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I am Ram

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Posts posted by I am Ram

  1. 44 minutes ago, GenBr said:

    Russia hasnt been a superpower since the fall of the berlin wall. They are a regional power at best.

    Their economy is very weak and the war is apparently costing the russians £20 billion per day. They are on a timer and they need to end things quick before it totally ruins them.

    Their military is a paper tiger as well - its modernised a lot in recent years, but its still riddled with corruption and incompetent leaders.

    I class them as a superpower based on the fact they have the most nukes.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    I think Putin seriously underestimated the Ukrainian sitcom actor-turned President. 
    He probably thought Zelensky would be on the first train out of there and it would have been done and dusted within a couple of days. 

    Russia’s failure so far means that the longer it takes, the weaker Putin will be amongst his own side. 

    All IMO, obviously. 

    If it gets drawn out, it would certainly make Russia look weak. 

  3. After Morris and Gibson sorted out their differences, i thought the wheels would turn a little bit quicker than this. I know we need to be patient, but don't they realise a named bidder would give us all a massive lift players/staff/fans alike. Could be the difference, come the end of the season. 'Gerron wi it' ffs  

  4. Sorry, late to the party. So Steve Gibson and Mel Morris have agreed to sort the issues between them, off their own backs, and the EFL is trying to claim some credit for it. The EFL about a month ago ' it would be great if we could get all parties to meet'   Me ' yeah, no poo sherlock '.

  5. I've had enough, i felt if we could keep our kids, we had a fighting chance, whatever league we ended up in. Now that they are leaving one by one, it's hard to keep positive. The admins are useless, continue to keep Wayne in the dark and lie, they are just self-serving, dragging it out for more money. The efl are cowards, Gibson will not relent until we are buried, Wycombe do not have a case. Duck em all, Phoenix club it is. We will fight to the end, but all we have left is a fight.

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