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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 18 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    It's not.  The academy is a lot older than ours built in 1998. The head coach there is Marc Bridge-Wilkinson who played for us at the start of his career and then played many years at Port Vale, before coaching at Huddersfield, so I'm not seeing a marked improvement in coaching either. It's for the first team with some facilities for u23's who they expect to move to the first team soon.   But there you go. No point arguing with you.  I'll leave you to your opinion on it.



    The new centre is for the first team and academy.

  2. On 17/01/2021 at 12:32, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    I'd say the same for Detectorists. Definitely worth a watch, even though the premise (two middle-aged men walking around fields with metal detectors) sounds terrible.

    Detectorists is fabulous. I really didn't want to say goodbye to them.

    'It's the Holy Grail of metal detecting.'

    'No, the Holy Grail is the Holy Grail of metal detecting.'

  3. 6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    Not even relevant. They’ve got promoted and invested nothing in the squad. Not a manager ever existed that would keep them out of a relegation battle. 

    Perhaps not. But when Bilic was sacked, they were 2 points from safety. It's now 6 and they have the worst goal difference by 11.

  4. 1 hour ago, hughesy 1984 said:

    But I thought Gordon was the best player since sliced bread? It seems the same people who are saying this and wanting more money/ devastated that he’s leaving. Are also saying he wouldn’t improve the worst attack in the league? 

    ive never seen anything of the lad, but he can’t be that good if he people who have seen him play are saying he wouldn’t improve us. 

    I thought he was the real deal, when I was thinking of a loan back option. If he’s miles off then it’s obviously a non starter 

    He's 16. He's not the best anything. He's a prospect, not the real deal. I can't think of many 16-year-olds ever that were the real deal.

    Like any 16-year-old, he's got a long way to go.

    It's a bit like saying I'm a prospect for pope. To become pope, I need to find God, convert to Catholicism, attend seminary etc. But I've got all the right attributes - I'm a bloke.

  5. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Perhaps he could have a chat with Duncan - can he tell him about the chances of playing for the 1st team coming through Liverpool's Academy?

    Have you noticed how many academy products Liverpool have had in their match day squad of late? They have 3 playing even as we speak. And another 3 on the bench. One of those playing today is considered one of the best in his position in the whole world.

  6. 7 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Thanks for the reply, intoned with the same sarcasm as your own.

    I've not stated anywhere that is was selfish, only (and I'll say this one last time politely) that I find it disappointing when young players like Delap and Kaide fly the coop before spending a single season playing for the senior squad of the club that nurtured them.

    You can project all you like in order to satisfy your urge to sermonise, but if you can't even discern the sense of the posts you berating, then nothing I can say will change YOUR mind either.

    The post accusing his parents of being more interested in paying their mortgage that you cited in your first reply isn't even one of mine, but that's not stopped you quoting me in your response. I think to date that I've always been respectful in my interactions with you, so it's disappointing that you don't feel the need to reciprocate. I'm going to leave it there now in any case.

    I haven't, I promise. I referred to 'those who ...' and 'some people'.  My purpose was to reply to you and add other comments too, so that I don't have to leave half a dozen posts, which has worked out well. The remarks I made about the lad's parents were not aimed at you. I thought that was clear in the first post and the follow up. Apologies for it not being so.

    My mind is open to change when someone comes up with actual verifiable information. That mind is not going to change on the basis of rumour.

    The sarcasm is not there. I was grateful for your reply.

    The boy will make his decision based on what he wants with advice from his parents. I have no reason to believe that decision will be based on anything other than what's best for the lad.


  7. 32 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Well firstly, that's your opinion and others are entitled to theirs. Secondly, I've not mentioned his parents in any other context than him not being of legal age and therefore the ones most likely to decide whether a 16 year old boy moves to a different city or not. And thirdly, the point I made in the first place was that it was disappointing he'd not decided to stay at the club that helped nurture his talent. I haven't labelled him at all just said I understand others being miffed. Not sure what it is in that opinion that warrants your holier than thou sermon to be honest, nor having received it do I very much care. While you may not care a jot who comes or goes, others very much do, as is their prerogative.

