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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 1 hour ago, ilkleyram said:

    No, blaming the refs is the correct option for two reasons. Firstly because they are the solution and secondly because they are allowing the teams, including us though we’re not as bad as others, to get away with it. 

    If we wanted all the gamesmanship that is time wasting stopped then the refs have to clamp down on it. I doubt they see it as a problem. 

    I will agree that the FA/EFL and refs could all take stronger action but the root cause remains the players and coaches. As has been said, a ref has to work on the assumption that an injury is real until demonstrated otherwise.

    Anyway, this is all sour grapes IMO. We do it. They do it. It's not right.

  2. 2 hours ago, The Key Club King said:

    I can see why grassroots football is struggling to recruit refs. Players feigning injury is almost impossible to prove with 100% certainty and clubs know this and instruct their players to go down to break the rythmn of the game when holding out for a win. Derby County do the same and we tolerate it when we are winning. This is not the referee's fault, it is the players who are cheating and given what happened to Christian Eriksson in the summer anybody feigning injury should be utterly ashamed of themselves. Boy who cried wolf and all that.

    100% agree. I hate it when our players do it but there wouldn't have been a mention of it on here if that was us time wasting at 2-0 up.

    The players are doing it, encouraged by the coaches and management.

    Blaming the refs is the easy option.

  3. The Uninvited.

    I was trying to find a decent horror film that I hadn't seen before, for halloween, and got robbed of £3.49 by Prime for this tosh.

    A girl suspects her dad's new girlfriend is involved in the death of her mother. Blah blah....stupid cheesy twist and a title that bears no relevance to the film. I quite like Elizabeth Banks but she was totally wasted in this. Avoid.

    Very little/10


    When I'd seen this, I went channel hopping and watched the end of both The Shining and then IT Chapter 1 - and wished I'd spent the evening re-watching either of these instead.

  4. 5 hours ago, David said:

    Love to know what you are all dressing up and celebrating Halloween for, other than because it's fun.

    Whilst I'm not religious, I see Christmas as a time to spend with family, friends, end of the year, eat and drink loads, restock the sock drawer. Makes sense.

    Halloween though, I just don't get it. There is no logical thinking or reasoning behind it other than "it's fun" from what I can see.

    And even that doesn't really wash with me, doesn't look fun, looks like a whole lot of effort to load your kids up with sugar.

    There are a lot of fun things that can be doing without being a nuisance to others that are just trying to have a quiet night in.

    And this is what I don't get, if you dress your house up "celebrating" Halloween and then go out trick or treating, who's left at home to answer the door and give the kids sweets when you're out begging yourselves?

    No wonder houses with no decorations end up getting targeted whilst you lot were out being anti social.

    Wouldn't it make sense to just stay in and give your own kids sweets? 

    Side note, I went to the pub and it was rammed, not a table spare or costume to be seen, reckon everyone had the same idea, let's go out to avoid this nonsense.

    No Fun GIF by Adult Swim

  5. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    You’re really missing the point then. We definitely bought and gave away more sweets than we collected last night. It’s not about the begging. 

    you want to come round here and see how much fun the kids are having. it’s like a 1second Christmas for us. 

    you’ll always get the odd toe rag. When people are out trick or treating, they’ll just leave a tub of sweets outside their door. Apparently there was on group of kids just clearing them out and pissing off. Literally everyone has a ring these days though, so the little idiots have been caught on camera a ton of times. Generally though, it’s a great day and good fun is had by all.


    Same here.

    It doesn't really happen on the street we live on, so we go up to a nearby new development, where some of Miss Wolfie's friends live, and they go for it in a big way. Loads of houses decorated and lit up etc.

    Loads of groups of kids & parents going round last night & as far as I could tell, the rule that if a house isn't decorated - you don't knock on the door, appeared to be impeccably observed. The kids loved it. One or two of them last night were saying they prefer it to Christmas. Could have saved a fortune on presents!

