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Posts posted by Anon

  1. Yorkshire (again). The regional news have been banging on all week about where Yorkshire finished in the Olympic medal table. Sorry guys, I didn't realise you'd seceded from the UK and were funding all your own athletes independently. You'd think they could just be happy about the UK's greatest ever Olympic performance, but no, it has to be all about Yorkshire as usual. 1487 called, you lost, get over yourselves.

    I'm interested to know from people who live in other parts of the country if their regional news shows have compiled their areas medals separately.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    A good graphic overhaul coming up. 

    They added a nutrition system but still no vehicles. It's so slow developing. 

    I know a lot of people get a bee in their bonnet about alpha versions being released, but as long as the devs keeps working on them I quite like coming back to the game every six months and having a good excuse to start a new game and try out all the updated features.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Always been tempted but never played. Probably will now then. 

    Have you ever played Project Zomboid? Or not your thing? 

    I have played a little, but it was quite a while ago on one of the earlier builds. I think it's a great survival game. I can't play too much though because I'm scared of zombies, even isometric ones.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Can imagine it's easier to play interface wise on pc, but my pc is so naff.

    The engine isn't particularly resource intensive. My laptop is currently not using the graphics card correctly whilst I wait for a new fan and PA still runs well in safe mode. It might be quite frustrating with a controller at first, but hopefully you'll get used to it. I've long wondered why consoles don't have mouse optimisation. You've been able to use standard usb keyboards with them for years, so I don't see why we're still stuck with controllers.

  5. Just now, Srg said:

    I downloaded the trial of this one xbox one, haven't got round to playing it yet. Seemed like it would be right up my street as a prison version of theme hospital. is that the case?

    Pretty much. It's not quite as wacky as the old bullfrog games and the learning curve is steeper, but it's ultimately more complex and rewarding. I play on PC, but from what I've heard I think they added a better tutorial for the console version. My top tip is to segregate snitches and ex law enforcement inmates. They won't last a day if they get chucked in with the general prison population.

  6. I've been playing a lot of Prison Architect. It's a really neat, well done private prison simulator. You can construct anything from a Swedish style holiday camp/reform centre to a hellish death trap. I just executed my first death row inmate last night. Turns out he was innocent, but because I'd followed all the regulations I still got my 10k. That's justice!

  7. Rating a trailer here.

    Magnificent Seven 0/10.

    Please Hollywood, just **** off. A remake of a remake only this time you're too lazy to even change the setting. If crappy,half arsed rehashes are all we have to look forward to then just shut the whole thing down and we can spend our time more productively by watching football and posting on internet forums. Who the **** watches Steve McQueen and thinks, "yep, my boy Chris Pratt can match this"? And switching the iconic soundtrack with stupid generic "WUB WUB WUB" electronic ******** is just the cherry on top of your latest **** sundae.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

    Drive- 9/10

    Watched this again recently after not liking it the first time and loved it. Good naturalistic acting, great soundtrack, it's tense and clever to stray away from hollywood tropes. Be warned, not that much driving.

    I was really confused by Drive. I love noire. I wanted to like it, but the protagonist doesn't sit right with me. I see what they were trying to do in making him the strong, silent type, but it's played up too much. After I watched the film I was genuinely wondering if the protagonist was meant to have some kind of mental disability. Some of the pauses in dialogue are absolutely excruciating. Too long to convey the intended suspense and they just ended up seeming really awkward. The actor is too pretty to be a noire lead as well. Don't get me wrong, I liked it well enough and was pleased to see a modern film try something different, but it didn't justify the collective wetting of panties by every hipster film critic.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Out of interest, are there any local co-op games for the Xbox One?

    Or is that just not the done thing anymore?

    I think there's some decent games on xbox arcade, but it's not the done thing in triple A since some greedy executive realised how terrible it was that kids could share gaming experiences without having to each own a copy of the game and an xbox live gold account. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for kids nowadays. Sitting on your own talking into your headset is a poor substitute for actually spending time with people and swearing down a headset will never be as satisfying as punching the camping knob who's been sniping you for the last ten minutes.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Srg said:

    played the second on PS3, never finished it as it wasn't my console, but I was very very impressed. Think with a few tweaks it could be great. Really good at immersing you in the world. It sits in that GTA/Saints Row world but occupies a more serious and story driven space for me, that said, not totally sure what the main selling points of the new one are. Definitely will be getting it though.

    2K have lost the project lead from the previous Mafia games, since he left to form Warhorse Studios. I'll definitely give Mafia 3 a look though. I can't really tell from the screenshot, is the protagonist a Vietnam veteran? I always find I prefer games set in the past.

  11. 51 minutes ago, SaintRam said:


    I enjoy Fallout because a I love sandbox roleplaying games (all of which are generally buggy etc. because of the size of them), among many other genres of game I enjoy. I'd say my main activity in gaming is as a roleplayer. 

    I'll admit I'm a fan of Bethesda but I certainly don't think they can do no wrong, they just focus on games that file into my favourite genres. 

    To put people who enjoy a game that you don't into varying categories, all of which you can look down upon, makes you look like a proper ****. 


    To answer your question @Daveo, for people who are big into sandbox roleplaying games Fallout and Elder Scrolls are pretty much cream of the crop, and the depth of the lore means that the enjoyment of it can filter into other mediums. The only thing I enjoy more for the roleplaying than those series' of games is tabletop D&D :p 

    Lots of very valid reasons why people don't like them though, and I do think the hype of it is a little OTT - but that happens with lots of games across multiple genres. I've been caught out buying a game that just wasn't for me because of the hype, usually FPS games. 

    Correct, I am a proper ****. I'm a proper **** who is annoyed that Bethesda is messing up the Fallout series with their god awful writing. I like Fallout 1 and 2 and I thought New Vegas was great, but Bethesda's east coast post nuclear world is a complete and utter mess.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    Can anyone explain why Fallout 4 is so highly rated?

    I turned it off yesterday as I thought I would find washing the pots was more entertaining. Never been so bored with a game.


    Bethesda fanboys and people who buy into the hype surrounding the game account for it's popularity on consoles. Disgusting degenerates who enjoy all the lewd mods account for it's popularity on PC.

  13. 37 minutes ago, StaffsRam said:

    Gaming-wise, I'm just clearing the decks, playing everything I want to, before Mass Effect: Andromeda drops towards the end of the year. Cannot. F*cking. Wait! :cool:

    I'm amazed anyone still trusts them to competantly write and design a game after their last few debacles.

  14. 3 hours ago, -JW- said:

    Can someone tell me why I should purchase fallout? Been loads of hype but I don't normally do single player games. 

    I'm tempted to get it, probably at Xmas when I'm bored of Blops.

    If you're not that interested I'd say wait for a game of the year edition which will include all the DLC they will release over the next 12 months. It will also give them time to patch the inevitable bugs that plague open world games. As for actually playing it, it depends what kind of experience you're looking for. Bethesda have really been watering down their rpgs recently so there's not such a barrier for new players. If you're an fps guy you may find the combat rather tedious. I don't know too much about Fallout 4, but there were some real issues with the combat in 3. No iron sights, useless sniper rifles and an over reliance on their "VATS" system, which is basically a mesh between turn based and real time action.

    One thing I will stress is don't buy into the hype. A monumental advertising budget doesn't guarantee a good game.

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