    Thanks for the reply.

    We are all entitled to our opinions. And we are all entitled to challenge others' opinions. There are so many opinions in this thread based  on tittle-tattle and assumptions. And these seem to be orientated around the worst possible motives - selfishness, greed etc. Neither you nor anybody else has any basis for these assumptions. 

    Some people on here just want to think the worst of people, including at least one person who projected the stuff about the parents (this wasn't aimed at you but 'those' that did). I'm quite willing to accept that it's 'holier-than-thou' to point out that not a great attitude.

    You and I have no idea whether he's decided to stay or not. How can anyone have an opinion on whether he's decided to stay or not? It's not holier-than-thou to point out that this is crap. It's like having an opinion on whether it's Sunday or not. The decision is a matter of fact, not opinion. And we are not party to that information.


  8. 5 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Which makes a lot more sense to me, quite frankly and is precisely why I voiced some disappointment in the first place. Kaide gets offered a pre-contract which he knocks back because a) doesn't want to stay or b) doesn't want to commit. Club therefore in position whereby he could run down the scholar's agreement and simply walk. Club therefore decides, when offers come in, to take them seriously and a) maximise the potential windfall or b) minimise the loss, depending on your outlook.

    All scenarios are triggered by the non-signing of the player so whilst there's plenty for us to be annoyed about with the club right now, the 'orchestrated' horse-trading of academy prospects ain't one of them. Equally, painting Kaide and / or his parents as innocent and hard done by is pretty disingenuous to say the least. 

    Anyways, now I am pissed off as opposed to mildly miffed, so best I say no more.

    Firstly, we have no idea, despite what some have said on here, what the lad or his parents think or what the have done.

    Secondly, the club didn't get him signed up as a scholar for his benefit. They did it for themselves.

    Just like every other 16-year-old, he has to assess the options for his future and in that assessment, he and his parents aren't going to consider the feelings of the club or its supporters. Even if they do, one glance at this place would be enough to demonstrate that our feelings are not worth bothering with.

    How dare the lad not have the same commitment to his employers as the rest of us have.

    Those that have suggested that the parents motives go no further that paying off their own mortgage should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


  9. 16 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    No. Peed off with hearing about it now- absolutely.  It's desperate stakes if the biggest thing surrounding the club this window is the future of a a player who's just got onto solids.  If he thinks he's better than a club were he's going to get plenty of games in front of a normally large support fine. Get on with it  . Go ahead - we get cash, he gets it, we pay wages and might get a loan in. He'll get games here but wants to jump that hoop and move to the next one thinking he's good enough at 16 to do it .He might be, but it's one in a hundred .All likelihood he gets swallowed at a bigger club with more resources and bigger fish and in a few years he'll be back in this league with little game time. 

    Or he knows the chances of making it are slim, so make hay while the sun shines.

    Good luck to the lad.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    If he's off he needs to crack on, the media have been on about for 3 weeks.  Nice signing on fee for him, we have wages to pay.  He could have got games here soon, but if he believes he's to big a player for a club with a 25-26k attendance at 16, I look forward to seeing him get his three league cup games in three years at Liverpool then a move to Barnsley.  On we go with those that want to play here.

    This just sounds bitter

  11. 5 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    "The King without a sword. The land without a king!" 

    Gotta be at least an 8!

    I so desperately wanted to like it more. Even when Cheri Lunghi gorremoff in the woods, I couldn't take it seriously.

    On a side note, the actress who played Arthurs mother was John Boorman's daughter, who presumably directed the sex scene she was in. Weirdos.

  12. Excalibur. Not seen it for years.

    Completely over the top.

    Nicol Williamson really giving it some as Merlin and Patrick Stewart does a lot of shouting.

    Even the dismembering of assorted pawns manages to look camp.

    It's difficult not to see it as a remake of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I even found myself saying, 'It's only a model' and singing, 'we dance when e'er we're able,' at various points.

    The armour is very shiny indeed.


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