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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. Well Melvin, (and don’t try to kid us you or your minions don’t check this forum out) here is a snippet from another championship clubs forum.




    Posted 4 hours ago

    What was Morris' comments before the meeting?

    A complete shambles of a club, but they are getting exactly what they deserve with what he has done over the past few years. How long before Rooney jumps ship?


    That is the perception of Derby County Football Club from the outside. A lot of our fans think the same and I’m not here to argue with them I am here however to ask you to put your finely tuned Stradivarius away and spare us from the woe is me ********.

    I find it galling that under your ownership of this club we have gone from having a lot to be admired, to, and I quote, “A complete shambles of a club” In other words a laughing stock. 

    Bravo Melvin. ?



  2. 7 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    I'm assuming at this point in time that @David, unlike the rest of us, has a life.

    Yes and it’s not all a bed of roses judging by the accounts of his brother in laws problems I read about in the D & A thread in the Jim Smith room.

    I hope nobody from here has given him grief despite reading that because that’s major stuff he’s dealing with there.

  3. I haven’t got a scooby doo what you lads are talking about. Got an email from Sky offering me the Championship and Premier League for 18 quid a month but after seeing what some of you are paying, they can whistle.

    Haven’t got the faintest about the foreign travel some of you guys enjoy. ☹️

  4. 1 minute ago, Rev said:

    He pulled a massive Diva strop, after getting into an nothing argument with another poster, which seemed most unlike him.

    Not the argument, the flouncing.

    Been there, done that, served the ban. 

    Been there, done that, took 6 months out. (Having learned my lesson)

    I had no idea but I will say in his defence, I’m finding the smart Alec’s a bit tiresome myself these days there’s less humour and more devils advocates these days trying to trip people up. Just my opinion you understand.

    Still think asking for an account to be closed is daft mind.

  5. 27 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Kids price unfortunately. £50 for adults still. 

    Bah. ☹️ My fault, saw the £39.00 and thought bargain. Looked at the advert again so I could have a whinge about misrepresentation and ting then noticed it quite clearly states third jersey kids. ? 

  6. Good price that, 39 quid. I suggested similar, well not really that similar I suppose as my idea was hooped as opposed to striped...got slaughtered but I still like the idea and still think it would go well with jeans and my highly polished blue Doc Martens.

    I accept however I am in the vast minority. ☹️

  7. Didn’t want to start a thread about this but...

    Just tried to look at the megastore with thoughts on buying one of those Amber/gold training tops and track suit bottoms. Kept coming up “ sorry Your search doesn’t match any products” or words to that effect...on whatever I tried to look at, kits, training, retro. 

    Whats going on ? Any ideas ?

  8. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    Lol. ? But he pays more for other parts of the package - that's often the case. No way would you get it for that price as a stand alone, well you have to have Signature to start with I think.

    Yeah, signature’s a standard pack you must have. I read on digital spy it’s because it subsidises the sports channels. Not saying that’s gospel, just what I read. SkySports have been laying quite a few staff off apparently, not doing too well by all accounts. ?‍♂️

  9. 57 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Just about to start the haggling process again with Sky. 18 months runs out mid-Sept and you have to give them 30 days notice for the tv. The BB is different I think if you move the ISP does all the arranging and takes about 14 days. Never cancel your BB, just arrange a new provider (well that is how it is with a landline).

    I'm just finishing a deal off, it's paid in advance so the BB already show some of the price increase. But mid-level fibre and anytime talk package was £25 increasing to £26/month with their 'mid-contract' price rise (there always is one!). Ultimate is Netflix multi-account with UHD. 


    Look through the MSE thread on what prices people haggling their contract to - it can be a long process, they like to 'chat' and never normally make the best offer early. Usually you have to go through to the 'retentions dept' and cancel your subscription to later on - maybe before your contract ends (in the 30 day notice) or sometimes after you've left - often by the 'winback team'.

    As with all things Sky these things are fluid and it depends what offers are on and who you speak with.

    Sky TV retention deals ( post your haggling successes )  MoneySavingExpert Forum

    Roy, I’m gutted, how the fu..Dickens did you get the complete SkySports package for 8 quid ?

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