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Posts posted by Anon

  1. People who listen to and enjoy commercial radio. I'll admit to being a bit of a music nazi, but I can stomach pretty much any type of music if it's a one off. What I can't understand is the people who are seemingly happy to listen to the same two dozen songs over and over and over again. It infuriates me that this is still somehow a profitable business model for these radio stations in an age where nearly any and all music that has ever existed is just a click of a button away.

    Whilst I'm at it, people who unironically claim that Ed Sheeran is their favourite musician. It's like someone earnestly telling me that their favourite food is boiled potatoes. I swear that in a few billion years when the sun expands and the seas boil and there's nothing left alive, somewhere inexplicably a phone will ring and it will be some gormless fuckwit asking his local radio station to play "Shape of You".

  2. 23 hours ago, tinman said:

    Or Hughes. Or Bryson. Or Sibley. Or any midfielder. You want them to be noticed. 

    in no way at all do the best midfielders go unnoticed. 

    Midfielder is quite a broad term that can mean many things. I think it's certainly true that some more defensive minded midfielders end up going unnoticed or certainly get underrated. Look at John Eustace a few years ago, or Lee Carsley back in the 90's.

  3. I like Camp. I think he showed great resolve to pick himself up after the Tango man decided to drop him for a pensioner and the subsequent embarrassment of his dad ringing radio Derby.

    I wish he'd found some way to let Barazite's shitty penalty in though.

  4. 11 minutes ago, Shang said:

    I've been reading some of the Chelsea forums still trying to figure out why he wasn't being played ahead of Christensen and Rudiger. There's claims of "bullying" in the dressing room with a lot of older heads in there creating discontent that Mason Mount, Tomori and James were being played ahead of them. I think Frank decided to pick and choose his battles and decided that Mount and James were winnable but Tomori unfortunately had to be sacrificed so he could still play those two.

    I read a bit about the alleged bullying. I'm not sure I believe it. Modern football fans and pundits are the biggest drama whores on the planet. I am, however, struggling to understand why Rudiger would be selected ahead of Tomori. Eranio was bang on the money about Rudiger being a rubbish defender, he just picked a stupid reason as to why.

  5. 4 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    No, he wasn't treated differently and he was not screwed over.  Lawrence and Bennett's behaviour was subject to internal investigation, so was Keogh.  There was an internal disciplinary procedure for all of them individually and punishments meted out.  Keogh refused to accept his punishment and the other two accepted theirs and that's why we ended up dismissing him.

    There's more than enough on the face of it, to conclude that Keogh was guilty of gross misconduct and so too the others - you do not have to sack someone for GM but you can do.  Keogh was a senior player and club captain, in a position of responsibility; a younger player was in one of the cars; the two drivers had drunk during the evening (that much must have been obvious even to another drunk); he got into a drunk drivers' car and failed to put his seatbelt on; the lack of seatbelt contributed to his injury or the severity of it.

    What else was the disciplinary panel supposed to do - their punishment (reduced wages, no dismissal) was on the face of it, within the range of reasonable options for a gross misconduct decision.  It was turned down.  Should the panel at that stage have said 'oh well, that's OK then, we'll just forget it'? Keogh deliberately forced them into a position whereby sacking him was their only option.  The other two did not.

    I suspect (not ITK) that Keogh refused the punishment because he felt he was not guilty of gross misconduct, that his role as captain meant he had no extra responsibility, that drinking beyond a curfew on a night out was nothing to do with the club, nor the fact that he didn't wear a seatbelt or endangered himself by climbing into a car being driven by someone likely to be over the limit, never mind anything else not in the public domain.  

    If I'm right he's an idiot, whatever a tribunal may or may not say.

    It was very convenient for the club's finances that the disciplinary panel decided on a set fine for Lawrence and Bennett, yet a permanent wage reduction for Keogh. I can't say I'm knowledgeable at all about employment law or football contracts in general, but demanding an employee agree to a wage reduction as part of a disciplinary procedure sounds incredibly dodgy to me.

  6. The whole reaction to this debacle from certain Derby fans is absolutely laughable. The club screwed Keogh over there's no way two ways about it. Admitting it doesn't make you any less of a fan, it doesn't mean you now love Keogh or even think he's a half decent footballer, but the facts are as plain as day. Keogh was treated differently than the other players involved in the incident because Derby desperately wanted him off the wage bill whilst he was injured. It's a sensible move by the club, but stop pretending that Keogh is somehow out of line for fighting this. 

