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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. In the grand scheme of things this is not a huge deal but it does give me the impression we are being run in a pretty haphazard manner. 

    Could be an easy explanation as to why we are requesting our hosts to change their kit of course but I would be asking questions of the kit manager and supplier why this is the case. 

    A week before a new season begins and it appears we have no second kit in place for whatever reason just strikes me as unfortunate at best.

  2. 1 minute ago, Bris Vegas said:

    It could be easier said than done (simply logging off, stepping back and taking voluntary time off).

    We live in an age where we spend more time with a phone in our hands than without. The internet is accessible anywhere, and notifications are a constant drawback. Moreover, with restrictions over the past 18 months, social media has in some cases provided the only source of entertainment and togetherness. Addiction to social media is rife.

    Perhaps asking for a ban (ableit temporary) is a plausible solution. 

    How many times have you deleted an app on your phone/ipad for instance so you don’t see it there on the screen, wanting to open it up? When I was a kid, I had to delete Command and Conquer Tiberian Sun off my computer and snap the disc to stop myself playing it. I was proper addicted to that.

    Oh. I thought if you weren’t logged in you couldn’t see any notifications. I see your point vis-a-vie the importance of social media during this last 16/17 months though, I bet certain sites/platforms have been a lifeline to some. 

    I can honestly write, hand on heart, I have never deleted an app and wished I hadn’t. But then I only use my my iPad for football, dog related stuff and buying things. I don’t have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the other one who’s name escapes me. 

  3. Just now, Bris Vegas said:

    An unhealthy addiction, perhaps? I think it’s quite common for gamblers to ask bookies to ban them to prevent them from any impulsive gambling.

    Maybe it’s the same on here. Getting dragged into spats isn’t good for their health and wellbeing so perhaps asking to be banned could allow time to cool off. 

    Totally agree with your first example but don’t follow or understand the second.

    If they need time to cool off just don’t log in. I’ve done that myself on here, someone gave me the right hump, badly, I just took six months away from the forum, sorted myself out and came back when I felt like it. I would have been pretty fed up if I’d asked David to delete my account then asked him if I could come back and he replied “No baalocks, the place is better without you”

  4. I’ve never quite understood why anybody asks for their account to be deleted.

    It’s not like anybody from the admin/mod team would contact you to ask why you’ve stopped posting if you did just that. If something’s given you the hump and you want to call it a day fair enough but asking for your account to be deleted is a) burning your bridges, ( because you know you’ll miss the place and regret your decision) and b) making sure your departure is noticed and therefore a bit of a flounce to me. Attention seeking in other words.

    Maybe there is indeed another reason but I don’t know what it is. ?‍♂️

  5. 17 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:


    In the modern game it's brutal but you have to be heightist with keepers. Given was probably the shortest to play in the Premier League, yet we wasted our time with Mitchell who was a couple of inches shorter still. It seems Foulkes has signed, so I hope he's at least over 1.86m (6 foot 1).

    Pah, heightist schmeitest I say. ?

  6. Maybe they set him up because they have aspirations of being models/getting on Love Island ? and any kind of publicity for them is better than no publicity.

    Should he have been more alert to such nonsense ? Bloody right he should have, he’ll have had advice about hangers on/opportunists from an early age from the PFA. 

    P S Wayne, flowers from the garage might not cut it with Coleen. ?

  7. Well I feel more buoyant about the club than I did this time yesterday. Those tweets are a glimmer of hope moves are being made to give Rooney a fighting chance of being able to produce summat. 

    After what seemed like an age with no news whatsoever, I really welcome this development even though nothing concrete can be announced yet as a lot of negotiations are ongoing, it seems to be a step in the right direction. ?

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