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Posts posted by Anon

  1. 37 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

    I know. What have they done?

    And the male lead looks exactly like the model he's based on so there is somebody at Bioware who's capable of modelling a face.

    Perhaps I'm a cynic but it does make me wonder whether it's lazy/incompetent or is this ideologically driven? We wouldn't want young teenage lads being attracted to the female lead after all because 'rape culture'.

    You are a cynic. I think it's more likely a case of Hanlon's razor, but that's due to my extremely low opinion of the Bioware developers.

    I've changed my mind about Bioware though. I hope they continue making games forever. This is hilarious. It's like the Star Wars prequels all over again.

  2. On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 10:37, Animal is a Ram said:

    In reading about the new exo-planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system, and that Elite: Dangerous predicted them, I've been playing the original Elite on an emulator.

    Love it.

    I've been meaning to play Elite for the longest time. Which version are you emulating and on what platform?

  3. On ‎27‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 07:06, r4derby said:

    They are essentially different games, new features in San Andreas, new story characters etc. I think any new GTA game on current gen would look and play very similar, and with GTA online remaining popular, it would have to be for a new story mode and features. Might be a few years till we get another GTA.

    Vice City was one of my favourite games on the PS2. Very simple compared to today's games, but enjoyed the feel of it.

    I've loved all the GTA games, but I'm a little bit worried about the future of the franchise after GTA Online was such a huge success. GTA IV got two full additional games, set in the same city. GTA V has had no single player DLC content at all, whilst Rockstar focus their efforts on modelling a few new cars and weapons every month for the online mode. It makes sense from a business perspective. Why waste time, effort, and money on writing a new story when you can milk your online cash cow with minimal effort?

    GTA Online is utter crap. I liked GTA because it's the best open world sandbox game, with amusing well crafted story lines and ultimately provides a huge amount of freedom to play the way you want to. GTA Online provides a second rate racing game, a third rate competitive shooter and the hilariously misnamed "heist" missions that all require you to drive to a location and kill everyone with zero planning or subterfuge involved.

  4. 3 hours ago, StringerBell said:

    I know what you're saying. By fan fiction do you mean the bit where you got to hang out with the crew on the citadel? Some of that was damn cringey. That ME2 DLC where Shepard wipes out a whole solar system (the arrival?) was the worst bit of writing for me though.

    I might not rush out to get it as I've still got too many other games I haven't got round to. But I'll give Bioware a chance unless I hear anything really bad, I do love the world they've created with Mass Effect and am intrigued about the new galaxy. I'm just approaching it warily. 

    I've kind of had it's number marked since one of the Bioware developers started criticising the last Deus Ex game for the 'Augs Lives Matter' storyline. He also went on a Twitter tirade about how horrible white people are.

    The citadel DLC is a great example, but sadly it is not an isolated one. DA Inquisition was no better with the "ride the bull" crap (https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=a9nHNkp3G5Q). I actually quite enjoyed the arrival DLC, but my view is almost certainly clouded by the fact that it enabled me to commit mass genocide against Batarian scum. Humanity first!

    I have to admit that I am a very harsh critic. To me rpg's should be of the Arcanum, Fallout(Black Isle/Obsidian not Bethesda), Planescape variety with half a dozen plus different dialogue options and multiple ways to complete quests. Bioware's binary choice of good/evil (paragon/renegade) is a real issue for me. I did like ME1 though. I agree that the world building was solid and I was excited to further explore the universe they'd created. ME2 was ok, but the warning signs were there. The story in 2 is a mess, inventory management is gone, stats are reduced and matter less, no planet exploration, fan service in character interactions. I could ramble forever about ME3 and EA's corporate meddling, but Instig8ive Journalism (https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=aBETU-uOGh8) and MrBtongue ( https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=A6TmTv6deTI) do it way better than I can.

    I know who Manveer Heir is and I think he's a talentless writer, but a moderately successful troll judging by his achievements on twitter. I see lots of people being wary of Bioware's latest **** sandwich because of his actions and opinions. I don't like this for two reasons. Firstly, it gives that insignificant sack of **** way more importance than he deserves. Secondly, it obfuscates the real issue, being that when it comes to modern Bioware writers Manveer Heir is the norm not the exception.

