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Posts posted by S8TY

  1. 3 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Yeah, we aren’t in disagreement about where he currently is, but my point is that in terms of finding value and a diamond in the rough. We have a player who we have all seen with our own eyes produce at an exceptionally high standard under good coaching. 

    Could he go on to never recapture that form? Of course, but if I’m a manager at this level and need a player in an attacking role having seen what he’s done at an academy level and in parts at a senior level, I don’t see many better options. A 21 year old player who in my opinion probably still is the best finisher in our side.  He scored 4 goals in 10 appearances at attacking midfield last season. He won us the game away at Oxford. 

    I know he has to improve on so many things, but at this level if you can work on him then you have a genuine match winner already on our books. I’m never going to deviate when it comes to Sibs, because I’ve seen what raw ability he had/has and I trust he can recapture it. 

    Ok and that’s fair enough comment where I differ is I only see one really good spell under Cocu where I actually thought we’ve got a player here and I did think he’ll be difficult to keep 

    not many players go off the boil for so long and then all of a sudden improve drastically enough …funnily enough I thought Sibley would have the same impact Dele Alli had at L1 level but unfortunate the is lacking in a few areas for me 

    The harsh reality is football is quite cut throat and if we were to sell him we’d be lucky to get 250k imo so yes maybe keeping him to see if he can get back to levels where he makes a difference is probably the right thing to do but for me time is running out as he now needs to take the bull by the horns so to speak and make a difference in games 

    I hope he does but imo and only my opinion I don’t think he will as I haven’t seen much improvement and think he’ll struggle to get into the side this season 

    I hope I’m wrong 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    Interesting, because in the topic of Wolves’ interest in him you said the exact opposite… 


    Some just can’t see past what a player is just because he’s been in academy 

    I’ve been involved in academy football quite a lot and prospects go forwards and backwards and some just don’t do either 

    Sibley is an ok player but no more and is nowhere near the player we thought we had under Cocu 

    Many reasons for that maybe but still a fact 

    I’d be amazed if he’s one of our main players next season 

    there you go save that and quote it later if you want to 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  3. 11 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    Interesting, because in the topic of Wolves’ interest in him you said the exact opposite… 


    Yes he was a prospect never said he wasn’t but he’s not progressed 

    his best performances came under Cocu 

    there’s a reason not many managers play him consistently 

  4. 2 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    Unless you watched the academy games, then you saw him as one of the very best players in the country at his age and the reason why we rejected a £5m bid from Wolves at the time. 

    I’ve watched a lot of academy football over the past decade and I’ve seen very, very few players who were close to him at his age. I think anyone who watched him come up has a similar opinion. The fact we haven’t been able to develop him further is sickening - he had all the tools to be such a special player. I still hold out hope that we, and he, can turn it around but it’s a big year. 

    I also watched him in academy games I stick by my current analysis of him and for the record I didn’t think he was as amazing as you say and where is proof we turned down 5m in hindsight that was not one of our better decisions if true 

    ill be honest I’d take a tenth of that now 


  5. 19 hours ago, Srg said:

    Main issue with Collins is he turns into Jack Marriott outside the box and becomes completely hopeless. Can we find a way to play and not have him involved until the final touch of the move? I don’t know. 

    Brown on the other hand… pace, power, first touch and finishing. Just hope he gets a chance with the first team squad round him to show what he can do. In all seriousness, if he works out to even some extent it could save us a lot of money in signings. 

    I know it’s early days and we as fans only seen a few clips of Brown but he looks like a real handful 

    If we didn’t know who he was or he was our new 1m signing,  on early and somewhat limited viewing so far  I’d be quite happy with him in our first team squad and think could make a real impact 

  6. 5 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    We need a centre forward and maybe two of them - in terms of midfielders I would be playing combinations of Bird, Hourahan, Smith, Sibley and Tompson whilst Rooney is no mug either and there has to be a root-in for the likes of Robinson - I don’t think we need another central midfielder at this point.

