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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. I was reading an article in bed this morning on my phone about the worst song lyrics. Of course the classic Des'ree song "Life" was included, for classics like:

    I'm afraid of the dark,
    Especially when I'm in a park
    And there's no-one else around,

    Oh, I get the shivers
    I don't want to see a ghost,
    It's a sight that I fear most
    I'd rather have a piece of toast
    And watch the evening news


    In fact, the whole song is turd.

    Anyway, guess which tune has been going round my head ever since?. It's driving me insane.


  2. 17 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    The 25% discount thing came in when they introduced Mango cards, which must have been around the mid-2000's. I guess to incentivise people to use the contactless system - easier for the drivers, more convenient, the "future" etc

    Scrapping Mango cards seems to have been done so that they can save money on having to manage their own travel card infrastructure, which makes sense for them - but shifts the cost burden  of maintaining a contactless payment medium, onto the passenger

    So they've gone from a contactless system (and a 25% discount) that was available to literally anyone who wanted a mango card - to a contactless system that penalises people without bank accounts or smart phones


    Too late for you but we got Miss Wolfie a contactless debit card thing that we can load up & she can then spend with it, instead of giving pocket money (cash). Pretty sure the Mrs has a regular payment set up, to go into it.

  3. 5 hours ago, ramsbottom said:

    Same here.

    The DIY SOS special last night highlighted the fact that 25% of children in this country are classed as being in poverty.  That's around 3 million kids who aren't fed or clothed properly. 

    And that's a big assumption.

    Definition of child poverty: A child is considered to be growing up in poverty if they live in a household whose income is 60% below the average (median) income in a given year.

    I would imagine a large majority of the parents concerned would not want us to assume that they're not looking after their kids properly. The definition isn't fit for purpose and needs changing to something meaningful

  4. 2 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    The reaction at the end of the first game following the announcement about administration was a thing of beauty and reminded me why I love being a football fan so much. 

    Cant say I love football too much right now though. I'd say pretty much every change in the last 30 years has made the game worse and made me dislike it a little more...Premier League, Champions League, FFP, VAR, rule changes...I dont think there has been a positive change for the game since the abolition of back passes. 

    I may be wrong but is it the 2 year business plan that’s gone away. I thought the restrictions imposed are just for this season. 

    Been a manic day at work so may have got that wrong

  5. 10 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Austria are putting non vaccinated people under house arrest ,, that’s the topic 

    Anyone over the age of 12 who has not been double-jabbed is now only allowed to leave their homes for work, school, exercise and buying essential supplies - with the lockdown affecting about two million of Austria's 8.9 million population.

    I know that (in bold). Which means it's not house arrest either. Like I said, stop it please.

  6. 2 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Mmm. I only studied economics to A-level standard and that was a lifetime ago so, I don’t profess to fully understand it all but if the government could spend what it likes and borrow the money from itself then why bother raising money at all through taxes? Why not spend what they like and just get the Bank of England to create a bit more money? Why issue bonds or raise money through National Savings and Investments?

    It needs an economist to answer the question but, presumably, if they just create more money it would seriously devalue the currency already in existence. 

    Yes, devalue the currency and also cause hyper-inflation, wiping out everyone’s savings. 

    “Printing money” is fine for some things like maybe infrastructure projects but as soon as it starts to feed demand inflation, then it can quickly escalate into a cycle of ever rising costs. Inflation is currently going up but that’s Supply inflation, which is highly likely to burn itself out in a few months because the supply chain issues are likely to be temporary. 

  7. 20 minutes ago, Archied said:

    I’m on board mate , just send me a cheque for 30 k and I will rush out and buy an electric van???, £60 + per WEEK to work out of a van I was pushed into buying ,,, erm yeah where do you think normal people magic up all this money up from?

    That's why I said these things will get cheaper, either by economies of scale or by government help. Both will have to happen IMO.