    *I have deliberately broken hyperlinks because I don't want to clutter up the forum.


  5. On ‎20‎/‎02‎/‎2017 at 18:18, StringerBell said:

    I like Mass Effect but knowing Bioware and roughly knowing the story that this is about aliens (humans) escaping war from another galaxy I suspect I'll be hit over he head with not so thinly veiled allegory about refugees. As long as they give me genuine choice.


    Pick one.

    I've been trying not to sperg out and hurl my spaghetti at normal people who just want a shooty shooty bang bang game to pass some time, but if you're genuinely considering buying this you want your head checking. If Bioware still made RPGs instead of action games, if they were capable of writing dialogue that didn't read like bad fan-fiction, if their models didn't look like they were stolen from some edgy autist's deviant art page, I wouldn't care what supposed agenda their talentless writers were attempting to push. KOTOR3, DA2, ME3, how many more times does this company need to embarrassingly **** it's pants in public before people realise it has succumbed to the curse of EA? I don't even pirate games as a general rule, but the moment this gets cracked I will download and seed like there's no tomorrow, such is my hatred for modern Bioware.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Mafiabob said:

    People blaming everybody else but themselves..... had some right ding dongs on twitter with regards gambling addiction.....

    Been called he following by certain gambling lobbyist groups and a guy whose done Panorama and all the news channels regarding whose to blame for his addiction except him:

    An apologist for the bookmakers

    A shrill

    A smug pri ck. For saying it's me to blame for what I did.

    My recovery is bull sh it.

    Dangerous because I won't blame a machine/online site or bookmaker for what I have done.

    Not a gambling addict.

    A liar

    Been told to keep quiet about my story as it's not "helping" their campaigns against banning certain elements of gambling.

    Been blocked by rethinkgambling on twitter for nothing. Just because I won't sign a petition to ban FOBTs.

    Its sad that they want to **** down anyone who can get clean and abstain without the need of bans and more importantly..... who accept responsibility for what we've done.

    The only question I ask of all these lobbyists and Tony Franklin (Panorama guy) is who made you place a bet? And whose responsible for you doing so?

    A question that is still dodged by them all. 

    Im at a gambling addiction conference March 10th in Leeds, I'll be bumping into them all.... as always and I've said that I'm not stopping them campaigning etc.... but I won't be silenced as to why I think whose responsible for what we've done. I can get the anger no doubt..... I can't get the blame game. But sometimes I have to be selfish and look after my own senses and recovery. 

    If I was going to be cruel and cynical, I might posit the notion that Mr Franklin is worried you might upset the apple cart and jeopardise his lucrative professional victim status.

  7. 2 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    I am sick of 'journalists' if you can even bloody call them that these days reporting on bookies odds in relation to clubs signing players. "Derby county are second favorites to sign THIS player".

    It has all the hallmarks of shoddy, copy and paste, terrible, clickbait journalism and it can **** off.

    Tools required to be a modern journalist;

    - Twitter account

    - Ability to use the copy/paste function

    - A willingness to claim you're suffering harassment if people attempt to correct you

  8. "2016 is terrible because so many celebrities have passed away."

    No. The advent of television, film, and mass media in general in the early to mid part of the 20th century simply means there are more old famous people than ever before. Celebrities and public figures will continue to die at a similar rate in the future because time doesn't care if you've been on the telly or not.

  9. 1 hour ago, AmericanRam said:

    Loved the other ME games they did,  hopefully turns out like I want.

    First RDR was brilliant  and looking forwards to second one also.Did you get 100% completion on the first one? Took me forever,but I finally did.The Undead Nightmare expansion pack I thought was pretty cool also.

    I thought the first ME was fantastic, but the series really didn't live up to what we were promised. I though the 3rd was an utter debacle. I hope I'm wrong about 4.

