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Posts posted by Anon

  1. 24 minutes ago, David said:

    Nope, if I have time to sit on the sofa with a mate playing video games we're more likely to be down the pub having a pint instead.

    Not sure what reaction I would get if I was to invite a mate around to play games. 20 years ago yeah. 

    I hope you don't indulge in any frivolous and childish activities like darts, or pool when you're down the pub then.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Albert said:

    Inconsistent connections, game exploits, cheaters, absolute bags of fun in my experience. All the experience of beating people to a pulp with the social interaction of a glory hole. What's not to love. 

    Having a laugh with some mates and a few beers is and will always be better than the utterly depressing modern "gaming experience" of sitting in a room on your own with your little battery hen call centre headset on and getting called a fag by pre pubescent Americans who have apparently also hooked up with your mother.

    I feel sorry for kids now who know nothing beyond the latter all because some clever git in corporate about 10 years ago realised that 4 people having fun for £370 (£200 console, £30 controller x 4, £50 game) wasn't nearly as good as 4 people having to pay a combined total of £1,280 (£200 console x 4, £30 controller x 4, £50 game x 4, £40 online subscription x 4) for the same experience.

  3. 31 minutes ago, David said:

    I haven't and that's because it's pants. AI is AI, no fun. Zero fun in beating a computer no matter what game it is. 

    Play the same group of mates on a couch or go online and play challenging games against random people across Europe, hmm. Can't even compare the two.

    When are you turning pro?

  4. 9 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    Not from where I'm likely to get mine from. I know the breeders and what their procedures are.

    OK, so now you've got a brush covered in fur and you've just released a load of allergens into the air whilst using it.


    19 minutes ago, Anon said:

    You won't find pedigrees in a shelter, so it is unlikely the dogs there will be inbred. I understand about shedding for people with allergies, but otherwise I'd like to highlight a brilliant invention that has just been released.


    It's pretty high tech so it might cost a bit.


  5. 16 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    The point of the Poodle crosses, though is that they don't shed their fur as much (and when they do, it's hypoallergenic) and have a great temperament.

    If I was buying a dog (which I hope to at some point), I would probably opt for one of these as opposed to choosing one from a shelter who's probably inbred and mis-treated and could flip at any point and rip my daughter's throat out.

    You won't find pedigrees in a shelter, so it is unlikely the dogs there will be inbred. I understand about shedding for people with allergies, but otherwise I'd like to highlight a brilliant invention that has just been released.


    It's pretty high tech so it might cost a bit.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    True mostyn, they are just glances but a sat nav could make you linger over it if you get lost or are struggling to work out where you should be going.

    Probably just semantics on my part because I refuse to have one. :p

    I have to admit to finding maps easier for my brain to work out.

    I keep the satnav in the glove compartment and do it properly every now and again to keep my eye in. There won't be any GPS signals when the zombie apocalypse happens and I intend to survive.

  7. The Kosovo "love in" in western media in general and specifically within football. That isn't to say that I necessarily disagree with the region's struggle for independence, but I am sick and tired of the simplistic binary narrative that has succeeded in misrepresenting a very complicated political situation as "good guys" vs "bad guys". I resent the supposedly apolitical FIFA's endorsement of the breakaway region. I'm struggling to understand why BBC sport feel the need to spam article after article about the Kosovan national team. I don't recall the same, or indeed any, coverage being afforded to Montenegro when they played their first fixture as an independent nation. It's laughably hypocritical that our government criticises Russia's actions in the Crimea when we have essentially helped facilitate Albanian annexation of Serbian land.

  8. 2 hours ago, Bridgford Ram said:

    Something that annoys me - the leaflets in the box that your tablets come in.  Massive folded sheets of (important information I accept) paper that means everytime you put your tablets back in the box they don't go all the way in the box.

    I find that, in the same way that toast always lands butter side down, I will always open a pack of tablets at the end where all the paperwork is.

  9. He's just been made to look like a pub player by Scott Brown and decided that the best way to deal with it was to have a bust up with a lad who wasn't even playing on Saturday. Very mature from the leader and consummate professional that is Joey Barton. A big smug self satisfied grin from me to all the people who insisted that he'd grown up. I was right then and I'm right now, Barton is vastly overrated because he's a big name. There's a reason Burnley didn't bother trying to keep him and signed Hendrick instead.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

    Stating the obvious labels like the can of Mackerel I had this morning warning me that the said can I was about to open contained fish.

    Bags of cashews that say may contain nuts! :(

    I'm not making light of food intolerances but bleedin' nora!

    This falls under litigation culture in general. You can blame that numpty that got millions out of McDonalds because they didn't warn her that the coffee she'd bought was quite hot.

  11. 6 minutes ago, cannable said:

    I think not managing to sign Jutkiewicz in the summer really came to bite us on the arse.

    Another silly decision from McClaren was to start Thorne twice in four days when he made his comeback. Any surprise that he picked up a muscle injury? 

    It was a bad decision, but we were already desperate for results by that point and both Eustace and Mascarell were done for the season, so I can see why he took the risk. Thorne limping off against Watford was the moment I gave up on the season.

  12. Cricket fans who refuse to accept that it isn't mandatory to enforce the follow on. I seem to have spent a good portion of my life trying to point out to outraged cricket "experts" that it might just be possible that someone who makes a living from the game, has first hand experience of the conditions of the pitch and his players, and has been selected to captain his team might just know what they're doing.

  13. 36 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    I don't mind this as much to be honest. It's a bit clumsy, and it's rather undignified to crow about "beating" the USA when the EU isn't a nation, but it's nice to congratulate the entire continent's athletes (even if the Russians shouldn't have been there). It's the same scenario as the MP that got into trouble for congratulating the commonwealth nations whilst tweeting about the empire.

  14. Yorkshire (again). The regional news have been banging on all week about where Yorkshire finished in the Olympic medal table. Sorry guys, I didn't realise you'd seceded from the UK and were funding all your own athletes independently. You'd think they could just be happy about the UK's greatest ever Olympic performance, but no, it has to be all about Yorkshire as usual. 1487 called, you lost, get over yourselves.

    I'm interested to know from people who live in other parts of the country if their regional news shows have compiled their areas medals separately.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    A good graphic overhaul coming up. 

    They added a nutrition system but still no vehicles. It's so slow developing. 

    I know a lot of people get a bee in their bonnet about alpha versions being released, but as long as the devs keeps working on them I quite like coming back to the game every six months and having a good excuse to start a new game and try out all the updated features.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Always been tempted but never played. Probably will now then. 

    Have you ever played Project Zomboid? Or not your thing? 

    I have played a little, but it was quite a while ago on one of the earlier builds. I think it's a great survival game. I can't play too much though because I'm scared of zombies, even isometric ones.

  17. 15 minutes ago, Srg said:

    Can imagine it's easier to play interface wise on pc, but my pc is so naff.

    The engine isn't particularly resource intensive. My laptop is currently not using the graphics card correctly whilst I wait for a new fan and PA still runs well in safe mode. It might be quite frustrating with a controller at first, but hopefully you'll get used to it. I've long wondered why consoles don't have mouse optimisation. You've been able to use standard usb keyboards with them for years, so I don't see why we're still stuck with controllers.

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