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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. On 08/06/2021 at 09:34, JoetheRam said:

    If one thing's for sure on this, Oliver Dowden and Boris Johnson should keep their noses out and their mouths shut. Let the game deal with it however it sees fit, and we can debate the rights and wrongs all day, but keep the politicians' culture wars out of the sport (and all sport for that matter).

    Personally, can't believe the ECB didn't know of these tweets beforehand (given he was sacked by his county for unprofessional behaviour when he was 19 - presume that related to this).  Do some due diligence ECB! Secondly, can't believe some hack has sat on this for 10 years just to make the story as big as it could be when it comes to light - trash journalists/media strike again.

    Given Johnson's previous on the topic of race, I wonder if his intervention might have the opposite effect from the one he intended.

  2. 1 minute ago, JoetheRam said:

    I don't really understand the approach in the last two friendlies.

    Surely getting players on the pitch who are going to play together would be better preparation than playing a bunch of players not in the squad and a bunch of fringe players who you hope to God barely play a minute in the tournament?

    Tiredness, fitness management blah blah blah I suspect.

    Or that Man City and Chelsea players were unavailable for either game.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Definitely Euro's, where the apostrophe is there to indicate the missing letters.

    Euro[pean Championship]s = Euro's ?

    Nah. It's a pluralised abbreviation. No apostrophe. Like vets or labs.

  4. 21 hours ago, Pearl Ram said:

    Like that Everton away shirt. Expect their fans are a bit more grown up about having a bit of their neighbours colours on their shirts mind. 

    There is no way you could describe most Evertonians as 'grown up'

    Our Santa Dash charity run has to have a blue santa costume option; Christmas jumpers have to have a blue option; the wheely bins in Liverpool are purple (ie red and blue mixed together) etc etc etc

  5. 1 minute ago, AshfieldRam said:

    It's that time of the year again when the sports companies bring out a multitude of shirts for fans to pay another £60 to buy. 


    I have to admit though, this Liverpool shirt might be the worst i've seen in a long time! Looks like Roma said they didn't want it so they put Liverpool's badge on as an afterthought 



    A straw poll of the reds in our office showed 100% disapproval. Neither of them liked it.

  6. 14 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Liked Johnny, had a bit of character.

    Better than anything we have replaced him with since (apart from Wilson, who was never ours.) 

    But I think we need to be finding our next Johnny Russell rather than trying to get him to replicate his form from six years ago.

    Se also Chris Martin, George Thorn etc.

  7. 3 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    Typical bully characteristic - good at dishing it out but not so good at taking it. Daft thing is that the average football fan says far worse things abbout Allardyce.....

    He's a Bamford

  8. 3 hours ago, Jram said:

    Probably a no.. in my head he’s really good because I’ve seen him score once or twice but he’s clearly not given his apps and the fact Huddersfield are letting him go

    Many players are being let go because clubs can't afford to keep them. Clubs are skint.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    I’m not offended by swearing. I’m offended by censoring. Read properly. Either play it as recorded or not at all. 

    Not playing it is censoring. What the radio stations would actually be saying is that artistes should write lyrics etc on the station's terms, not as an expression of the lyricist's thoughts and feelings.

    Ironically, I can't give any examples because this forum is censored.

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