    I don't think I ever did crack 100%. I seem to remember the level 10 challenges being a pain in the backside. I didn't bother with Undead Nightmare, but that's because I hate zombies.

  10. 5 hours ago, AmericanRam said:

    Which 2017 games are people excited about or have preordered?

    I have preordered the following for now:

    -Mass Effect: Andromeda :D


    -Ghost Recon Wildlands

    -RDR 2

    Several others look promising as well.

    Do you really trust modern Bioware to deliver anything other than a steaming pile of excrement?

    I'm looking forwards to RDR2 and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

  11. Idiots from urban areas who patently have little to no experience or interaction with animals posting ill informed "that's animal cruelty comments" on video sharing and social media sites. I don't mean genuine animal cruelty, but things like some farmers taking their terriers ratting or a kid using a crop because her horse is misbehaving.

  12. Shitty yank pool tables. When I play pool I expect the balls and pockets to be a normal size and I expect a clearance to require a small amount of skill. Half the bars I end up in now have these abominations where the balls are the size of that boulder that nearly crushes Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the pockets are huge cavernous black holes that consume anything that comes within a foot of them.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Considering asking for a PS4 from Santa but wondered what you lot think about the system and indeed the games?

    I'm a pretty basic gamer and am not interested in online multiplayer things and all the extras. I just want to play the games by myself as a single player. Are most games nowadays geared towards playing online with total strangers throughout the world or can you still play them solo campaigns?

    I had a PS3 a few years ago and to be honest I got fed up of games morphing into films. Shoot a few baddies - cut scene for 5 minutes, blow up some depot - cut scene for 5 minutes, find a helicopter to pilot and when you step inside - cut scene for 5 minutes.

    It spoiled my enjoyment and continuity of most games if I'm honest. I spend 40 on a game to play it, not to watch it.

    Has this got worse on PS4?

    Love any advice and game advice too. I'm a survival horror fan, loved the old resi evils and silent hills but they don't seem to make games like this anymore where you find items, follow maps and solve puzzles. It's all about incessant blasting of zombies from what I gather.

    Anyone any ideas thanks?

    PS4 wins hands down over the XBONE, and that's coming from someone who owned Microsoft consoles exclusively before anyone accuses my of being a Sony fanboy.

    I completely agree regarding the way console gaming has gone with multiplayer modes being shoehorned into every genre and game developers suddenly thinking that they're movie directors. Sadly, the answer is yes it has got worse and it will continue to get worse. There are still a few decent games knocking around though.

    Maybe try Alien: Isolation and SOMA. I'd say they're the closest you'll get to the survival/puzzle/exploration experience you want.

    Dark Souls and Bloodborne are action games as opposed to straight up horror, but they're widely regarded as two of the best games to be produced in recent years and hark back to an age where beating a game required skill.

    P.T. - I only mention this demo to annoy you because you can't get it anymore and the game will never be made. It was going to be an instalment of the Silent Hills franchise directed by Hideo Kojima and looked creepy as ****.

    If you have a decent PC, Monstrum is a pretty good survival horror too.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Or players who score then just walk away Balotelli style with no emotion. Benteke is one, Sturridge is another. It's happening more often.

    FFS! If it were me I'd be crowdsurfing!

    Where's the emotion gone?


    I don't celebrate when I score, aside from a handshake or high five for the teammate who made the pass or diversion run. I celebrate at the end of the game if we've won.

  15. 18 minutes ago, David said:

    I was racing through to get the Alex Hunter Ultimate Team card so I can get back to playing real people, not AI, not interested in the story, heard what happens 

    I don't really understand FUT. Isn't it a pay to win system?

  16. 22 minutes ago, David said:

    I've destroyed my Fifa Journey save, put a couple of crap performances in games and training to get dropped so I could skip games quicker.

    Then FIFA has failed in it's role as a video game. It should be a fun enough experience to mean that you actually enjoy the gameplay. If you just want to get the gameplay out of the way to see what happens in the story you are in the wrong medium. I suggest reading Roy of the Rovers or watching When Saturday Comes.

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