    20 minutes ago, Archied said:

    tax to change behaviour, you mean ones that force you to change from petrol to diesel? Pushing up manufacturing and throw away , where’s this revenue going ?  Hamster wheel springs to mind 

    I'm on my 5th diesel car for the same reason but my next one will probably be hybrid or electric (if I can afford it).

    There are plenty of websites which tell you how tax revenue is spent, if you care to look.

    20 minutes ago, Archied said:

    but the reply was to you saying taxes were only going up because of covid , so you accept it was a totally wrong statement and there is an issue to be debated re emptying the pockets of those with least ability to pay whilst actually doing bugger all?


    No, because I thought you were referring to the recent increase in NI and freezing of tax bands.

    I'm not going to debate with you unless you can leave out the politics of it, which isn't allowed & I've been careful to avoid.

    Climate change is beyond politics. It has to be.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Really ,,,,? I suppose you don’t consider the £12.50 per day for me to go to work in my van inside the north/ south circular a tax , never mind the original congestion charge ? have you looked at your energy bills for green energy subsidy charges? Have you looked at vehicle road tax sliding scale ? Present and future tax on certain foods ? Do you really need me to go on with further list of taxes and taxes under a different name? 

    Of course they're taxes but a tax is either to generate revenue or to bring about behaviour change. The ones you mention are both.

    There are ways to pay less of the taxes you mention: Have a less polluting vehicle and use less energy. That's what they have been designed to bring about.

    Low/Zero emission vehicles exist and they will get cheaper

    Lower emission home power/heating exists and will get cheaper.

  9. 13 hours ago, Archied said:

    Yep that’s admirable and makes sense if we all do it and I reckon more and more would if those at the top were honest and genuine , instead they just tax us more and more whilst aiming for economic growth ( how’s that work) ??‍♂️

    Taxes are only going up at the moment due to the impact of Covid. That's not a political point but an economics one.

    What worries me about this post is the implication that the masses don't have to do their bit until "those at the top" prove that they are. That's utterly self-defeating where climate change is concerned.

    My last point in the original post was about those who can make better choices have got to make sure they do. Now. Waiting for everyone else to do it first is what's got us in this mess.

  10. I couldn't find the previous thread we had about this but....

    Every little helps, and all, but I can't help but think that COP26 isn't going to end up with anything strong enough to actually make much of an impact on the efforts to slow climate change. Reports including vague targets and promises but with no mechansim to enforce them - even if they do include countries like USA/China/India/Brazil.

    Elected politicans are never going to make the decisions that are required because they're too afraid of losing votes from those who don't (or can't afford to) care about their climate impact, and most of them will be long gone before they can be criticsed for not meeting the targets they agreed.

    Those of us who can make the "right" choices have got to start doing so. the market will then have to change to meet demand. More change and pressure from the bottom up - cos top down isn't going to do it on its own.

  11. Happy Death Day 2U (Free on Prime)

    I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. The first one (Happy Death Day) was an interesting premise and pretty well done, with a university student who re-lives the day of her murder until she works out who the killer is - and stops them.

    This one expanded on the premise and explained how the events of the first one happened - and with some extra comedy bits thrown in, was an entertaining watch.


  12. Recently stumbled across the Annika series on Alibi channel.

    Apparently from a Radio 4 production orignally and starring Nicola Walker as the lead detective.

    It's a fairly light murder detective series set in Scotland but what I love is the natural and witty script - with people actually talking to each other like they might in real life. The main character sometimes breaking the 4th wall to talk to camera was distracting for a short while but even that is usually to share a sarcastic comment or just a look.

    Enjoyable & entertaining. 8/10

  13. I've only attempted to do fireworks at home once. Spent about £50 for a pretty underwhelming "display" accompanied by a mental image of my face being blown off every time I lit one of the bloody things. Never again.

    I'm not a dog owner & our cats don't give a stuff but I totally get the objections to fireworks. I've been to and enjoyed organised displays in the past but it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if they were got rid of.

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