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Posts posted by roboto

  1. 1 hour ago, Sparkle said:

    It will be an interesting team selection mainly due to all the international games and players returning late or with knocks. I am expecting us to be moving to 3 at the back with the two wing backs especially against Birmingham and WBA 

    Will be difficult to cover that from the bench with Fozzy suspended for 3 games.

    I expect that our current style of play is our main focus and we won’t be changing to match up against opponents unless we need to during the match.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

    Well the same wigan negotiated 20% sell on for lowe who is going to Bournemouth for £1.5 million at the same time 

    But that’s not an appearance fee. It’s a sell on clause. None of us are 100% sure on the ins and outs of the contract, but Marshall has made 33 appearances for us (according to Wikipedia). What sort of number do we think the supposed appearance fee kicks in at? 34? 35? 40? All a bit odd as a number to slap into a contract and his 50th appearance is far enough away to have him on the bench if needed.

  3. I don’t think it’s down to add-ons for Wigan as I don’t think a club in administration would be in a position to negotiate that sort of a structure.

    I think it’s more down to a personality clash or not being the right sort of character for Rooney. He was first choice before he was “ill” while players weren’t paid in January, then miraculously got better when the payments went through. Could be a coincidence…

    Then he dropped a clanger against Forest and said he was too injured to continue and got subbed off. I think it’s been said that Rooney didn’t like subbing him off as it wasted an outfield sub he needed to make, and I’m sure he wouldn’t have said that if Marshall was too injured to actually continue.

    Since then Roos has pretty much held down the starting spot. I just don’t think Marshall wants to fight for his spot here and Rooney is willing to let players that don’t care about the shirt leave.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I watched lots of managers responding when they have been asked directly - Warnock has been very vocal about it and he is correct on this occasion 

    How do you know Warnock is correct? Did he supply some factual information to you or anyone that most players haven't been vaccinated? II've searched and found the recent Warnock article, but that's one club. The other news stories I fund were the Sun and Daily Mail (with Sport Bible quoting these articles). Not to say there's not some truth, but these papers usually ham things up to add a bit more spice to the story and I'd be shocked if the majority of players aren't vaccinated or had their first dose by now.

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I would just like some decent evidence regarding it before we all jump to conclusions.

  5. 1 minute ago, Sparkle said:

    Unfortunately it seems that most footballers are not vaccinated and personally I think countries shouldn’t let them in unless they were, it would change that attitude very quickly and to be honest most clubs should insist on it.

    Did a bit more reading and "Elite Sportspersons" don't need to quarantine on return from an amber list country even if they aren't fully vaccinated.

    Where did the information about "most footballers are not vaccinated" come from? It would be interesting to read a report on professional sportspersons uptake on the vaccine. As far as I was aware, a lot of sports people are fully vaccinated, especially Olympic athletes and those who travel globally regularly to do their job. It would seem very backwards to allow people to fly around the world because they earn a few extra quid for kicking a ball around without them having some sort of assurance that they'd been vaccinated or were extremely careful about how they conduct themselves outside of their work bubble.

  6. Game changed when Lawrence went off. Stretton and Buchanan came and and did well, but Lawrence was the best player on the pitch today.

    Without more squad options we will struggle to see out games comfortably and it is hard for Rooney to make positive attacking substitutions with what he has available.

    But local derbies aren’t always a true reflection of form and I believe we can kick on after the international break and secure more points.

    Shout out to Jozwiak who had another good game for us going forward, yeah he made a couple of errors here and there, but overall he was a real threat and made problems for the Forest defence.

  7. I like the Baby by the Ramones suggestion, but it is a bit slow and doesn’t feel too different to other teams songs. Could do with something more modern/up tempo to get the atmosphere dialled up to 11.

    How about…

    Rammstein - Sonne (“Here comes the Derby…”)

    White Town - Your Woman (Derby’s very own 90s anthem)

    Kaiser Chiefs - Ruby (replace Ruby with Derby for the chorus and really wind up the Leeds fans)

    The Shamen - Move Any Mountain (just a banger with a catchy chorus)

    Metallica - Enter Sandman (nice build up intro and easy to remember chorus)

  8. The official statement mentions the academy bubble. I'm pretty sure it would be mentioned now if the senior squad needed to self isolate too. Of course, there is a chance that some in the senior squad might test positive in the coming days, but hopefully the staff are all doing their best to limit the spread once it's in the camp.

    Weren't there a couple of u23 players missing from recent matches due to them testing positive and living together? Perhaps a couple more have tested positive since and that's enough for us to ask the PL2 authorities to reschedule our matches.

  9. If you’d told me this time last week we’d collect 4 points and have 2 clean sheets from the next two matches then I’d have snatched your hand off.

    Although I think the point is a good point, I think it might be a couple of points dropped really. They were there for the taking in the first half and rarely put Roos under pressure all game.

    I hope Baldock is ok, another striker injury is the latest thing we need right now, but Stretton looked bright when he came on.

    Still a good result to build on and the defence looks assured and sturdy.

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