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  1. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Ramslad1992 in Ravel Morrison - signed 1 year deal   
    Rooney says they have. I can’t think of any reason to think Rooney is lying about that, he seems like a decent guy who wouldn’t lie about anything.
  2. Haha
    Carnero got a reaction from Igor Igor Whats the Score? in Will Hughes   
    Yeah until they transfer him via a free transfer to Udinese !
  3. Like
    Carnero reacted to rynny in Lee Buchanan   
    If anyone was wondering the TM stood for Ta-ta Mate. Also Treetard Muppet. 
  4. Like
    Carnero reacted to ThePrisoner in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    It also states they’re working to improve relations between the two organisations. You can’t just pick and choose Curtains. 
  5. Like
    Carnero reacted to cosmic in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    I know nothing's really changed in regards to our situation after those Tweets, but I don't half feel better.
  6. Like
    Carnero reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Well done Chris Coles as others have said. There needed to be some clarity as the vacuum created just allowed negative speculation from media looking for angles to generate clicks, and doomsters to propagate doom.
    We’ll see what assurances Mel gives in the meeting (if any) but positive he is willing to engage with the fans again.
    We’re still in a bad position this close to the season starting but it’s positive that the club are working hard behind the scenes to resolve the issues with the EFL (which seems to be the main issue now). Looks like we’re going to pay HMRC and Mel continues to stand behind the club for the time being, as he should as club custodian but also as I expected him to do.
    Im reassured, but this won’t be enough for some people.
  7. Like
    Carnero reacted to DCFC1388 in The EFL at it again? Blocking signings?   
    The additional stadium money could be holding it up too
  8. Like
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    Read the tweets again. There's news on all that stuff.
  9. Haha
    Carnero reacted to cheron85 in Lee Buchanan   
  10. Cheers
    Carnero reacted to Heisenberg in The latest from the club via Chris Coles   
    A good thread posted by Chris Coles on Twitter in the last few minutes with updates as to where the club are at with the embargo, HMRC, EFL etc.
  11. Haha
    Carnero reacted to RoyMac5 in Administration is it the best option now   
    No, you don't get the implications of admin as GoC said.
  12. Like
    Carnero reacted to Eatonram in Administration is it the best option now   
    Anyone who thinks administration is the answer I feel does not understand the full implications of this process. 
  13. Like
    Carnero reacted to Ghost of Clough in Administration is it the best option now   
    But admin would mean flogging the squad to pay off all remaining debt, leaving the club with no 1st team players (sold at below fair value), and the best of our academy picked off. Mel would lose the club for nothing.
    The better option for Mel would simply be to sell the first team squad for as much as possible, then sell to the highest bidder - even with no players the club would still be worth something.
    Whilst we have assets and in a transfer window, I can't see us going into admin.
  14. Like
    Carnero reacted to sage in Wayne Rooney   
    Done what? Fallen asleep after a few beers?
  15. Like
    Carnero reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Wayne Rooney   
    As abhorrent as it is, I don’t think being unfaithful to one’s wife is any sort of indicator of managerial ability. And I don’t think having a few jars on a Saturday night is either.
  16. Like
    Carnero reacted to LazloW in Yankee Doodle Derby   
    We are in a complete mess, but for all that Mel and Co (can't be his fault entirely as he employs people to look after the club on his behalf) have done wrong, a large part of the 'blame' is the straight jacket that the EFL rules have put us in. Obviously, these rules apply to everybody and not all clubs have found themselves in problems (although more than the league would like surely?). However, the main problem seems to be that once you are in a mess, the EFL will do everything in their power to stop you getting out of it again.  Barrier after barrier has been put up and, considering what other clubs are allowed to do - the scourge of the parachute payments in particular (something that has far more impact on a 'level playing field' than anything we have done) - it means the league are effectively determining who gets relegated before the season starts. By all means fine us, slap us on the wrist as many times as you like, but its quite obvious that we have gained no particular advantage on the pitch by our profligate spending... so what actual harm have we done? And this has all come as a result of the club seeking to compete with teams who have come down and who can spend without limits (how is this fair exactly?). 
    poo small clubs will always vote in rules that seek to limit the ability of bigger clubs to spend.  Many clubs in our league have no realistic expectation of promotion. Indeed Championship football is all that most can achieve. So they vote in ridiculous and obviously flawed rules. This doesn't absolve Mel & Co. They should have stuck to the letter of the law rather than trying to be clever and they should've curbed the spending. However, hindsight is wonderful and if we'd gone up then this would all have been moot. 