    Not nearly enough goals in any of those midfield combinations 

    Also and not aimed at you but I wish some would see Sibley for what he is and that’s a bench player at best 

    he had a small purple patch under Cocu …that’s it 

  7. 42 minutes ago, Dava75 said:

    I disagree - I think it’s people just being reasonable about a forward who has a track record of scoring goals at this level. He’s a goalscorer - not a playmaker - and I’m sure if you asked him he’d tell you the same. I think the fact he took 9 games to get going last season meant a lot of people wrote him off - and then he was being unfairly compared with DM. 

    Would I also like another forward with explosive pace and power - Yes - but that’s in addition to, not instead of Collins.


    He missed a big chance at Charlton first away game and I still say had he scored that we would’ve seen a more confident Collins 

    his goal at Matlock was what the type of goal we will see more of this season he’s still a good L1 striker 

  8. 1 hour ago, jono said:

    For me this is great news. 

    The odd game where he was a bit Rabbit in headlights but those apart was strong, consistent and showed a good array of skills. He seems a thoroughly amiable young man who plays with commitment and passion. He’s also a “big lad” something vital in this division. At his age he’s only going to get better. 

    What’s great news ?


    ahh …just seen new contract …great news  indeed he’s only 19 and a good prospect 

  9. 39 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    If Jason Knight is played as a holding midfielder then that may be the worst decision Nigel Pearson has made as manager. And he’s the guy who not only sold Will Hughes for £4.5m, but also spent pretty much all of that money on Ikechi Anya.

    True but once Knight goes it’s not our problem …what Pearson did notice about us when he took over appears to be players ruling the roost so to speak and when he tried to tackle this Keogh by all accounts went running to Mel 

    I thought Pearson was the right fit for us at the time and still don’t think you can judge by his short tenure here 

    but yes Anya was probably one of our worst signings ever …just forgot it was Pearson who signed him…

  10. 49 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    I think 2 million is a good fee for a player in the last year of his contract, whether the cast of Wilson, is the right player and after 4 months injury last season?

    Any way the focus must remain on replacing knight with player like Josh Onomah, who I think could do well in League one.

    Hourihane at 32 hes not going to look any faster in the coming season, plus he looked tired towards the end of the season.

    I'm looking for players like these from last season, who created at least 11 assists ...

    Leif Davis, Ipswich Town, 14

    Barry Bannan, Sheffield Wednesday, 13

    Aaron Collins, Bristol Rovers, 11

    Wes Burns, Ipswich Town, 11

    Then the next challenge, finding a striker who can score more than 15 goals in a season and remaining injury free (take a look at their historical injury records, plus the fact that they as older players are more likely to be injury prone) which I don't see collins or Washington doing.

    For the striker I'd be happy with us signing sam smith.


    I don’t think Hourihane looked tired I actually thought his work rate improved as the season went on and he was covering more of the pitch certainly defensively 

    To me it looked like Hourihane was given orders to give his all for 65-70 mins then he’d come off and think that might happen this season also 

  11. 1 hour ago, On the Ram Page said:

    Not sure I agree we didn’t play well against some of the better sides. Although we eventually lost the games we absolutely played Plymouth (twice) and Peterborough off the park in the first halves. Why we eventually lost the games were down to their reasons.

    You’re spot on we outplayed Peterborough and Plymouth especially but for me didn’t punish them and go in at HT 1 or 2 up and that hopefully will be addressed this season we need more goals from all over the pitch not just rely on one or two 

  12. 1 hour ago, Kokosnuss said:

    I think for the most part the only people  actually using the term "hoofball" are those doing so in order to defend Warne, misrepresenting what's actually being said by those have cast a more critical eye on his style. Creating something to argue against which isn't even being said.

    It's a bit like when people would pre-empt others' criticisms of Keogh by claiming that they were still blaming him for / bringing up his mistake at Wembley. It must have been brought up 20x more by people defending him than anyone else.

    Hoofball would to me be lumping it up to a target man and looking for flick-ons rather than playing long passes to people in space or putting in lots of crosses. Warne is not a hoofball merchant.

