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Pearl Ram

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Posts posted by Pearl Ram

  1. Didn’t have anything to with nationality from where I was coming from, the Liverpool and Newcastle attempts and the informed post from a Newcastle fan were enough to make me sceptical of the sheikh.

    Alonso, again nothing to do with his nationality, more to do with ridiculous tweets like If Wayne wants 20 mill for a striker, he’ll get it. Drivel.

    I don’t care where the new owner comes from provided he/she/they have a drop of integrity.

  2. Just now, RoyMac5 said:

    Been and gone mate. Wrighty saying he missed seeing them live! 

    Ah, that explains it. We were told they would go over the village at 19:52. I was outside to see them thinking they would come from the right to left, they came from the left to the right. Off back to base to watch the game. 

    COME ON ENGLAND, hope you all enjoy it. Catch you later. ?

  3. I thought his appointment had parallels with Ron Greenwood’s. Nice bloke, bit of a diplomat, won’t go upsetting the apple cart, never set the top division alight with success.

    I wasn’t overly enthusiastic about it but then I’d lost a bit of enthusiasm about international football, much like I have for Premier League football.

    What has impressed me as I alluded to in another thread yesterday is his attention to detail and management away from the actual games.

    Some might say he’s been fortunate he doesn’t have players in this squad who feel the need to court publicity and build their brand off the back of playing for England at a major tournament but I really believe he’s got everyone, the team, physios, chefs, the whole shooting match, onside with one aim and I can’t say I remember such a display of “oneness” in recent times and that’s to Southgate’s credit.

    Wishing him the best of luck tonight. ?

  4. I’m convinced it was a distraction. I know I’m going to come across as an old fart  (?) but I think the group of players we took to Japan in particular had too much input into how things were going to be and Southgate deserves credit for saying “and this is how it’s going to be.”

  5. What I do admire about Southgate is his management of this tournament. 

    What I mean by that is we have seen no pictures of wags for instance, I saw a post by Dark Fruits earlier in this thread quoting the greats from earlier tournaments, your Beckham, Lampard, Gerrard, Rooney & Ferdinand etc and they were fantastic footballers but man, what a circus they brought to the party.

    Yesterday I read about one wag taking the seat of someone else so she could be behind another, higher profile wag, to ensure she would be in any photographs the paparazzi used. I mean really. ?

    Southgate has seen to it there have been no such distractions. I bet Sven wishes he’d managed things differently at the World Cup in Japan. I know it could be argued his squad contained higher profile names than Southgate’s but I remember Beckham entering a press conference he wasn’t involved in to interrupt Eriksson mid speech which to me undermined the manager. That was his weakness, he let the big names run the show.

    Southgate has no publicity seeking twits in his squad which I think has helped him immensely. I do have reservations about certain stuff, playing style-wise but hey, look where he’s got us and my gung ho preference would probably see the players on their holidays by now and not preparing for a major final so I must concede he knows a damn site better than me but I just wanted to acknowledge his management is not just about winning games and while he’s doing well on that front, everything else he’s doing from selecting a good backroom team to keeping the players occupied between games seems to be spot on an’ all.

    Best of luck to him and his team tomorrow, I think a win would go a long way to giving the nation a much need boost. 

  6. I believe the final is being broadcast on both ITV and BBC. It’s going to have to be the BBC for me despite my misgivings about it, or rather the way it’s run. 

    Matterface irritated me when he was TalkSport’s commentator years ago. I used to wonder how he managed to pull Natalie Sawyer, never mind marry her. Chuck in Mark Poogatch as a presenter and all of a sudden the BBC becomes more appealing.

    I reckon the BBC will slaughter ITV in the ratings an’ all. 

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