    Rightly or wrongly, I'm much more upset with the EFL than Mel. I realise and accept this might not be justified or rational, but whenever did rational thought have anything to do with football?  FWIW I think Mel is quietly still spending a fortune on keeping us going, but if the EFL won't budge then there isn't much he, or new owners can do to improve the situation come 7th August. Nevertheless, a change in ownership would at least provide some light at the end of a long and difficult tunnel. 
  17. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Rev in Wayne Rooney   
    If only we had Bywater as GK coach. 
    He'd have a woopee cushion under every single players seat come tomorrow morning.
  18. Like
    Carnero got a reaction from Deej in Please don’t blame Morris and Pearce.   
    1995-1999 are my "glory" years supporting Derby, thanks to Lionel & Jim.
  19. Like
    Carnero reacted to Day in Wayne Rooney   
    Ok, first of all I want to thank those that have respected the mods wishes over the Rooney photos, they have been acting on the forum guidelines which I put in place and what they moderate to.
    Now Google ads help towards the funding of this forum, they have their guidelines which I must respect to show their ads on the forum in return for money which helps cover costs to stay online. 
    The forum is that large now, we cannot stay online without creating revenue through adverts. No adverts no forum it’s as simple as that.
    Over the years we have had several warnings, some of which threatening over nudity and other things, warnings which have been over content which we felt was ok to leave up at the time.
    For example we had to remove the photos from Conehead John’s sons operations where stitches were showing as it was classed as sensitive content, go look, you won’t see any of those images and that was particularly tough job explaining to John privately. We’ve had pictures of bikinis that have also had to be removed, nothing more than you would see in a tabloid newspaper that is also funded by Google ads.
    The truth is, us “small” websites are under a different set of guidelines than the big sites that generate double figure million clicks a month. 
    It’s frustrating and equally frustrating when members do not appreciate that it’s not the moderators being overly aggressive with the moderation, be it remove humour or in this case protect Rooney. 
    I can tell you now for a fact as I have just read the discussion in the moderation room before posting this, they have removed the photos due to Google and they acted correctly and have just thanked them.
    I have not been in contact with them all day and have only signed into the admin panel to verify new members.
    This was a scheduled day off for myself and had no intention of coming online, but here we are in another daily episode of being a Derby County fan.
    Now this might sound harsh, but if any member cannot respect that we are under strict Google guidelines and the photos cannot be posted, please just sign out, take a few days to try and understand.
    This forum is used by many fans, fans that can respect and understand our position whilst also appreciating the platform we offer, I will not and have instructed the moderators not to let anything jeopardise the future of this forum which I fully intend it to have.
    Finally, I have said to the moderators just now, we can allow you to discuss the situation, that is fine, but you must not post the photos. 
    Whilst this isn’t to protect Rooney, please also respect our rule regarding profanity towards ANYONE connected to the club, be it the cleaner, kit man or manager. 
  20. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Robert Earnshaws Workrate in The ultimate blame   
    I just want to go back to being on the Popside and throwing fun-size Mars Bars at Gazza.
  21. Like
    Carnero reacted to Jimbo Ram in Are we or the EFL to blame?   
    Need to add another category, Bit of both ?
  22. Like
    Carnero reacted to Mucker1884 in At what point ….   
    Have to admit, I see it differently.
    DCFC is being run on a need to know basis.  If you don't know the answers to those questions, there's a reason for that.
    Yeah, deep down I guess "it would be nice to know", but personally, I ain't losing any sleep, and most certainly not planning on protesting. 
    I'm a fan.  I'm a supporter.  I'm a ST Holder.  I'm a customer.  No more than that, and whilst I admit I'm curious, I don't expect to be included in the Need-To-Know-Gang!
  23. Like
    Carnero reacted to angieram in At what point ….   
    I suppose I am still of the opinion that the silence from the club is because they are close to a sale. I might be wrong but I even if I am, I don't actually get what a protest would acheive at this stage.
  24. Haha
    Carnero reacted to Ambitious in At what point ….   
    Protest at the Betis game, if nothing changes protest IN GAME at the Huddersfield match and try and get the match called off. If we’re going into it with no centre backs then we’ve got nothing to lose. 
  25. Like
    Carnero reacted to Tamworthram in At what point ….   
    Firstly, there is always hope so, never protest DURING the game and secondly, a protest so serious that the game has to be called off would inevitably lead to another fine for the club and possibly next game behind closed doors.
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