    "But we only sacked him because he couldn't play", then why did the club release that statement about gross misconduct? Getting in a car with a drunk driver and not wearing a seat belt is gross misconduct, but actually being the drunk driver isn't? Then there's the nonsense about him being captain. I don't know how you lot treat captains of any teams you've been in, but if any of mine ever tried to pull rank on me away from a football field I'd have laughed in their faces. Lawrence and Bennett were 25 and 23 respectively at the time. Both plenty old enough to understand how the law works without the intervention of their captain.

  7. What a shame. His performance in the 5-0 against Forest must be amongst the best debuts ever for the club. He was quality in the 2015-16 season too. I'm convinced we'd have got past Hull in the play offs if that Ipswich clogger hadn't managed to snap his leg in a nothing game at the end of that season.

  8. Good grief Cyberpunk is bad. It's nothing to do with the bugs, they are present, but they will be patched. Its open world is so dull. The city looks wonderful, but there's very little to do outside of quests and you're given no reason to explore. Emergent gameplay is pretty much non existent due to how poor the AI is. I guess this is kind of pointless because anyone vaguely interested will already have purchased, but don't buy this at full price. Firstly wait until they patch the bugs, but more importantly it simply isn't worth £50. If you wanted an on rails experience where you just chug through quest after quest then it's decent, if you expected anything more then it's massively underwhelming.

  9. 13 hours ago, ThePrisoner said:


    The Wednesday fans are up in arms over this. The player claims it was a sarcastic gesture, which I'd be inclined to believe if it weren't for the fact that Grabban went in studs up on Tom Lees in the build up to the goal. It doesn't show much fight if you're high fiving the guy, even as a joke, after that.

    Judge for yourselves. Watch the Wednesday player in the left back position during the build up. WTF!


  10. I have to admit to being a bit of a Mourinho convert now he's at Spurs. His "us against the world" mentality never sat well with me because he's almost always been at huge clubs with the biggest budget in the league. It's much easier to accept now he's at Spurs who, whilst a massive club in their own right, shouldn't have the resources to compete with the Manchester clubs or Liverpool. I also love that he's been ripping into whinging crybaby Guardiola. Hopefully he goes after Klopp next. He's another one who needs taking down a peg or 200.

    Son is just incredible. Him and Kane are lethal.

  11. On 04/10/2020 at 00:20, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


    I can't believe Ronald McDonald is still playing. I don't really like him because of who he plays for, but 650+ appearances for one club is pretty impressive.

  12. Same poo, different division. Poor little Leeds are once again the victims of a conspiracy against them. Leeds defenders should be able to touch the ball with their arms if they want! I can't wait to see the look on that amateur Klopp's face when Bielsa shows a 1000 slide powerpoint presentation about how he always used to get his defenders to handle the football back in Argentina.

  13. On 02/09/2020 at 21:35, JoetheRam said:

    The Big Lebowski.

    Crushingly disappointing. Is it meant to be a comedy? If it is, I didn't find it very funny.

    Seemingly just a collection of random characters with no depth to them whatsoever.

    The 'story' is only vaguely interesting. 

    Francois Grenet.

    This one belongs in the unpopular opinions thread. Whilst I wouldn't be quite so scathing, I'm with you in that I'm mystified as to how this bang average film has managed to generate such an impassioned cult following. The dull abides.

  14. On 17/08/2020 at 23:02, richinspain said:

    Excellent cover version. It's already been posted a couple of times on here.

    Obviously taste in music is hugely subjective. My opinion isn't worth poo and I don't post this to make anyone feel bad.

    This effort from Disturbed is one of the worst cover songs I've ever heard. I'm talking X-factor version of Hallelujah bad. When I first heard it doing the rounds on the rock stations I genuinely wondered if it was some kind of joke. I understand that you want to bring a different take on a song with a cover version, but the jump from the original version's thoughtful and contemplative tone to this overwrought grandiose effort is too wide a chasm to bridge. It has all the emotion of a Simon Cowell produced song. Draiman does have a good voice, but that's not nearly enough to carry this turd.

  15. The Ben White transfer saga is amusing me. The sheer arrogance and entitlement of Leeds fans is being laid bare. "How dare a tinpot club like Brighton even dream of keeping a player they own once the mighty Leeds have declared their intent to buy?" "The player is desperate to play for Leeds!" Get a clue you utterly brain dead imbeciles. The player is desperate to make poo loads of money, just like any other footballer. Whether he does that by playing for Leeds, Brighton, or using one to leverage a greatly improved contract from the other is of no concern to him.

