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Posts posted by Anon

  1. On 26/03/2019 at 08:15, Chester40 said:

    The Dirt. 

    4/10. Never before has such a grimey, seedy story seemed more like a teen movie ala Porkies.  Light, frothy...and injecting drugs...bizarre feel to it. 

    Disappointing with the material it had to use.

    I made the mistake of reading the book many years ago and even then I found it utterly juvenile and completely vacuous. A celebration of mediocrity and profound stupidity.

  2. 17 minutes ago, dcfcfan1 said:

    If sala was alive , cardiff would have stayed up tbh

    Oh, absolutely. A 28 year old who'd never played at a higher level than Ligue 1 was almost certain to keep Cardiff up.

  3. Scott Walker died today. I'm not one for getting all maudlin about celebrities passing, but it's a good excuse to listen to his music.

    Walker had such an interesting career path, going from proto boy band The Walker Brothers to big band to increasingly avant-garde compositions in his later career. Personally I love his Jacques Brel covers the most.

  4. So Cardiff are claiming that Sala was never a Bluebird after all? I can't wait for all those virtue signalling Cardiff fans to demand their club honour the contract of a player they all genuinely took into their hearts. There's no way they'd all be so duplicitous and brazenly hypocritical that they'd now be framing denying their hero's family his cut of the transfer fee as a sensible business decision.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

    How offensive. ?

    I'm an equal opportunities troll. I endevor to upset everyone. In all honesty, she does come across as a bit of a dick, but I find it hard to care or even feign surprise that a Hollywood actor is aloof, patronising, and prepared to pretend to be "woke" in order to shift tickets.

  6. 16 hours ago, BobbyD said:

    Corporate legal advice to Cardiff fc would be not to pay a penny until all facts are considered - they have done the right thing. These are exceptional circumstances . 

    Not saying they shouldn’t pay but they are right to wait until all circumstances are clear - it shows an interesting state of desperation from Nantes that they have decided to take this public approach . It makes one wonder why they have done this 

    It is Cardiff who have taken this public. Cardiff's owner mentioned the first paid installment in an interview with L'Equipe and a "source" from Cardiff revealed the legal threat.

  7. 1 hour ago, TigerTedd said:

    And that’s the distasteful thing, are some people jumping on the tragedy for their own PR gain?

    I wouldn't go so far as suggesting that. I think it's more likely the competitive grieving Findern suggested. There's probably plenty of the Cardiff players who aren't bothered, but obviously they aren't going to be honest about that. Imagine the uproar if of them said, "It's a really sad situation, but I never met Emiliano, so it hasn't really affected me."

  8. 17 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    A Psychologist on TV said its called competitive grieving, showing you care more than the next guy! Driven by social media. Apparently the stiff upper lip British culture of the past is rapidly eroding away, so I guess we can look forward to more of this stuff.

    I can completely understand people getting emotional over the loss of a loved one, but I can't help feeling that the experience is cheapened somewhat when a random bloke claiming he wants to sing on Britain's Got Talent to honour his dead nan elicits the exact same reaction.

    Regarding the psychological aspect, do you think I could be accused of the competitive rationalism along the same line of thinking. "Look how logical and unconcerned by mortality I am. I am so clever."

  9. I'm about to be a massive dhead (moreso than usual), so stop reading if you're particularly devastated that some people you didn't know died in a plane crash.

    I just can't get over how odd the reaction in Cardiff has been to this tragedy. I completely understand any commemorations held by Nantes. These were people who knew the guy and were friends with him, but few people at Cardiff ever even spoke to him. Just imagine if this happened at your place of work. You're told the new sales director, Emiliano, will not be taking up the position as he unfortunately died in a road traffic accident. You never met him, but saw him once or twice when he was in for interviews. A week later you decide to thank the accounts team for putting in some overtime on one of your projects, "We did it for Emiliano" they earnestly reply. Everyone claps. Ian from the fabrication team is openly weeping. Would you not find this a little bizarre?

  10. As sad as this story is, one of the photos in The Mirror article made me laugh.


    This isn't a photo of Sala on the plane that went down, but a random photo of him on a different plane last year, just in case Mirror readers were having trouble imagining what a man sitting on a plane might look like.

  11. 19 hours ago, GenBr said:

    The only MMO I ever liked was the first guild wars and that was because they had a level cap of 20. Guild Wars 2 ruined it by making you grind for levels like all the rest of them. I only like other people in games if they are my friends - I don't care much to see "poopfeast420" spinning in circles and screaming constantly - not very immersive.

    Bethesda could basically have just added co-op to a normal fallout game and most people would have been ecstatic with that. Instead all reviews I've seen suggest it is a boring, soulless, bug ridden, lazy piece of crap. The reason they have robots instead of proper NPCs is because it's easier to animate and much less work to implement.

