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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 7 hours ago, JoetheRam said:

    FA Cup final day being interrupted by; first the News at 1, secondly Bargain Hunt. Also it not kicking off at 3pm.

    Bring back Gerald Sinstadt onboard the team coach from hotel to Wembley, as a helicopter tracks it from above.

    And cup final It's a Knockout with Stuart Hall.

    Er, maybe not.

  2. 4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    Well if it's the one I read then yes it did. 

    We don't mind criticism of anyone related to the club. But it has to be done per the rules of the site. 

    This thread is evidence we don't mind posts critical of Mel Morris. 

    Can you pm me the text please?

  3. 37 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Okay, posts that are critical of Mel Morris' tenure as owner are not taken down.

    Posts which contain personal insults of Mel Morris are.

    The same applies to other previous or future owners, players, other posters.

    How difficult is it to grasp the difference? Quite difficult for some people judging by the number of posts we have taken down in the last twenty four hours.

    If in any doubt please re-read the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you joined the message board. If you don't agree with them, you are welcome to find somewhere else to post your personal insults. I hear Twitter aren't too fussy! 

    Yet I had one taken down about Keith and MacKay that was factually accurate.

  4. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I think brilliant is a bit of an overstatement but was his best display for quite some time.


    Though one might make an argument for it being comparative. As in 'he was brilliant compared to Waghorn' etc.

  5. There's no leadership on or off the pitch. After we concede, we have a spell of a few minutes (or more) where we completely go to pieces. We panic. There is nobody prepared to get a grip of the team and get them focused on the job at hand. Once we've settled, it's often too late. I bet they teach this on those coaching courses.

    Just watching the build up to the Wolves game on the BBC and they were talking about the leadership qualities of Conor Coady. We just don't have anyone like that.

  6. I noticed that when Sky were advertising upcoming sporting attractions, they showed various clips of people scoring goals, hitting and generally being successful. Except for F1, where they showed lots of crashes. Is this what people watch it for? The hope that one or more people are so brazenly bad at it that they wreck their equipment as well as themselves and others?

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