  16. On 25/05/2020 at 12:08, Alpha said:

    How the hell do you lock pick?! I probably play my PS4 for an hour most nights (before coronavirus) and I remember spending two entire sessions feckin around with virtual padlocks. If the missus found out, she'd leave me. I'd rather admit to watching Babestation! 

    Unfortunately the answer is to play the game on PC. On console I'd suggest either just not lockpicking and be a good Henry who doesn't steal, or just paying for lockpicking training until you've maxed out the skill tree and can take the perks that let you unlock any easy chest and grant a percentage chance to open a lock even through a failed attempt.

  17. 15 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I've managed to avoid TLOU2 spoilers. I quickly clicked well away from anything TLOU since reading spoilers are out there. Whatever the big deal is I hope it's not just done for shock factor and actually makes sense? It's plot related? The first one is my favourite game ever so they better no ruin it! 

    I'll just say that I hope the rumours are wrong then and leave it at that.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    I think the problem with Geralt is he's overstretched. Book, comic, game, tv show... he's been so busy slotting into different stories that he's a character to suit every situation. 

    I had hoped after The Witcher 2 that they would start the story of a fresh new Witcher seeing as Geralt should be worshipped as a God by the entire continent who must all know him by now. 

    See I think my problem with RDRII might be the setting. I like medieval and I like post apocalyptic. I'm intrigued by cyberpunk and steampunk settings. But the Wild West? It's not a time or place I've ever obsessed over. 

    My biggest complaint is the missions and story. The game looks beautiful, sounds beautiful etc. Every animation is spot on. The customisation is great. But I have struggled to keep playing it because I know every mission with be a shooting alley and I find the story so thin that it borders on a simulation game. 

    Not that it's a bad game at all. It's definitely up there. Just don't think it gives you a reason to get to the end unlike say The Last Of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect etc. A lot of games where the story is constantly driving you. 

    I did have the ending ruined for me though so maybe that don't help! I know what happens I just don't know how. 


    You're right about the missions. Rockstar has a real dependency on the shooting alley, but in their defence their forums are full of 14 year olds whinging that any missions that don't involve killing at least 50 people are boring. The story isn't great, although I really like all the interactions between the various characters in camp. The big problem is Micah Bell. He's possibly the most obvious villain I've ever seen and it's quite frustrating because if he'd been written with more subtlety I think it would've worked. If Micah were more charismatic and helpful around Dutch, but gradually showed glimpses of his true nature as you catch him behaving like a dick when he thinks no one important is around. The idea of a master manipulator massaging Dutch's massive ego works really well, but from the first moment he's introduced Micah looks, sounds, and behaves like a massive **** *** and consequently this makes Dutch look like the most stupid person alive rather than the revered leader and flawed revolutionary he was supposed to be.

    Are you at all concerned regarding the leaked plot of The Last Of Us 2 Electric Boogaloo? If what I've heard is true the outrage will be spectacular.

  19. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    Anyone's gaming increased lately? 

    I've been on the PS4 everyday which is unusual for me. 

    Picked up The Witcher 3 cheap. Was a fan of the franchise but never had the time to sink into it. A couple of hours in and it's good but I'm yet to get the hype. 

    Red Dead Redemption 2. Come to the conclusion it's not that good. I thought it was great when I played it on release but after sinking some hours in I've fell out with it a bit. It's beautiful but it's a horse riding simulator with pretty ordinary shooting. Everything Days Gone got criticised for is present in RDRII. Yet RDRII got critical acclaim. I don't even think the story is really engaging. Good game but it's not as iconic as I thought after getting stuck into it at last. 

    Tempted to go nostalgic with Final Fantasy VII Remake. Not played those games since FFX

    Not long til The Last Of Us 2, Cyberpunk and a Mafia 1 remake. 


    I feel the same about the Witcher. I've tried all three games because fantasy rpg is right up my street, but I couldn't get in to any of them. Personally I just can't get on board with having to play as Geralt. I get that in some sense these type of games are a power fantasy, but Geralt is the archetypal "Mary Sue". Not a single character flaw, brooding and mysterious, chick magnet, insanely overpowered, tragic past, morally superior to pretty much everyone else in the world. He makes me sick.

    I loved RDR2, but it was somewhat over-hyped. I'm a sucker for the western setting though and RDR2 is a huge sandbox with good world building and tonnes of interesting things to discover. I still haven't completed the main story, but I still load it up from time to time just to go hunting.

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