudged me into noticing it more and wondered if people are noticing it creeping in more and more in other areas of life, some people seem ok with it ,

    yes I know it’s kind of always been there but it just seems so blatant and in your face nowadays and very few bat an eyelid 

    Other aspects of life, like the climate change debate.The only solutions i'm seeing, favour the rich. I mean i believe we should all do our bit , but i'm not giving up my one big holiday a year, while being preached to by the rich, who fly 70+ times a year.

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