    Throughout last season there was indeed some nice football played, but as a trend it only really happened when we were playing against the poorer sides in the division, those who gave us plenty of space. The more competitive mid table teams (Lincoln, Shrewsbury) stopped us playing. If we went a goal down we stopped playing. We didn't see that good play all too often when McGoldrick wasn't playing (although it wasn't exclusively when he did).

    I'm sure we'll continue to see the 'neat interchanges' against the poorest sides, but we will be ramping up the percentage of our overall play that's dedicated to getting crosses in, to taking advantage of balls over the top (there's nothing wrong with that, again... not hoofball), to making the most of set pieces. That's simply a fact. We have brought players in to that effect, and at present it doesn't look like we're trying to get anyone in who would provide the finesse that McGoldrick added to our attack.

    We'll be more effective, and presumably won't be bullied by teams like Lincoln like we were last season (under both managers), so should be in for a good season regardless of how we play.

    The hope is that once this style gets us up (and why shouldn't it?) we go on to 'do a Luton' (their style last season could be seen as the ultimate version of what Warne is looking to achieve), the fear is that we go on to 'do a Rotherham' and end up back where we started.

    Do agree with your points about seemingly getting lost in certain games where it was quite poor and resorted to crossing to no one in particular 

    I just don’t see us as one dimensional team and Warnes comments about having different types of players to stretch the game etc only confirms my opinion that we are not just a long ball percentage play type of team 

  13. Gloss it up as much you want but some clearly don't like Warne and that is ok, not everybody likes everybody i get it....If its football reasons though I still think thats unfair as looking at the game even today there was some nice neat interchanges of play on the floor and not hoofball as some say and even last season we played some nice stuff at times but some only see hoofball ? ( The second goal today was brilliant play and Radcliffe did what i want our midfielders to do...pass and move and get into the box ) 

    Some seem to dislike Warne because he's a bit quirky, friendly etc etc ...I find this astonishing really !

    What do you want ? a person who's un-friendly ? Closed ? obnoxious ? 

    Also when we got Cocu as manager some instantly disliked him yet here was a proper gentleman and had played at the very highest level 

    I don't understand what fans actually want sometimes but i guess we all have different opinions 

    FWIW I like Warne he's a decent bloke and cares about the club, the fans and the players 👍


  14. 10 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

    Not even close to being the same type of player @norwichram 😂😂😂

    washington sounds like a bit of david speedie, will buzz around the oppostions defenders harrying and harassing them into mistakes

    paul goddard was more of a sheringham. Get hold of the ball, delightful elegant touch, clever little round the corner balls, 

    in terms of playing style you would be well

    pressed to find two more different types of players 

    (Just saying out loud, not aimed at u @i-Ram

    I thought for £440,000 he was one of the best value players we have ever signed …clever, strong for his size and could score a variety of goals 

    2 immediately spring to mind the lob/chip against Everton and the combination between him and Saunders was electric so the second goal I loved was when Deano rolled his defender on the half way line out wide away to Man U and then clipped it in far post for Sarge to head in 

    they were an awesome partnership and no disrespects here to Connor Washington he is not in that class but hope he does well obviously…he’s wearing the Derby County shirt now so he has my 100 per cent support 👍🏻

  15. I will repeat what my Charlton season ticket holders mates at work all agreed with 

    Washington will be a fans favourite because he works tirelessly and gives 100 per cent 

    yes he’s not a goal scorer in general but they said the others around him scored loads because of him creating space for others 

    there words were get the right players around him and he will very important to your side …all of the players who were scoring regularly all had barren spell after he went 

    They said they’d have him back in a heartbeat 

    so just passing this on 

  16. 17 minutes ago, Gerry Daly said:

    And? Do you remember how successful he was here? If you want an example of low cost European talent that did well, try Jacob Laursen or Ronnie Willems

    Branko Strupar ? , yep liked Willems a lot although slightly underwhelmed when we signed him he was a clever player 

     I also remember being underwhelmed when signing Mikkel Beck and .......was one of our worst signings... to put it mildly lol !!

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