    I have however also read a lot of reviews complaining that it's online only and no mods allowed - of course it is - it's an mmo for christ sake. I don't what people were expecting. I avoided buying it, because I already knew I wouldn't like it - I can;t believe people thought this was going to be the same as a normal fallout game just online.

    Leave Sips' son out of this.

  12. John Wick 2

    Not normally a film I'd choose to watch, but I was stuck on a flight with limited options. The director has achieved something amazing in that this film is at once an all out assault on the senses whilst being one of the most dull and turgid experiences I've ever endured (and I had a season ticket when Phil Brown was in charge). The plot toes the line between paper thin and non existent. The action scenes are spectacular, but there's no weight to them when they occur every 5 minutes. The film seems to want to have it's cake and eat it in that Wick is nominally an assassin, but displays 0 finesse in any encounter, leaving a trail of destruction of biblical proportions every single time. If I wanted to watch a film about an assassin I'd watch Leon, if I wanted balls to the wall action I'd watch Crank. The plot of John Wick is laughably stupid, but the film has absolutely none of the self awareness and humour required to pull it off. It's a sad indictment of modern film audiences that this bull semen is rated so highly.

    Giles Barnes/10 Technically proficient, but thinks it's about a million times better than it actually is.

  13. On ‎28‎/‎07‎/‎2018 at 09:15, BobbyTheReadingFan said:

    I work with a guy who collects comic books, builds legos and toy figurines.  He is like a child except he's 32 and bearded.  

    I wish it was socially acceptable for adults to build Lego. I've never liked comics, but I often wish I still had my Lego from when I was a kid.

  14. 24 minutes ago, SaintRam said:

    Oh Keiran Lee, yeah.

    He's not 'relatively' famous, he's basically the most famous male porn star in the world. His twitter's a pretty fun follow ?


    Yes, it doesn't read quite right. I meant relatively in the sense that more people will have heard of even a c list actor than even a super famous porn star.

  15. 4 hours ago, Parsnip said:

    Pokemon Monopoly! Best game ever!

    No. Pokemon is a good game. Monopoly is a good game. Pokemon monopoly doesn't need to exist.

    Pokemon monopoly isn't the worst example I've seen. The idea that property sets are gyms just about works, but the individual properties being single pokemon doesn't. I'm supposed to "battle" said pokemon to take over a gym, but there is no battle, just a payment to the bank. The changes made to the board are completely redundant. It just a cheap brand tie in. I suppose that's what I object to more than Monopoly specifically. I also hate Star Wars chess, I hate Marvel week in the NRL, I hate Game of Thrones Risk, I hate Lord of the Rings Kerplunk, I hate Battlestar Galactica Buckaroo, and whatever other stupid brand cross overs some marketing gimp has invented to shift a few more units of crap.

  16. Novelty editions of Monopoly.

    Most of them don't work. The game is based around the idea of buying property and charging rent. What the heck is meant to be happening when I land on the Death Star in Star Wars Monopoly? "Did you enjoy your stay in the giant planet sized laser weapon? That will be 2000 galactic credits please." It's mostly about just pointlessly mashing branding onto something unrelated. There are some really bizarre editions that beggar belief. UPS Monopoly, I Love Lucy Monopoly, M&Ms Monopoly, Blackberry 25th Anniversary Monopoly. Who on earth is buying these?

    If you have a daft novelty Monopoly board, please post what the theme is and I will interrogate you about it's purpose.

  17. 1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Anyone played Don Bradman's cricket? Some of the reviews I read make it sound great.

    I'm talking about the Xbox 360 version btw, I'm about 10 years behind on games which means they only cost a few quid from CEX.

    I just finished Mass Effect trilogy and loved it.

    Any tips what to get next?

    Far Cry 4 (I loved 3, is 4 worth playing)

    Assassin's Creed: the one in Constaninople (I love the other two Italian ones). Or should I forget that and go for Black Flag?

    Red Ded Redemption. I've played most the GTA games, how does it compare.

    Any other ones? Are those Arkham Asylum games any good?

    Far Cry games are all exactly the same. If you loved 3 and want more then get 4. The story in 4 is a little more coherent and the protagonist isn't quite so much of a jackass.

    AC Constantinople is exactly the same as the Italian based games. Black Flag and Rogue break away from the normal AC formula by focusing on naval combat and exploration. AC 3 is a mix between the two.

    Red Dead Redemption = Grand Theft Horse. The setting is interesting, the scenery is incredible, the music is outstanding, and the storyline is really good too. Get it.

    I don't know much about the Batman games because comic book superheroes bore me to tears. I'd recommend Sleeping Dogs. Essentially it's a GTA clone, but it's a bloody good one. The main selling point is the beautifully realised Hong Kong setting and the fact that combat is focused on martial arts instead of gunplay.

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