    I never did it as a kid - seeing as I grew up on a farm in the peak district & the nearest house was about a mile away.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    You're at a party and you want to take a girl back home with you.
    Do you:
    (a) stand in the corner hoping an attractive girl comes over to you.
    (b) talk to a girl you like

    My perception of the Rams Trust is them taking option a. Option b tends to be a lot more successful. 

    See my response to the first bit.
    For the majority, talk to them, get to know them, then they might join

    It's about having a broader understanding of the differing views/opinions rather than reaching a consensus. If you only used Twitter to gauge opinion of any specific political party, you'll have a very narrow viewpoint which isn't truly representative of the overall population. Similar applies here. This forum is home to the largest group of Derby fans, with a massive range of opinions

    People don't usually join something they don't [think they] like. However, if they're shown that it isn't actually as bad as made out (public engagement) then they will join. 

    Most disappointing post ever.

    From the beginning bit, I thought you were sharing a Cosmo sex quiz.

  7. On 25/10/2021 at 14:39, MuespachRam said:

    Maybe 4 or 5 years ago I saw someone about my age (45ish) in jeans and thought, give It up brother, jeans aren’t for old people…. Anyway, that day I stopped wearing them, I grabbed a pair out of the wardrobe this weekend and gave them another go…nope, that’s It, I’m too old for jeans…

    Depends on the jeans.

    I wear smart jeans for work & tend to wear good quality darkish ones most of the time when I'm out & about (I'm 48).

    I take your point if people my age are trying to wear ones that their kids would: faded, torn & either skinny or baggy, depending on the current style.

  8. 15 hours ago, Parsnip said:

    TalkSport is the sister site of TalkRadio which @cstand and @G STAR RAM are probably avid listeners and @Carl Sagan is probably a contributer (or is frantically emailing the HQ with his CV!).

    It's an excellent media outlet. 

    I'm off to grow mesen some concrete!


    Am I the only one who though of this when I saw that...


  9. 9 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Well it could be they are seeing who can pay big debts first and get club out of admin and embargo lifted it be wise give roony some money to play with and maybe we get some players permeantly but also offer new deals to players.


    5 minutes ago, Crewton said:

    If we are allowed to sign any players in January, I'm pretty sure they'll only be free agents or loanees, particularly if avoiding relegation looks a long-shot.

    Plus we're going to be subject to an agreed (2 year?) business plan with the EFL, so god knows what player budget they would allow us to have!

  10. A couple of interesting snippets from the BBC live feed....


    We've got more from Oxford vaccine chief Prof Pollard, who says the "vast majority" of intensive care patients in the UK are unvaccinated.

    According to the latest goverment data, there are 8,239 people in hospital with Covid in the UK.

    But those who are vaccinated are having shorter hospital stays and milder symptoms of Covid, Pollard says.

    Measures such as booster doses will help the impact on intensive care but it was also key to vaccinate those people who have not had the jab yet, he says.


    Prof Sir Andrew Pollard, one of the scientists behind the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, is giving evidence to the Commons' science and technology committee this morning.

    He begins by saying while there is "a lot of transmission at the moment" it is "not right" to say comparisons with other countries can be made.

    The UK's "very high" number of cases is "partly because of our very high test rate" so it is "important not to bash the UK" with international comparisons.

    Germany actually has the highest test positivity rate in Europe, he adds.


  11. 27 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Aside from whoever this guy is, is the fact the EFL are (based on what he is saying) demanding proof of £100 million in liquidity not a bit concerning? Do they do that with everyone that tries to buy a football club?

    It sounds like they are moving the goalposts on a daily basis with us. I am more and more convinced by the day that they want to force one of their founding member clubs out of existence.

    It's the administrators who are insisting on the £100m liquidity, not the EFL.

  12. I joined Twitter during Lampard's tenure, because some of the tweets from him and Jody Morris were entertaining but hardly ever looked at it really. I really ought to set up a twitter page for my company but have resisted it so far.

    If it wasn't for 2 or 3 good Facebook groups I'm in, I would hardly ever use that nowadays as well.

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